P.N. Ure 1927 Sixth and Fifth Century Pottery from Rhitsona in Boeotia, p. 102
p.N.Ure 1927 Sixth and Fifth Century Pottery from Rhitsona in Boeotia, p.102
P.N.Ure 1927 Sixth and Fifth Century Pottery from Rhitsona in Boeotia, p.102
P.N.Ure 1927 Sixth and Fifth Century Pottery from Rhitsona in Boeotia, p.102
CVA Reading 1, p.39, pl.23, no.36; Cook 1952 p.129, n.32; Villing et al 2013-2015 (ORC) GA.0012 Phase 1; Brijder,H., et al. (eds.), Enthousiasmos, Essays on Greek and Related Pottery presented to M. Hemelrijk (Amsterdam, 1986), 64, fig. 4D;
CVA Reading 1,p. 39, pl.23, no.37; Villing et al 2013-2015 (ORC) GA. 0011 Phase 1; Brijder,H., et al. (eds.), Enthousiasmos, Essays on Greek and Related Pottery presented to M. Hemelrijk (Amsterdam, 1986), 64, fig. 4B;
CVA Reading 1,p.39, pl. 23. no.38; Villing et al 2013-2015 (ORC) GA.0013 Phase 1; Brijder,H., et al. (eds.), Enthousiasmos, Essays on Greek and Related Pottery presented to M. Hemelrijk (Amsterdam, 1986), 64, fig. 4E;
CVA Reading 1, pl. 8.8; E. Brann, AJA 63 (1959) 178 ff.; Theodora Rombos, The Iconography of Attic Late Geometric II Pottery (Jonsered 1988) 221, table 31.
Ure 1963, 58 no. 2; Coldstream 1968, 78-81 no. 16; Theodora Rombos, The Iconography of Attic Late Geometric II Pottery (Jonsered 1988) 320 table 47, 510 no. 323, pl. 44a-b.
J. Boardman, 'Provenance Studies of Greek Pottery of the Historic Period,' in R.E. Jones, Greek and Cypriot Pottery. A Review of Scientific Studies. Fitch Laboratory Occasional Paper 1 (1986) 672-73.