CVA Reading 1,p.39, pl. 23, no.30; Cook 1952 p. 129, no.24; Villing et al 2013-2015 (ORC) GH. 104 phase 3;
CVA Reading 1,p.39, pl. 23, no.31; Cook 1952 p. 128, no. 5 ; Villing et al 2013-2015 (ORC) GH.110 phase 3
CVA Reading 1, p.39, pl.23, no.36; Cook 1952 p.129, n.32; Villing et al 2013-2015 (ORC) GA.0012 Phase 1; Brijder,H., et al. (eds.), Enthousiasmos, Essays on Greek and Related Pottery presented to M. Hemelrijk (Amsterdam, 1986), 64, fig. 4D;
CVA Reading 1, pl. 16.4; A.D. Ure, JHS 69 (1949) 19 fig. 2a, 21 fig. 3; A.D. Ure, "The God with the Winnowing-fan," JHS 72 (1952) 121 (for the first correct identification of the Sam Wide Group as Corinthian) 121; CQ (1955); A.D. Ure, "A Corinthian Cup and a Euboean Lekythos," JHS 88 (1968) 140-41 n. 8; JHS 89(1969) 121; J. Boardman, "A Sam Wide Group Cup in Oxford," JHS 90 (1970) 194-95, pl. 2.3; Amyx 1988, 275.2; Corinth 15.3, 368.11; LIMC s.v. Pan (S) 60; Boardman 1998, 258-59, fig. 503.