Ure Museum Database

There are 105 objects for which Condition contains → left
11.10.3 Complete and intact. There are tiny air bubbles over the surface, as well as small areas of brownish deposit. Detailed markings on face and hands are slightly worn away. The left eyebrow, left eye, nose and mouth however, are all still clearly visible. Material on the resting surface has flaked away in areas. Originally painted red all over.
13.10.2 Fragment. Single piece from the centre of the blade of the knife, missing the tip and the lower part, where it would have been attached. Worn and abraded all over, especially on the upper left of the ridged surface. Lighter coloured deposits on the other surface.
13.10.28 Head of mother missing, chips in stone near left foot.
13.10.39 Part of hind-quarters broken off, with left hind leg missing. May have carried rider, although now lost.
14.9.118 Intact, a small section from the left eye to the nose is missing, chips around left arm, right arm broken. Chips on legs.
2003.8.62 Chip in left side, black decoration faded.
2007.10.2.2 Intact, but some surface wear on the left side
2007.10.2.209 The head has been worn away - no detail left.
2007.10.2.296 Some damage to the bottom left corner of the cast.
2009.10.2.288 Slightly damaged around the edges and a small circular hole in the bottom left corner
2009.8.136 Cracked on the left side.
22.3.37 Fragmentary with several large chunks having been chipped off from several points including the outisde's upper right section, left part, and bottom, and the inside's bottom and left parts.
22.3.40 Most of rim broken off on front and left side; slight break at top attachment of handle. Leaves and berry pattern almost entirely vanished. Glaze slightly chipped all over.
22.3.42 Intact and complete. Glaze worn and lost in places, particulaly around the back of the body and the handle. Grey deposit on the interior and the left hand side of the body and nozzle.
23.11.31A2 The head is missing. The left arm has broken off below the wrist, and the feet are missing. There are two small holes in the lower skirt.
23.11.31B1 The left arm has broken off at the shoulder, and the lower part of the skirt has broken off diagonally. There is a small chip on the headdress.
23.11.31B2 The head of the figure is missing, as is the right lower quarter of the skirt. The remaining left quarter of the skirt has almost broken away.
23.11.31K1 The left arm is broken off at the shoulder, and the right arm is missing from the elbow. The right leg is missing from the ankle, and the left leg is broken off at mid-thigh.
23.11.31MMM The headdress appears incomplete, and the left arm is broken off at mid forearm.
23.11.31Q There are breaks at the top left and bottom right of the shield rim (indicating a missing spear). The left leg has broen off at the top of the thigh, and the right at knee level.
23.11.31RR The top of the headdress is damaged. The left arm is missing from wrist level, and the right from just below the shoulder. The left foot is absent. The right foot is bent and slightly damaged at the tip.
23.11.31T The head is missing, and the left leg has broken away at mid-thigh.
23.11.31UU Two fragments connected at the waistline. The upper torso fragment is missing the head, and the left arm is broken off at the elbow at a point which seems to continue the fracture line. The lower, skirt fragment is missing the feet.
23.11.31V There is a large notch-shaped section missing from the crest and top of the helmet. The arm extending to the right of the shield is bent upwards, and is missing the hand. The left leg is broken off above the knee; and the right leg is warped to the right, and is missing a foot.
23.11.31XXX The head is missing. Both arms are broken off at the shoulder. The left foot is missing below the ankle, and the right foot is entirely absent.
23.11.31Y The tail of the helmet crest is missing, and a small projection at the top left of the shield indicates where someting has broken off. Both legs have broken off at just below the lower shield edge.
23.11.31Z The head, top of the spear, and left leg are missing, but otherwise in good condition.
25.8.7 Complete but not intact. Can see the join on the inside of the figurine. Lots of flaking on the surface of the figurine, and evidence of white deposit around the face and feet, as well as down the side of the left leg.
34.10.22 Incomplete. Back broken away - had long rectangular opening. Scratches evident all over surface, and white deposit at top of head and down left arm.
34.10.23 Comprised of one large piece and three small pieces at the bottom, which have been rejoined. Missing the left foot and lower left portion of the figurine (previously restored or reattached: traces of glue and modern white plaster remain. Almost no traces of colour remain, except red on some of the head. White surface covered with grayish-tan deposits. Chipped on the back of the top of the head.
34.10.24 Complete but not intact. Top of left arm has broken off and been glued back on. Blue of cloak still faintly visible, but a lot of brown deposit is evident all over the figurine. The top of the head is covered with an even darker deposit, that also encases right shoulder and arm. The swan is also entirely covered by it. Inside the back of the figurine is a whitish deposit, and the surface is very rough, with scratches and air bubbles in it.
34.8.14 Intact and complete. Much of the glaze remains but in areas where it has rubbed of the green pigment is also missing. The painted detail remains in good condition, the face detail however was not painted and has greatly worn away. It would also seem that the left arm has worn down since the pigment is missing and the arm seems stunted cvompared to its companion. There are several obvious cracks around the feet.
35.4.4 The handle has been repaired (rejoined with the body at its spring). There are many bits that have been pitted off from the vessel, especially at the lip and handle, as well as a scratch below the handle. Approximately one third of the vessel (lip, neck, handle and left side of almost half the body) is silvery glossy. The rest is glazed.
42.9.1 Almost half of stephane missing on side B, while the decoration of its remaining part is scraped off almost completely.No decoration on the neck. Deep crack from the beginning of the missing stephane down to the Krater's shoulder. Body pitted over entire surface, although side A is in better condition, with the exception of a gouge under the right arm of the left maenad. Incrustations around the chipped base.
45.10.10 Sixteen fragments that belong to the same kylix. There are parts of the rim and body (a,b,g,k,l,m,n) of the body (c,h,i,j,o) of rim, body and part of the handles (d,e,f), and the base (p). a) Should be rejoined to b. Interior: Layer of white plaster and small bits that have been pitted off. Exterior: Traces of white plaster and a spot that has been chipped off. b) Should be rejoined to a and c. Interior: White plaster and a large spot that has been chipped off. Exterior: Traces of white plaster and small spots that have been chipped off from the left and bottom edge of the fragment. c) Should be rejoined to b. Interior: White plaster and two areas that have been chipped off from the top edge of the fragment. Exterior: White plaster and two small spots that have been chipped off. d) Should be rejoined to e. There are two spots that have been chipped off from the rim and bottom part, as well as some pitting off (rim). Exterior: White plaster and a large spot that has been chipped off from the upper part of the body. The handle is also missing, apart from its lowest part. e) Should be rejoined to d. Interior: There are two spots (rim, bottom) that have been chipped off. Exterior: Traces of white plaster and a spot on the left that has been chipped off. Most of the handle is also missing. f) Should be rejoined to g and h. Interior: There is a layer of white plaster, few tiny bits that have been pitted off and a spot on the left that has been chipped off. Exterior: There is white plaster, a spot that has been chipped off from the top right side and some peeling off of the colour on the handle, whose largest part is also missing. g) Should be rejoined to f and h. Tiny bits that have been pitted off from the exterior. h) Should be rejoined to f and g. Traces of white plaster on the exterior. i) Interior: Layer of white plaster. Exterior: Traces of white plaster. j) White plaster on the interior. k) Interior: Layer of white plaster. Exterior: tiny bits that have been pitted off and slight traces of plaster. l) Could be rejoined to n. Interior: White plaster and a spot that has been pitted off. Exterior: White plaster and some bits that have been pitted off. m) Interior: Layer of plaster and a large spot that has been chipped off from the bottom left edge. Exterior: Traces of white plaster and a spot that has been chipped off from the bottom right edge. n) Could be rejoined to l. Interior: White plaster. Exterior: Traces of white plaster, some pitting off and a large spot that has been chipped off from the decorated area. o) Traces of white plaster on both sides. p) Slightly faded, with a few surface chips on interior and on foot.
45.10.16 Three fragments of an incomplete mouth of Black figure amphora. i) one chip on top edge of rim, one chip bottom tip of inside edge. Outside edge multiple small chips and marks. ii) multiple small scuffs and chips on top edge of moth with one larger chip. Inside edge multiple tiny chips, left outter edge glaze chipped. Exterior edge a few small chips and marks in slip. iii) smallest fragment with lots of damage and chips, white deposits on rim and top of external edge.
45.10.22 There are only 18 fragments preserved from this vessel. These consist of parts of the rim, neck, shoulder and body. a: It is repaired from two fragments, rejoined. Part of the rim (the smallest part of two), neck (including the spring of a triple handle) and shoulder (these consist the second part of this fragment). The fragment is chipped off in many areas (rim: ca. 5 spots/ interior of neck: ca. 10 spots/ neck: ca. 4 spots. There are also gouges on the joining points of the two parts. The upper part (bigger part) of the handle is missing. Apart from tiny bits that have been peeled off from the interior and few deposits, the glaze and colour are preserved in a good condition. b: It consists of three rejoined parts from the vessel's neck. Few bits are missing on the joining point and a spot has even been chipped off, there are deposits and cracking of the colour on the interior, as well as another spot that has been chipped off. Three shallow carvings are also apparent. c: It consists of three parts joined together (two big ones and a small one). Deposits on the interior, three scratches on the exterior, tiny bits that have pitted off and spot that has chipped off from the lower left end. d: Part of the body, colour has fadded away in some spots, and a part has been peeled off. Deposits. e: Part of the body. Deposits but in very good condition, apart from two areas that are chipped off and small bits that are pitted off. f: Part of the body. Apart from deposits in a very good condition. g: Part of the body. Deposits, otherwise in a very good condition. h: Part of the body. Few, tiny bits have been peeled off, also few deposits. i: It consists of two parts of the body. ca. 5 bits have been pitted off and three spots are chipped off; deposits. j: Small fragment in very good condition. k: Small fragment from the body; deposits. l: Small fragment from the body; deposits.
45.6.29 Missing a large part of the left side; chipped on rim.
45.6.71 Intact, very small hole bottom left hand side and a few small chips. Large amount of white deposit all over the lamp.
47.2.27 Lower part of body broken off. Right side of face damaged, although features on left preserved.
47.2.28 Intact, but large part of body broken off, also part of right side of the head. Concretion build up below chin and neck. Large deposits along left hand side.
47.2.29 Lower part of body missing. Concretion all over figurine, especially at the back of the head and left hand side of body.
47.2.31 Intact, although left arm missing and a section from base. Facial features well preserved.
47.2.33 Intact, but bottom of nose missing and right ear more worn than left. Some chipping on the lower body. Some concretion to back around arms and tambourine.
47.2.7 Mended from a number of joining fragments. Small parts filled in with plaster (especially on left side. Gloss flaked off on part of the handle,rim and body. It is not lustrous. Towards the foot, thinly applied gloss that leaves parts of the clay to be seen.
47.6.5 Complete, but the rim, base and mouth are slightly chipped. The vertical handle, once broken off, has been rejoined. The surface is quote worn, and the left side is covered with a large white deposit around the handle; there are similar deposits on the foot and base.
48.12.10 Mouth missing. Some flakes of paint from body have left a rough surface. Part of the white paint flaked off. Gloss is silvered on the lower part of the body. A small chip on shoulder. Gloss flaked off the handle and part of the decoration on the body.
50.12.18 Chip on the exterior to the lower left, while the interior has a small hairline crack (?) beneath the orange circles.
50.12.48 Single fragment, broken off at the top and bottom. Large chip on the left, at the bottom.
50.4.22 Clay is suffering from corrosion, many deposits over surface. Detail lost on some of the features of the ram. Part of left ear broken. Handle broken and rejoined.
50.4.23 Intact, slight anomaly on the left hand side of the nozzle, ware all over the lamp with considerable amounts of wash missing. Outer ring around the discus is misshapen in one place, probably happened in manufacture. Protruding form on the discus has been broken off. Grey deposit in places, blackening at the end of the nozzle, probably from use.
50.5.3 Mouth and upper part of neck modern and intact handle. Most of the black has faded to a light brown color. The neck and mouth has been rebuilt by modern material. The surface appears in fairly good condition, except for some deep scratches around the neck. Left swan scratched face, right swan intact face. There are other small scratches on the surface and bit of flaking and chipping, especially around the edge of the foot.
50.5.4 Single fragment. Relatively clean break along right edge, while the left is more jagged.
51.1.4 Intact and complete. Surface slightly scratched, especially around rim and on the siren's left wing, with some yellowish-white deposits above the siren. Small scratches over surface, especially around the rim, with adhesive on the underside.
51.4.1 The handle is missing, leaving marks (vertical ridges) on the surface. The left (lower) end of the fragment has been chipped off.
51.4.11 Comprised of 7 or more rejoined pieces. Surface worn and scratched, with chips to the rim, half of the left handle broken off, and grayish-white deposits all over..
51.4.6 Two fragments, rejoined, from the body and rim of the cup, in the shape of an elongated hexagon. Chipped on the breaks; slightly worn on the interior; slight gray adhesions on the upper left corner of the exterior and the lower part of the interior.
60.8.2 Complete and intact, but in fairly bad condition. It has been badly fired, which has left the glaze patchy, especially on the back of the body. Fired to reddish brown. Around the rim of the mouth, the glaze has been worn and scratched away to reveal the reserved clay, as it has around the handles. The decoration on the main zone is still fairly visible, but is worn in patches and flaking around the edges. At many parts, clay flaked off. Around the top of the foot is greyish white deposit, also evident around the handles. There is a large chip in the foot. White has faded.
61.6.4 Complete and intact. Pitted slightly at the back of the body. Surface decoration flaked off on lower part of body and foot at the back White deposits on left handle; white stain over front of body large white (salt?) deposit. One of the handles also has this white deposit and the upper part of the footring.
67.6.3 Dark deposits which look similar to mould on front mainly left hand side. Small hole below her right shoulder on the body. Features and clothing remain distinguishable.
71.6.1 Single fragment comprising most of a handle, broken off at the bottom; chipped on left side and generally worn.
73.9.2 Fragment. Handle covered in scratches and patches of wear, especially on left arm. At the bottom of the left arm of handle is a small chip with a white patch in the middle. Rim, and both inside and outside of fragment show more small scratches. Larger scratch diagonally down left, through black band directly beneath the ivy leaf.
73.9.3 Fragment. Handle broken at tip, with small patches of wear all over. Scratch on the left side of the handle, pointing towards rim. Only a suggestion of rim remaining. Pinky, grey deposits on inside of rim and suggestion of the same up the outside of the handle.
78.12.1 Intact, top part of the vertical handle is missing, small hole in the left hand side of the body, chip on the edge of the base. Wash is worn in places, with a small amount of white deposit around decoration. Some blackening around spout.
78.12.12 Intact and complete, wash worn all over, especially on the left hand side of the body, small ammount of white deposit.
78.12.14 Intact, small hole in left hand side of the body, wash fading in places with a large amount of white deposit on the body and on the discus. Chip on surface of discus.
78.12.9 Intact. Handle completely missing, left side of the nozzle is missing. Wash is worn and chipped in places, large amount of white-grey deposit mainly on the base and the interior, blocking air hole.
79.1.15 The fragment is broken to top right of grapes, revealing the underneath jutting out to a point, which has grey, miniscule soil deposits. Decoration is complete to left of grapes but is slighty discoloured due to soil deposits.
79.1.16 Intact, upper portion of handle missing, filling hole shape slightly obscured by missing area of discus. Wash worn in most place, superficial chips in the body blackening along the left side of the shoulder, nozzle and all though the interior.
79.1.17 Complete and intact but surface very worn. Handle and nozzle blackened possibly from burning. White deposit in places. Slight depression on left hand side of the nozzle shaft.
79.1.2 Intact, small section missing from the surface of the lamp on the left hand side causing hairline cracks. White and grey deposits over much of the surface of the interior and the exterior.
84.5.2 Two pieces glued together (adhesive visable on reverse), chipped and dameged at the bottom of join. Small amount of damage to top left edge. Damage to section of bottom edge register.
84.5.4 Complete but joined from three parts, glue used to repair obvious on reverse. Joins clear on front, with the right-hand side join more damage is visible. Small chips on top left hand edge.
87.2.1 Right foreleg and part of tail missing. Left foreleg has been restored. Traces of white slip. The once probably black colour of the decoration is now brown/red. The surface of the figurine is worn and scratched in places.
91.12.2 Intact, however top partially chipped away towards right edge left side. Covered in soil deposits.
E.23.10 The actual pallete is covered with many small scratches, which, combined with the reside of pigments, have left it a light grey colour. There are chips missing from two corners of the base, one larger than the other, with two other chips in diagonal corners of the trapazoid.
E.23.58 Intact but not complete. The bottom left quadrant of the scarab is missing removing the left leg and the left side of the base.
E.62.3 Single fragment. The image is complete except for the large chip in the head of the worshipper. There is also Red pigment remaining on his body. The bottom left of the fragment has no image and is speckled with a grey deposit.
E.62.52 Intact. There are chips all over the object, some that just remove paint others that take some wood as well, particularly on the the left side of the beetle its self. There is a large white deposit on the right wing whcih has collected where some paint has chipped away.
E.62.59 Broken in three (previously written as two) places and a fragment missing. The cracks are very evident and the sealant used has left a glaze on the underside of the pot. There are also several scratches on the base gained through general ware and tear.
E.65.8 Condition is excellent except the leather is stiff and therefore delicate. Left: point is missing from toe, leather straps are broken and incomplete. Right: leather straps complete but broken on the left hand side.
L.2013.10.5 Fair condition with some discolouring and deposits. The left side of the coin is more worn.
L.2016.3.31 Complete. The head has been broken at neck, the right leg at thigh and the feet have been broken off the base slab, but all of them were pieced together. Few whitish-grey deposits around the feet and neck, and very slight scratches on surface; one big chip on left cheek.
REDMG:1947.13.1 The mouth has been repaired from five or more fragments, each handle from three fragments (with some parts missing and restored on the left handle). The body is reconstructed from 15 or more fragments and the foot has been restored in wood. There is a hole (perhaps original). In the base. Slightly chipped on the mouth, pitted, and scratched; traces of white plaster on the external surface, while the interior and bottom are covered with plaster. Faded decoration in patches.
REDMG:1951.150.1 Comprised of 15 or more fragments, rejoined, with a restoration at the rim just behind the left handle. Surface slightly scratched and stained, figures darkened, and greyish-white deposits on underside.
REDMG:1951.1715 Surface eroded on interior; slightly stained on exterior; some minuscule chips on rim. Wheel marks on the exterior. Two holes left by inclusions on the interior.
REDMG:1953.25.105 Good amount of paint remains. Features are still distinguishable. Broken below belt and left side (arm area) missing.
REDMG:1953.25.77 Both nozzles mainly missing, handle missing. Left hand nozzle volute has been restored, small hole from missing fragment, from this hole are radiating hairline fractures to the base. glaze is worn in places, large amount of deposit covering the entirety of the interior and the back portion of the exterior as well as other areas.
REDMG:1953.25.79 Intact, two small chips on the left side of the foot. Wash worn, especially on the back and right hand side of the body. Small amount of white deposit around the foot and on the interior.
REDMG:1953.25.83 Intact if fragmentary. The facial features, especially the nose and right ear, have worn down quite considerably although it is still clear what they are meant to be. The line of breakage is straight, falling from the right ear to the middle of the left side of the neck.
REDMG:1953.25.89 Surface smooth and worn. Chip to right side of face. Right arm lost and lower of left.
REDMG:1964.1605.1 Intact, chip in filling hole rim, top of wick hole, left side of nozzle, left side of body and two chips on the foot. Wash worn and chipped.
REDMG:1964.1608.1 Intact, chips all around the edge of the foot, on the left hand side of the shoulder, filling hole rim, on the top of the nozzle and at the end of the nozzle. Wash worn and chiped in places, deposit mostly on interior.
REDMG:1964.1619.1 Intact, large chip on the left side of the nozzle, score from the rim to the filling hole, large number of small chips. Grey deposit in areas, small amount of blackening around the nozzle, probably from use.
REDMG:1964.1715 Surface eroded on interior; slightly stained on exterior; some minuscule chips on rim. Wheel marks on the exterior. Two holes left by inclusions on the interior.
REDMG:1997.209.1 Comprised of five or more rejoined fragments, repaired with plaster on the neck and left side of body; chipped, especially on the rim; surface darkened (stained) and dulled with grey deposits.
TEMP.2003.6.14 Two joining fragments of the lower part of the body of an amphora. White plaster on both sides (thicker on the interior). There are areas where the colour has been peeled off, as well as some pitting off from the left edge of the fragment. There are also adhesives.
TEMP.2003.6.17 Fifteen fragments that belong to the same kylix. There are parts of the rim and body (a,b,g,k,l,m,n) of the body (c,h,i,j,o) and of rim, body and part of the handles (d,e,f). a) Should be rejoined to b. Interior: Layer of white plaster and small bits that have been pitted off. Exterior: Traces of white plaster and a spot that has been chipped off. b) Should be rejoined to a and c. Interior: White plaster and a large spot that has been chipped off. Exterior: Traces of white plaster and small spots that have been chipped off from the left and bottom edge of the fragment. c) Should be rejoined to b. Interior: White plaster and two areas that have been chipped off from the top edge of the fragment. Exterior: White plaster and two small spots that have been chipped off. d) Should be rejoined to e. There are two spots that have been chipped off from the rim and bottom part, as well as some pitting off (rim). Exterior: White plaster and a large spot that has been chipped off from the upper part of the body. The handle is also missing, apart from its lowest part. e) Should be rejoined to d. Interior: There are two spots (rim, bottom) that have been chipped off. Exterior: Traces of white plaster and a spot on the left that has been chipped off. Most of the handle is also missing. f) Should be rejoined to g and h. Interior: There is a layer of white plaster, few tiny bits that have been pitted off and a spot on the left that has been chipped off. Exterior: There is white plaster, a spot that has been chipped off from the top right side and some peeling off of the colour on the handle, whose largest part is also missing. g) Should be rejoined to f and h. Tiny bits that have been pitted off from the exterior. h) Should be rejoined to f and g. Traces of white plaster on the exterior. i) Interior: Layer of white plaster. Exterior: Traces of white plaster. j) White plaster on the interior. k) Interior: Layer of white plaster. Exterior: tiny bits that have been pitted off and slight traces of plaster. l) Could be rejoined to n. Interior: White plaster and a spot that has been pitted off. Exterior: White plaster and some bits that have been pitted off. m) Interior: Layer of plaster and a large spot that has been chipped off from the bottom left edge. Exterior: Traces of white plaster and a spot that has been chipped off from the bottom right edge. n) Could be rejoined to l. Interior: White plaster. Exterior: Traces of white plaster, some pitting off and a large spot that has been chipped off from the decorated area. o) Traces of white plaster on both sides.
TEMP.2003.6.23 Nine fragments of the same vessel's shoulder (a and b) and body. a) Interior: The upper part seems to have been left reserved, but glazed?, but the lower part is streaky black. There are some bits that have been pitted off. Exterior: Traces of white plaster. There are two small spots that have been chipped off from the bottom of the fragment and some bits that have been pitted off from the joining point of the neck to the shoulder. b) Should be rejoined to c. Interior: Streaky black and two small spots have been chipped off. There are many bits that have been pitted off at the bottom of the fragment. Exterior: Traces of white plaster. There are tiny bits that have been pitted off. c) Should be rejoined to b. Interior: Streaky black, and a spot that has been chipped off. Exterior: Two small spots have been chipped off from the left bottom of the fragment. d) Interior: Has been scraped off. e) Interior: There are spots that have been chipped off. Exterior: There are two large spots that have been chipped off. f) Interior: Streaky black and several bits have been pitted off. g) Interior: Half of the surface has been scraped off and on the rest there are several bits that have been pitted off. Exterior: One small spot has been pitted off. h) Interior: There are large areas that have been scraped and few bits that have been chipped off. i) Interior: Part of the surface has been scraped off and there are bits that have been pitted off on the rest of the surface. Exterior: Two deep, short scratches?
TEMP.2003.6.8 Seven fragments that belong to the same vessel. There is white plaster on both sides of each fragment. b) Adhesives on the exterior. The black gloss has been peeled off at some areas. e) Adhesives, especially on the external left side of the fragment. f) Small bits have been pitted off, and a shallow scratch on the lowest part of the body and a cracking on the central part of the resting surface. g) Looks like it has been flaked off from the vessel.
TEMP.2003.7.30 Intact, complete, paint has faded all over figurine, a chip on the left side of the head, and also on the right arm.
TEMP.2003.7.31 Intact. Part of the left arm is missing, and the majority of the right arm has been broken off. There are surface scrapings all over the figure.
TEMP.2003.7.32 Intact, left arm is missing, shallow chips on the body revealing lighter colour of the stones.
TEMP.2003.7.6 The exterior is dirtier than the other slide, and slightly scratched at the left end. The other side is in a better condition, with a few areas where paint has been scratched away.
TEMP.2007.3.56 discolouration, worn all over; on obverse, text and image worn and on reverse, text on left is clear but right hand side is worn; complete
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