Fragment. Deocration worn. One large triangular chip to exterior covering 1/4 of fragment. "Aegina" handwritten in pencil on interior.
Fragment, chipped at edges. Sediment covering all of the interior.
Fragment. Sediment covering all of interior.
Complete and intact. The surface of the woman is incredibly smooth, the features of the face nearly worn away. There is a large scratch on the woman's right shoulder. As well as patches of white slip that is still evident, there is a smoky covering to the head, chest and knees. The base is very uneven.
One handle missing and large sections missing from rim. Large sections of grey deposits covering up the black paint.
Incomplete. Stem and foot missing leaving a hole in the centre of the cup. Deposits on rim, handles and inside. Glaze remains shiny on exterior surface, although flaking on large part of the rim and the handles. Thinly applied on the rim and fired red. Part of the black paint of the decoration fired red. Black paint smudge partly covering a bird on main band. Scratches on the top of the rim and handles.
Intact. Pattern badly worn away. Chip to rim at front and a few to base. Part of the decoration fired brownish. White deposits covering the entire underside of the foot. Gloss worn at aprts on the neck. Small chips and scratches on the body.
Intact, chipped on the base and on the lip. Surface covering is worn.
Rusted and broken in half, sediment covering on one side
Both nozzles mainly missing, handle missing. Left hand nozzle volute has been restored, small hole from missing fragment, from this hole are radiating hairline fractures to the base. glaze is worn in places, large amount of deposit covering the entirety of the interior and the back portion of the exterior as well as other areas.
Single fragment preserving part of a (broken) handle and rim; worn and dirty, with surface abraded and deposits covering parts of the fragment.