Good, one handle slightly worn, rim worn away round edges. Large amounts of browny-grey deposit around the rim (exterior and interior), causing wearing of some of the interior decoration. Small string tied to handle (modern)
The red and white colour from the exterior surface are badly faded to only traces remain. Dot of black paint on edge and also touching exposed clay at fracture - possibly modern.
Approximately 1/3 of the original remains (lower right corner), which has been restored with modern plaster, mostly undecorated. Where original paint remains it has been dulled and is scratched.
Modern conservation work is present. Conservation work carried out before fragment came into the museum's possession.
Modern conservation work is present. Conservation work carried out before the fragment came into the possession of the museum.
Handles and foot have been restored and repainted - modern. Incomplete as part of foot / base is missing. Paint chipped around rim and beginning to wear off on main design, especially on side B.
Complete but repaired from fragments, repainting at joins. Plentiful modern incisions. Colours remain apart from the white of the women's flesh.
Complete but not intact. Rim of foot made up with plaster. Decoration worn in places, small holes and scratches all over surface. Lower bands on foot half missing because of restoration with modern materials, as is one handle.
Comprised of one large piece and three small pieces at the bottom, which have been rejoined. Missing the left foot and lower left portion of the figurine (previously restored or reattached: traces of glue and modern white plaster remain. Almost no traces of colour remain, except red on some of the head. White surface covered with grayish-tan deposits. Chipped on the back of the top of the head.
Mouth and upper part of neck modern and intact handle. Most of the black has faded to a light brown color. The neck and mouth has been rebuilt by modern material. The surface appears in fairly good condition, except for some deep scratches around the neck. Left swan scratched face, right swan intact face. There are other small scratches on the surface and bit of flaking and chipping, especially around the edge of the foot.
Comprised of many rejoined fragments, with restorations (large patches on side B and 3/4 of the foot is modern, as is the stem joining it to the base). A long crack extends through the rim and neck at the back. Chips on the handles and the rim. Gloss worn on rim, handles and foot. The gloss on parts of the figure decoration is mirroring.
Comprised of 40 or more pieces, rejoined, with some restroations, but missing handle and lugs on one side. Much repainting on handle, rim, and interior, but animal details are largely original. Complete apart from one of the handles. It has been reconstructed from many pieces and parts are modern fillings.The contours of the black bands inside are fired red. Badly restored.
Surface stained dark, perhaps with modern glaze. Some decoration worn and scratched off; alabastron cracked and repaired at the back end of the sphinx.
(Modern) lacquer over most of surface
Modern wooden foot, joined rougly at the top of the stem. Chipped at the back and on handles; rim scratched; surface stained greyish-brown. Added colours faded and chipped.
Intact, many small chips in the surface, grey deposit over large amounts of the exterior and interior. Large amount of blackening around the nozzle, probably from use. Remains of a modern candle in the reservoir.
Comprised of 30 or more fragments, rejoined and with some plaster restorations; body is joined to stem with a new (rusted) screw. Evidence of modern breaks (on plaster joins). Thick dark grey adhesions on base. Iridescence and other slight deposits on interior.
Comprised of 8 rejoined pieces (although shoulder and body are intact), rejoined, with added resin, paint, and modern accretions around the neck and handle. Stains and yellowish-gray deposits on side and base.