Single fragment preserving the lower part of the neck, handle, and shoulder, as well as the top of the body. Black surface is worn, and the red surface is stained.
Single fragment preserving slightly more than half of the tondo.
Single fragment preserving the body of the cock, missing head, legs, and part of tail.
Single fragment preserving only the head of female figurine, broken at the neck. In good condition, crack at top of nose and slightly worn but features still clear.
Single fragment, roughly triangular preserving most of the flat bottom and approximately 1/4 of the arc of the lower part of the body. Large crack lengthwise down the fragment. Some whitish-gray deposits on the exterior and brownish-gray deposits on the interior.
Single fragment preserving chimney mouth, formerly attached to 34.8.7
Single fragment, preserving part of handle, formerly attached to 37.8.7
Lid intact and complete except for a large chip missing from the rim. Lekanis comprised of three or more rejoined pieces, rejoined with some plaster restorations, preserving one handle, most of the foot, and approximately 2/3 of the body of the bowl.
The surface on both parts is somewhat worn, with whitish-gray patches, chips and scratches, and some black glaze eroded.
Single fragment preserving the entire base; black band is faded and chipped
Single fragment preserving the upper part, from the head to the lower part of the chest. Chipped at the top. Decoration is almost rubbed off in many places.
Single fragment, preserving part of the top of the figurine.
Single fragment, preserving the top of the figurine, broken off at the top of the shoulders. Features well preserved; traces of dark red on hair.
Single fragment preserving some of the base and the lower part of the body. Missing two large chips out of side of base. Scratches and chips on exterior and interior. Some discoloration to clay and black deposits on the inside.
Single triangular fragment preserving some of the rim. Good condition, though there is a slight chip on the upper part of it.
Two repaired fragments preserving some of the rim
Comprised of 25 of more rejoined pieces, preserving almost the entire vase. The surface, both glazed and reserved areas, have been heavily eroded, especially on interior, rim, handles, and one side of the exterior (around the siren on the right). The surface is also scratched. and stained gray in places
Single fragment preserving half of the bottom of the bowl.
Single fragment, preserving the top of the stele, chipped at the top, with several shallow scratches on the surface. One crack extends from the edge into the uraeus of Re-Horakhty.
Comprised of four rejoined fragments (including RM.1692.64 and RM.1694.64) preserving part of neck, shoulder, half of body, and most of base. Surface dulled.
Single fragment preserving some of a foot. The marble is rough, and there are a number of brown dirt stains, especially around the big toe, and the side opposite to the toes, where the foot has been broken off.
Single fragment, preserving about half of the bowl.
Single fragment preserving half of the body; foot and base is missing. Small chips to rim. Badly fired.
Single fragment preserving part of a (broken) handle and rim; worn and dirty, with surface abraded and deposits covering parts of the fragment.
Single fragment, preserving grey deposits, some scratches.