Ure Museum Database

There are 2 objects for which Bibliography contains → vallet
2016.5.2 Compernolle, Van, T. 1996. Le produzioni ceramiche arcaiche. Coppe di tipo ionico in: Lippolis E.(a cura di), I Greci in occidente. arte e artigianato in Magna Grecia, Electa, Napoli: 299-302; Vallet G. and Villard F.1955. Mégara Hyblaea V. Lampes du VIIe siècle et chronologie des coupes Ioniennes ,in Mefra, 67, 14-31.
60.8.1 For Ionian type cup see Sabrina Boldrini 1994, Boardman and Hayes 1966, and Villard and Vallet 1955. Cf. Connor and Jackson 2000, 52-55 nos. 14-15 with extensive bibliography.
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