Incomplete and repaired. Glaze has lost lustre, and much has eroded, especially over the 'tail' end, leaving greyish-buff colour. A later segment has been added to body to replace a missing piece.
Interior in in good condition, one of the bands is very faded and only traces remain of the added red. Also a patch of dark brown discolouration. Exterior is heavily discoloured with gray and brown build up, added red is visible underneath
Restored false neck and rejoined spout (with added clay around the join to the body), but otherwise intact. Black bands faded in places. Minor chips and scratches on the body and shoulder. The side with the spout has a crazed look (?).
Worn paint on mouth. Some wearing on goat but added colour remains. Shinier glazse remains on the base of the object than on the top.
Thirteen fragments that belong to the same amphora. i Traces of white plaster (exterior) and adhesives (interior). ii) It has been burnt. iii) There are traces of adhesives and added white colour has fadded away. iv) Should be rejoined to xiii Traces of adhesives (interior). v) Should be rejoined to iv and ix. Adhesives inside. vi) Traces of adhesives. vii) Should be rejoined to ix. White plaster (exterior) and adhesives (interior). viii) Plaster on the exterior. ix) Should be rejoined to v, vii and x. Plaster (exterior) and adhesives (interior). Part of the slip has been peeled off and shallow bits have been pitted off. x) Should be rejoined to ix. Plaster on the exterior. xi) Plaster on the exterior. xii) Adhesives on the interior. xiii) Should be rejoined to iv. Plaster on the exterior. xiv) Plaster on the exterior, some scratches and few tiny bits that have been pitted off. xv) Plaster on the exterior.
Ten fragments that probably belong to the same vessel. a) Tiny bit of the vessel's lower neck, part of the shoulder and the spring of the handle, which is missing. There are scratches on the exterior and two bits that have been chipped off. Deposits and plaster? on the interior. (The rest of the fragments are from the vessel's body) b) Should be rejoined to c. White plaster on the exterior and traces of it on the interior. A small bit has been chipped off. c) Should be rejoined to b. White plaster on the exterior and traces f it on the interior d) Few deposits on both sides and a small bit that has been pitted off from the exterior. e) Few deposits on the interior and traces of white plaster. A tiny bit has been chipped off from the exterior. f) White plaster and deposits on the interior. Two bits have been chipped off from the exterior. g) The decoration appears as if it has been scraped off and there is a spot that has been chipped off from the exterior. h) A small spot has been chipped off. Deposits and traces of plaster on the interior. Added white colour has fadded away. i) There are adhesives on both sides and white plaster on the exterior. The decoration looks as if it has been scraped off, a tiny bit has been pitted off and a small spot has been chipped off. j) Traces of white plaster, especially on the interior. There is a small spot that has been pitted off.
Intact, with the exception of some spots that have been pitted off and few small gouges (on the interior of the mouth and on the body). Added white details are dirty.
Modern wooden foot, joined rougly at the top of the stem. Chipped at the back and on handles; rim scratched; surface stained greyish-brown. Added colours faded and chipped.
Mouth broken off just above handle; foot chipped at front. Added white and red faded, and some black glaze chipped.
Missing two chips from the base, and cracked on the underside; glaze dulled in places and cracking around the handle attachments; light grey deposits on side B; added colour very well preserved.
Surface worn, chipped, and pitted (one hole penetrates the right side of the body); added white faded.
Added white inscribes tendrils, highlights the edge of the lotus blossoms, and for figural details: stephanai, jewelry, and hair ornament.
Comprised of 8 rejoined pieces (although shoulder and body are intact), rejoined, with added resin, paint, and modern accretions around the neck and handle. Stains and yellowish-gray deposits on side and base.