Incomplete: handles, top of false neck, and spout missing. Indications along the shoulder that it had at one time been broken and repaired. Minute cracks and chips on main body and shoulder of the jar.
Incomplete and repaired. Glaze has lost lustre, and much has eroded, especially over the 'tail' end, leaving greyish-buff colour. A later segment has been added to body to replace a missing piece.
Good, but original gem was incomplete
Incomplete, one handle is missing and around half of the rim. The piece has been repaired and consists of 6 pieces.
Incomplete as entire mouth is missing. Large chip on bottom of body and small chips on the foot. Small area of deposit on the base.
Incomplete as one handle and part of rim are missing. Heavy deposits inside and white, thinner ones on mouth and handle. Base damaged so object does not sit properly.
Consists of 7 fragments and 6 more fragents yet to be reconstructed. A small fragment seems to have been missing when most of the cup was put back together, therefore somebody has used plaster to refill the small piece. One of the side handles broken off and most of the side of the cup is incomplete. Bad condition. Black glaze worn. Small soil deposits situated around cup.
The tips of the wings appear incomplete. The head has broken off, and the hem of the skirt is corroded.
Fragmented around the edges with the shield in good condition. Fragmented and incomplete spear, helmet, face, and legs.
The headdress appears incomplete, and the left arm is broken off at mid forearm.
Handles and foot have been restored and repainted - modern. Incomplete as part of foot / base is missing. Paint chipped around rim and beginning to wear off on main design, especially on side B.
Incomplete. The surface condition is not very good, there are small holes and scratchs all over the surface, in and out, as well as fading on the decoration. The rim shows several chips, and the handles are very uneven. The resting surface of the foot is very chipped and uneven.
Incomplete, neck and mouth glued back on, most of foot still missing. Decoration glaze has become very worn. The rim of the mouth is chipped, and there is a large hole in one side of the shoulder. Most of the decoration on the body is missing, the band below it, very faded. Foot barely remains.
Incomplete and repaired. Large area missing from side and smaller fragments missing elsewhere. White deposits inside. One handle missing. Paint remains clear and colourful on the parts that remain.
Incomplete. Most of neck and all of mouth are missing. The decoration all over is very faded, especially on the body, leaving the surface very smooth. There is a large hole in one side just at the bottom of the main zone. The top and edge of the foot is chipped, on the inside of the resting surface is a small hole. There is a small amount of orange deposit on the resting surface of the foot.
Incomplete. Apart from the head missing, there is little damage. There are small holes and scratches on the surface, front and back. The white slip has almost completely worn away, evident now only in small areas.
Incomplete and repaired in seven pieces. The band on the rim, has mostly been rubbed away and on the inside there is a lot of greyish/white deposit. There are lots of small scratches all over the surface, including one long, deeper one at the base of the pot on the inside. On the outside, the glaze has also been rubbed away in patches, and on the leaves there are patches where it has come away in flakes. The foot is in pretty good condition, except for a white/cream deposit.
Incomplete. The sides of the mask have broken away, and the slip is covered in patches of grey/brown deposit. Detail of the face are still evident, but the nose shows areas of wear on the tip. The inside is a pinkish colour, with little evidence of deposit, though the surface feels rough to touch.
Incomplete and repaired and appearing to be extremely fragile.
Incomplete and repaired in many pieces. Paint remains clear although the gloss inside has worn away.
Incomplete. Two missing handles and pieces glued back together. The decoration has faded and shows red instead of black. On the outside especially, much of the decoration has faded or flaked away. Band around the top of the foot very worn. Some small patches of grey deposit on the surface.
Incomplete. Back broken away - had long rectangular opening. Scratches evident all over surface, and white deposit at top of head and down left arm.
Incomplete: neck of jug is missing from the shoulder upwards; the handle is missing; detail slightly faded. Some white deposit.
Three fragments of an incomplete mouth of Black figure amphora. i) one chip on top edge of rim, one chip bottom tip of inside edge. Outside edge multiple small chips and marks. ii) multiple small scuffs and chips on top edge of moth with one larger chip. Inside edge multiple tiny chips, left outter edge glaze chipped. Exterior edge a few small chips and marks in slip. iii) smallest fragment with lots of damage and chips, white deposits on rim and top of external edge.
Incomplete and repaired. Chips removed from rim. Glaze lost.
Design on face has been much rubbed off. Incomplete and repaired with eight segments missing. Handle and body repaired.
Incomplete. One handle and part of side missing. Surface of body in fairly good condition, showing only very small chips and small amount of greyish deposit underneath the handles. Inside the remaining handle is small amount of white deposit. The handle itself is slightly bumpy and chipped on the edges.
The vessel is repaired but incomplete, since a large part (1/4) of foot is missing. The lip is also repaired (from two fragments), but a small part is still missing. There is also a cracking on the interior of the rim. Many small bits have been pitted off from the vessel and a few small spots have been chipped off. Additionally, part of the paint on side A is wearing off. There is plaster on the interior of the mouth, as well as plaster and adhesives on other surfaces ((area underneath the rim and on the one handle) and resting surface bears traces of plaster as well and deposits?
Incomplete. Stem and foot missing leaving a hole in the centre of the cup. Deposits on rim, handles and inside. Glaze remains shiny on exterior surface, although flaking on large part of the rim and the handles. Thinly applied on the rim and fired red. Part of the black paint of the decoration fired red. Black paint smudge partly covering a bird on main band. Scratches on the top of the rim and handles.
Mended from a number of joining fragments but incomplete; noticeable piece missing from front of vessel. Lustre remains. Deposits on base. Interior worn with small amounts of grey deposit. Slight wear and small chips on the body and the resting surface.
Incomplete but cleaned and restored at the Ashmolean by Rickard. Body is compiled of fragments with missing parts filled in with plaster. Five separate unattached fragments. Large chip from foot. Neck, mouth and rim are largely restored but some loose fragments remain. Ruddled areas worn and black paint is scratched.
Incomplete. The figure has broken in half and been glued back together, however, at the back, there is a chip missing still. The grey colour is interspersed with deposit of a dark brown colour, which is even more prominant on the back. The features of the face have almost all worn away, except for the nose. Around the front and sides of the base are white and dark grey deposits.
Incomplete, only a small amount of the cup remains, including one handle. Two pieces are glued back together. The glaze on the outside edge of the rim has completley worn away, and there are small scratches all over the surface. Both inside and out, there are traces of a whitish deposit, except on the foot where the deposit is more of a pinky colour.
Quite badly worn. It has been glued back together using three fragments. There seems to be a fragment missing at the bottom of the statue, therefore the figurine is incomplete. Most of the features of the statue are badly worn. There are many soil deposits all over the figure. Inside the hollow figurine there appears to be some sort of plant.
Complete but the feet have been reattatched, the crack is evident. Most if the glaze is gone, as has most of the green colour. The hieroglyphs are incomplete as are most of the other black details.
Intact and complete, the glaze is gone leaving a rough surgace, a large amount of the green pigment is missing and some details from the mouth, also the inscription is incomplete.
Intact and complete, although the glaze is mostly gone most of the green pigment remains. The details remain clear although the inscription is incomplete.
Condition is excellent except the leather is stiff and therefore delicate. Left: point is missing from toe, leather straps are broken and incomplete. Right: leather straps complete but broken on the left hand side.
Slightly chipped but intact and incomplete (Aphrodite missing head and lower arms)
Incomplete. Only head remains, no body. Lots of detail on both face and head, but both are marred by whitish deposit. Detail at tip of the head has broken off.
incomplete, much of the body and rim missing
incomplete, sherd of rim and part of handle only