Related to, possible (and this group moves to Metaponto at some time): see Green 2001.
Szilágyi 1998, 347/228. For the Rosoni Painter, a 'third generation' member of the Vulci School, see also C. Albizzati, Vasi antichi dipinti del Vaticano II (Rome 1925) 48-49; J.D. Beazley, Raccolta Guglielmi (Vatican, CHECK 1939) 74 n. 84; G. Kubler, Some Etruscan Versions of Corinthian Ceramics', Marsyas 2 (1942) 9; W.L. Brown, The Etruscan Lion (Oxford 1960) 55-56, 57 n. 1; G. Colonna, 'Il ciclo etrusco-corinzio dei Rosoni', StEtr 29 (1961) 50-62; G. Colonna, 'La ceramica etrusco-corinzia e le problematica storica dell'Orientalizzante Recente', AC 13 (1961) 16-17 n. 8; D.A. Amyx, 'Some Etrusco-Corinthian Vase-Painters' in Studi Banti (1965) 3-4; D.A. Amyx, 'The Mingor Painter and others: Etrusco-Corinthian Addenda', StEtr 35 (1967) 101-104; Szilágyi 1975, 124-25; M. Martelli, 'Il ciclo Etrusco-Corinzio dei rosoni: qualche addendum, RivStLig 44 (1978, publ. 1983) 63-67; Amyx 1988, 696
McPhee and Trendall 1987, IVA/118, 127-28: The cuttlefish, with body outlined in white and decorated with black horizontal stripes, two large black eyes, and a cluster of tentacles (some white), is typical of a particular painter denoted by the Group of Karlsruhe 66/140. Further characteristics of this Group evidenced on the Reading plate are the bream's pectoral fin, which takes the form of an open fan with vertical cross-strokes; and the use of a mussel as filler; the decoration of the central depression with a rosette of the 'ice cream cone' type, surrounded by a wave border; the laurel wreath on the overhanging rim.