Single fragment. There are two spots that have been chipped off from the bottom of the exterior and ca. 5.0 cm from the top of the interior. There are also small bits that have been peeled off from the interior, which is almost covered with white plaster. Traces of plaster are also apparent on the external surface.
Intact. Chip above one handle on outside rim. Deposits on external surface.
Fragment from the rim and neck. There is white plaster on both surfaces. Colour has been pitted off, especially on the external surface of the rim, and peeled off from several spots. The decoration is fadded away on some areas.
Single fragment from the rim and neck of an amphora. There is white plaster on the rim and side surfaces of the fragment, while a thick layer was applied on the external surface of the neck. The decoration is damaged.
Three fragments of an incomplete mouth of Black figure amphora. i) one chip on top edge of rim, one chip bottom tip of inside edge. Outside edge multiple small chips and marks. ii) multiple small scuffs and chips on top edge of moth with one larger chip. Inside edge multiple tiny chips, left outter edge glaze chipped. Exterior edge a few small chips and marks in slip. iii) smallest fragment with lots of damage and chips, white deposits on rim and top of external edge.
Two small fragments that Annie Ure has catalouged as coming from same vessel.i) chips along the edges of the exterior of the fragment as well as on black decoration, White deposits on both external and inrternal sides. ii) exterior shows damage and places where the decoration has rubbed off
One handle and the attached part of the rim are missing. The black colour misfired to red in certain places (e.g. at the handle and at the external side of the rim, underside of the foot, tongues, below the tongues, where the thin line is now reddish-yellow). There are deposits on the exterior of the body and the underside of the foot. Small chips to the rim.
a) There are some spots that have been pitted off, especially at the edge of the rim, as well as some shallow scratches. There is a bit that has been chipped off from the neck and few deposits. b) Many small spots have been pitted off from the edge of the rim, few bits have been chipped off from the neck and there are traces of deposits. c) Should be rejoined to d. Few parts have been chipped off and there are deposits. d) Should be rejoined to c and e. Tiny bits have been peeled off, there is a cracking on the internal surface and traces of deposits. e) Should be rejoined to d. There are some scratches on the exterior and some parts have been chipped off from both sides. f) Should be rejoined to c. Some spots have been chipped off and at some areas the colour has been peeled off. g) Tiny bits have been pitted off, two spots have been chipped off. h) Traces of plaster, especially on the interior. The colour has been peeled off from some areas and there are spots that have been chipped off. i) Traces of white plaster, streaky black on the interior andtwo small spots that have been chipped off. j) White plaster on both sides, streaky black on the interior and many spots that have been pitted off from the exterior. k) Should be rejoined to l. Traces of white plaster on the exterior. l) Should be rejoined to k, m and n. Few, small bits have been pitted off. m) Should be rejoined to l, n, p and o. There are some scratches on the external surface, as well as some bits that have been pitted off from both sides. Two spots have also been chipped off from the interior. n) Should be rejoined to l, m and o. Many shallow, small scratches and few, tiny bits that have been pitted off. Also, a spot that has been chipped off from the external surface and a smaller one from the internal. o) Should be rejoined to m,n and p. There are some scratches on the external surface, some tiny bits have been pitted off and a spot has been chipped off. p) Should be rejoined to m, o and q. Few tiny, shallow bits have been pitted off. q) Should be rejoined to p and r. Two small spots have been chipped off from the interior. r) Should be rejoined to q and possibly s? s) Could be rejoined to r? t) Should be rejoined to o. There are some tiny bits that have been pitted off from the exterior,as well as a shallow gouge and two scratches. u) Should be rejoined to v. White plaster on the interior. v) Should be rejoined to u and w. There are some scratches, some bits have been pitted off and few spots have been chipped off. w) Should be rejoined to v and possibly x? Some scratches on the exterior and a shallow gouge. x) Could be rejoined to w? There is a shallow gouge and three spots that have been chipped off from the exterior. y) Tiny bits have been pitted off. z) Small bit has been pitted off. aa) Should be rejoined to ab. Bits have been pitted off and surface seems to have been scraped off? on the top. ab) Should be rejoined to aa and ac. Bits have been pitted off and colour seems to be scraped off? on the top. ac) Should be rejoined to ab. Bits have been pitted off and colour seems to have been scraped off on the top. ac) Should be rejoined to ab. Bits have been pitted off and the top seems to have been scraped off? ad) Small spots have been pitted off.
The mouth has been repaired from five or more fragments, each handle from three fragments (with some parts missing and restored on the left handle). The body is reconstructed from 15 or more fragments and the foot has been restored in wood. There is a hole (perhaps original). In the base. Slightly chipped on the mouth, pitted, and scratched; traces of white plaster on the external surface, while the interior and bottom are covered with plaster. Faded decoration in patches.
a) Should be rejoined to b. It consists of part of the rim, one handle (the other one is missing) and body of the vessel. Small bits have been pitted off, as well as parts of the colour on some areas. The glaze also seems to be scraped off, apart from the surfaces decorated with palmettes. There are traces of white plaster (on the exterior), especially at the upper part of the handle's springs. b) Should be rejoined to a and c. Part of the rim and body of the vessel. The area above the decoration on the body seems scraped off. c) Should be rejoined to b. It consists of part of the rim, one of the springs of the other handle (that is missing) and part of the vessel's body. White plaster is apparent on most of the external surface. Traces of adhesives? exist on the internal surface of the rim d) Part of the rim and body of the vessel. Adhesives on the rim (interior and exterior). e) Part of the vessel's lower body. Tiny bits have been pitted off from both sides and colour has fadded away on some areas. f) Part of the vessel's resting surface. The foot is missing and there are adhesives and white plaster on the joining point of the foot with the base.
Seven fragments that belong to the same vessel. There is white plaster on both sides of each fragment. b) Adhesives on the exterior. The black gloss has been peeled off at some areas. e) Adhesives, especially on the external left side of the fragment. f) Small bits have been pitted off, and a shallow scratch on the lowest part of the body and a cracking on the central part of the resting surface. g) Looks like it has been flaked off from the vessel.