Complete and intact. There are tiny air bubbles over the surface, as well as small areas of brownish deposit. Detailed markings on face and hands are slightly worn away. The left eyebrow, left eye, nose and mouth however, are all still clearly visible. Material on the resting surface has flaked away in areas. Originally painted red all over.
Fragment; regular shaped chipped band on outside suggests a handle is missing, or there was originally a lip to hold a lid
Two fragments, now separate but originally glued together.
Mouth of jug appears to be missing its lip. Handle appears to have originally been black glazed, however now it is very worn. All decoration and figures on jug are quite worn. There is a large chip on the rim of the base, of the jug.
Originally acquired as a box of fragments in 1950 and restored and repaired in 1978. Repainted at breaks. Glaze remains shiny. Possibly retouched paint (?).
Fragment broken off from a larger item. There is a large amount of white pigment remaining on the suface; this suggests that it was originally white in colour. The nose is quite short, perhaps because it has been worn down.