Fragment. The leaves on the inside and outside of the rim are slighlty worn, with a small chip and crack evident on the outside. The front surface is smooth, the back feels rougher, and has areas of white/yellow deposit.
Intact and complete. There are stresses in the pottery throughout body and base, numerous pits and deposits. One crack starts at the mouth and terminates just before the base, and is visible on the interior and exterior. There is a fingerprint near the base.
Fragment. The surface feels very smooth, but the back is slightly uneven. There is a long crack running down one shoulder and at the edge of the hairline. Little areas of greyish deposit running through contours of body. Once thought to join Reading 14.9.114.
Single fragment preserving only the head of female figurine, broken at the neck. In good condition, crack at top of nose and slightly worn but features still clear.
Small crack running from the top right side
One side missing. Inside has white deposits and traces of red due to bad firing. Crack around top of foot.
Single fragment, roughly triangular preserving most of the flat bottom and approximately 1/4 of the arc of the lower part of the body. Large crack lengthwise down the fragment. Some whitish-gray deposits on the exterior and brownish-gray deposits on the interior.
Black faded and covered in white deposit. Complete but not intact, body made of six fragments joined together. 4cm crack along rim as well as smaller chips. Also chips on base and handles.
The top of the crest is missing, and the solid base is crumpled. The figurine appears distorted, and there is a crack across the centre of the figure.
The tip of the back protrusion has broken off, as have the ends of both arms and the feet. There is a small crack below the lower arm.
Intact. Band around rim covered in scratches and small areas of wear. Daub in centre also scratched, very centre is chipped, with a small crack in the middle and small areas of white deposit. Scratches also evident on the outside, some blobs also slightly chipped. Bottom of base uneven, with a small crack running across the middle.
Foot missing resulting in skyphos not standing upright. Glaze has been lost on the inside of the object. Crack down one side.
Intact. Small crack forming at one handle. Streaky paint on bottom of body, showing red through black/brown. Paint is wearing from outside of body on one side particularly. Dusty white deposits on exterior surface as well as uneven lumps in the walls.
Comprised of two rejoined pieces; join still visible across the back and belly, crack running from right ear to join. Body covered by white and grey depoit, feet are brown and shiny.
Intact. The rim, inside of the bowl and handles, all show evidence of wear, and there are considerable patches where all of the glaze has been removed. There are also small chips to be found on the handles, and on the inside of the rim. Where the glaze has been rubbed away, it has revealed a grey colour. There is also a thin crack running from the edge of the rim, to half way down the first black band. The well in the centre of the bowl is also slightly worn, to reveal a whitish grey colour, as well as a small crack running across the side. On the underside of the bowl, there is more evidence of general wear, including a chip just under the rim next to one of the handles. The bottom rim of the foot also reveals small chips, as well as a crack running across the middle.
Intact. Crack around the base of the neck. Small chips of paint from lip and mouth and handle. Main design is clear and the glaze remains.
The rim next to one handle has a small area of sandy deposit and shows where the glaze has been slightly rubbed away. On the rim near the other handle is a larger amount of a more whitish deposit, which is also on the inside of the pot. The glaze on the handles is marred by large amounts of greyish/green deposit, which also covers a large amount of the glaze lower down the body and on the base of the foot. On the main zone on side A, there is a whiter deposit. On side B, at the foot of Pegasus, there is a deep scratch. In the base of the foot, there is a crack down one side of the well.
Complete but not intact. The top of the mouth has some small chips in it and a small crack inside the mouth. The rim is worn, leaving only a little cross-hatching still evident. At the top and bottom of the handle, is revealed where it has been stuck back together again. There is white deposit on the handle. The surface of the body shows little scratches and wear on the glaze. On the base is a small patch of greyish deposit.
Intact. Crack appearing inside and an area exists where the paint has cracked. Small chips to exterior paintwork.
Complete, but not intact. One handle and part of rim restored. Stuck back together from six/seven pieces. Decoration around rim and handles is worn in patches, with small chips in the surface. Small gaps where the pieces have been rejoined. A few scratches are evident in surface of main zone. Top of stem is rough to touch. Resting edge of foot has chips in it, inside the foot has some sandy deposit and a crack across the centre. Inside the body, the gloss looks silvery, with small scratches on it.
Chips from rim and a crack runs down one side. Glaze worn in small areas on handles.
Handle has been repaired; rim chipped; Gloss flaked off at places on the body, handles and the resting surface; small crack in centre of underside. Intact but assembled from 2 pieces. One handle, part of rim and body assembled.
Complete, intact (?) possible signs of repair on the body. A chip on the true neck on the side facing the false neck. A crack on the false neck. Numerous small chips on the shoulder and body. Two chips on the base.
In two places, part of the rim has broken away. There is also a deep crack in side A, from the part of the rim next to one handle, almost up to the part where the other handle springs from. Colour has peeled off in some places, especially the interior. The body of the satyr to the right of the amphora was a bit damaged when paint was still wet.
Almost half of stephane missing on side B, while the decoration of its remaining part is scraped off almost completely.No decoration on the neck. Deep crack from the beginning of the missing stephane down to the Krater's shoulder. Body pitted over entire surface, although side A is in better condition, with the exception of a gouge under the right arm of the left maenad. Incrustations around the chipped base.
Intact. Black glaze slightly worn. Crack on underside of rim.
Large chip on both sides and a crack on top side. Paint badly worn.
Faded paint on mouth rim. Incision lines remain clear. Intact. Crack in base of handle.
Chips to rim and base. Some wearing of paintwork but enough remains. Large crack runs down the length of the body to foot. Some deposits.
The rim has been reconstructed from 2 fragments repaired. The handle has also been rejoined with the vessel and the whole of the upper part (from rim to end of shoulder) has been reattached to the body. The glaze is shiny in places but has begun to crack in others. There are also deposits on the rim, neck, shoulder and foot / base. Several bits have pitted off from the body.
Chip on the exterior to the lower left, while the interior has a small hairline crack (?) beneath the orange circles.
Grey deposit inside bowl. Glaze chipped in places and worn around rim and handles. Crack running around one side of bowl ending under handles intersecting mid-way with crack running to rim. Triangular chip on rim next to handle approximately 2cm on each side.
Foot has been rejoined and there is a large crack in the underside. Interior slightly scratched with surface cracking. Reserved areas stained. Missing 5 large chips and other small chips on rim.
Comprised of many rejoined fragments, with restorations (large patches on side B and 3/4 of the foot is modern, as is the stem joining it to the base). A long crack extends through the rim and neck at the back. Chips on the handles and the rim. Gloss worn on rim, handles and foot. The gloss on parts of the figure decoration is mirroring.
Complete but slightly chipped on the rim. There is a crack around the base of the omphalos. The relief decoration and gloss are worn.
Intact apart from a section of the spur which seems to have broken off. There is a deep crack on the inner side of the handle at the bottom. Also a dent in the body by the base of the handle, and the base is misshapen, both of which may have been done before firing (?). In a few areas the paint has been worn, and there are minor chips.
Intact, A chip is taken out at the tip of the handle. A hairline crack is about 1.0cm beneath the handle. Interior scratched and worn.
Complete and intact. A crack and a chip on the interior, numerous cracks and chips on the body and the base.
Intact and complete except for two chips on the rim. The top of the knob has a crack across the middle, leading to a hole in the deeper recess. The surface is worn, with cracks to the glaze surrounding the attachment of the knob and white deposits throughout the decoration. Yellow deposits on the underside of the lid, just outside the flange.
Intact, upper right half of nozzle is missing, long hairline crack reaching down into the centre of the base from ths damage. Signs of use visible on nozzle. Fracture around the edge of the discus continuing along the nozzle to the wick hole. Brownish red wash is worn, large amount of white-grey deposit
Complete and intact, the black glaze has worn considerably in places. Deposit in places, a hairline crack is starting on the nozzle.
A large amount of skin coloured paint has chipped of, particularly around the bottom and edges of the object. The paint on the chest is quite well preserved. There is a large fragment missing from the right shoulder which also removes part of the lower right hand side of the pace. The nose and eye work has been removed or fallen off. A large amount of black paint has chipped of the top of the object. There is also a hole in top of the head and a large crack originating on the lefthand side of 'hair' and ending near the base of the face.
Intact if not complete. The areas where parts of the headdress has fallen off is quite worn. There are three deep holes in the headress that are symetrical about a crack that goes from the top of the headdress to the mouth. There is also a second crack on the right hand side from top to the base of the head, going through the eye.
Single fragment, preserving the top of the stele, chipped at the top, with several shallow scratches on the surface. One crack extends from the edge into the uraeus of Re-Horakhty.
Intact and complete, minor chips to lip, one crack shown on inner and outer although not major.
Complete but not intact. Small chips in the lid. The lip and mouth are detatched from the body. Large crack in the lip, deposit on the shoulder, small chips in the base.
Complete but the feet have been reattatched, the crack is evident. Most if the glaze is gone, as has most of the green colour. The hieroglyphs are incomplete as are most of the other black details.
Mirror missing. Large crack down one side of the handle and the 'spur' on the same side is also cracked.
There is a chip out of the lip, and there is a large crack going arond the widest point of the body. There is also a large amount of wearing away of the red colouring oof the vase.
Very large chip out of the lip, crack going from edge of that crack, to and along base and then back up the other side of the vase. Another crack joins this crack together along the shoulder. The crack can be seen on the inside of the pot.
Intact, but a large chip is missing from the lip, approximately one quarter missing. There is a crack going from one side to the other, starting and terminating at the shoulder, it goes around the base. Very little deposit.
Intact and complete. There is a large chip missing from the lip from which a small crack eminates. Several other smaller cracks also begin at the lip. Base is pitted.
Intact. On the underside the wood is apparently water damaged and there is some rotting at the end of the cobra where it presumably once joined to the larger object (crown). There is a large crack on the underside near the very top head of the cobra.
Not whole, stuck back together from two pieces, resulting in a large crack. The lip is also stuck back together from three pieces. Little or no deposit.
Intact and complete, with a large crack half way down the body, and several chips missing from the base, a small crack originates here, the blue glaze is intact.
Intact and complete, the glaze is still present although the light green colour is somewhat faded. Aside from one crack and two small chips on the facade no detail has been lost.
Intact but a fragment, the glaze is gone as has much of the colour, there is an obvious crack near the foot of the fragment and it is clear from both ends of the fragment it has been snapped off.
Fragment, chipped. crack on one corner and covered in sediment
Fair condition, small crack on the bottom right hand side of the beetles back.
Comprised of three rejoined fragments, missing only three small chips from the rim; one superficial crack emerges from one of these chips; glazed surfaces slightly pitted, especially on interior; whitish-grey deposits on underside.
Intact. Small scratch on top of lion's head, and cracks running from top of back, down through back right foot into base. Crack in front right foot. Front shows traces of white slip. Back shows areas of grey deposit on remaining white slip.
Large part of handle missing, most of the wash has worn off. Slight hairline crack in the base, rust coloured mark on the front right of the body.
Most of the rim is missing and there is a crack along the neck of the vase. It is pitted in several places.
Crack in base on the inside. Deposits make surface rougher. Stands lopsided and walls of body are not uniform.
One side covered in white deposits and other side small white deposits. Crack on one side, near handle fragment.