Find all images for which Technique/Style is:
- 'split' tapestry
- 7.5 YR 8/4
- ?
- Added white
- African red slip
- Attic
- Base ring ware I
- Base-ring Ware
- Believed to belong to a distinctive group made at a workshop in Abydos in the 7th Century BC.
- Bichrome
- Bichrome I-II Ware
- Bichrome III Ware
- Bichrome Ware
- Black Figure
- Black Glaze
- Black Plychrome
- Black figure
- Black figure (?)
- Black glaze
- Black glaze, Red figure
- Black glaze, Stamped
- Black glaze, painted, decorated.
- Black glaze, painted.
- Black glaze.
- Black polychrome
- Black slip
- Black-figure
- Black-figure. There is a large blob of black glaze near the neck, opposite the handle.
- Black-glazed
- Black-on-red Ware
- Black/brown Glazing
- Blak glaze
- Bright orange paint on black surface
- Bucchero
- Burnished
- Carved
- Cast
- Coarse Ware Wheel Made
- Coarse ware
- Core-formed
- Corinthian
- Dark-on-light
- Drawing
- Early Corinthian
- Early Protoattic / Middle Protoattic
- Early Protocorinthian
- Electrotype
- Etrusco-Corinthian
- Flake
- Floral ware
- Geometric
- Geometricising
- Glass jar shows bubbles in the lower part and other signs of Victorian glass manufacture.
- Glazed
- Glazed?
- Gnathian
- Grand Stule or Simple Animal Style
- Grand Style
- Grey painted ware ?
- Hadra ware
- Hand made
- Hand made plain ware
- Hand made, Base-ring Ware
- Helen's prominent brow, large nose and wide-set eyes are features more common to non-European artistic traditions, such as African sculpture. Stanford here combines those traditions with Classics, under the clear influence of cubism.
- Hollow cast
- Imitation of Corinthian
- Impasto
- Incised
- Incision in curves, round shapes, reddish-black figure
- Incision, black figure
- Kylix style
- LC I / II
- LC III (?)
- LPC / EC
- Late Corinthian
- Late Corinthian I
- Late Corinthian I / II
- Late Corinthian II
- Late Corinthian II / III
- Late Corinthian III
- Late Geometric II
- Late Protocorinthian
- Late Protocorinthian / Transitional
- Late Wild Goat Style
- Late Wild Goat style
- Late kylix style
- Light ground
- MC
- MC / LC I
- Mass printed
- Mature Animal Style or Grand Style
- Mature Animal style
- Middle Corinthian
- Middle Protoattic
- Middle Protocorinthian
- Minting
- Mould made
- Mould made, glazed
- Mould-made
- Moulded
- Moulded ?
- Mouldmade
- Mouldmade ?
- Mouldmade/ handmade
- Mycenaean III A
- Old Persian?
- Old Persian?
- Outline technique
- Painted
- Painted ware
- Painted, incised
- Pink and red tessera thinner and made out of terracotta
- Pink and red tesserae thinner and made of terracotta
- Plain ware
- Plaster cast from mould
- Plaster cast of a marble original. The severe style of the carving, naturalistic and well proportioned figures with a rustic surface, suggests that the original was created in 460 BC
- Plastic
- Polychrome
- Protoattic
- Protocorinthian
- Pseudo-Chalcidian
- Red Figure
- Red Polished Ware
- Red figure
- Red glaze
- Red glaze, mouldmade.
- Red gloss
- Red polished ware?
- Red slip ware
- Red ware
- Red ware Wheelmade
- Red ware, moulded ?
- Red-figure
- Relief
- Relief plaque
- Ridges on the inside of the pipe segment
- Sculpted
- Shaded
- Sigillata
- Simple Animal Style
- Six's technique
- Slipped
- Slipped, painted
- Solid cast
- Sphinx and Lion style
- Struck
- Tabby
- Tessera ranges from 0.5-1 embedded in mortar
- Tessera ranges from 0.5-1cm embedded in mortar
- Tunisia
- Turkish glazed
- Weft-faced tabby
- West Slope Ware
- West slope ware
- Wheel Made
- Wheel made
- Wheel made Black polished ware
- Wheel made plain ware
- Wheel made with Black Glaze.
- Wheel-made
- Wheelmade
- Wheelmade body, mouldmade face
- Wheelmade, Black glaze
- White Ground
- White Painted I-II Ware
- White Painted Ware
- White Slip I Ware
- White ground
- White ground ?
- White slip
- White slip (?)
- White slip ware
- White ware
- Wild Goat Styke
- Wild Goat Style
- added colour
- added colour (red and white)
- added colour (red)
- added colour (white and yellow)
- added colour (white, yellow, and purple)
- added colour (yellow and white)
- added white
- added white and gold
- added white and red
- added white and yellow
- added white on hair, jewellery, feet, floral elements, and rock
- added white, yellow, brown
- black figure
- black glaze
- black glaze fired red on the interior, on and above the handle to the right of the protome, and on the exterior, around the foot, most of rim, and 'pinecone'.
- black glaze: dipped
- black glaze?
- black glazed
- black gloss
- black paint, turning lathe
- black-figure
- black-glaze
- burnished
- cast
- cast from mould
- cutting marks are visible on the resting surface.
- cutting marks on the resting surface.
- dark-on-light
- dipped
- dovertailing
- dovetailing
- floating weft
- floral ware
- geometricising
- incised
- incised detail on figures
- incised, painted
- incision
- incision on interior figure.
- incision.
- inlaid threads or darning
- jointed
- late Wild Goat Style
- made with the turning lathe. Bucchero: transformation of ferric oxide of clay into ferrous oxide (black)
- molded
- mould-made
- moulded
- moulded (?)
- mouldmade
- overpainted
- overpainted: added white and red
- painted
- painted, incised
- painted, incised, slipped
- painted, slipped
- painted, slipped, incised
- painted,slipped
- painted. incised
- patterned
- plain ware
- plastic
- polychrome
- red wash
- relief
- relief-decorated
- reminiscent of so-called kylix style.
- ribbed
- rouletted
- rouletting
- ruddled
- self-banding
- sewn
- silhouette
- slight cutting marks at the centre of the underside.
- slipped, incised, painted
- slipped, incised, pinted
- slipped, painted
- slipped, painted, incised
- stamped
- streaky glaze, especially patchy on the protome
- superimposed colour: added white
- superposed colour
- tapestry
- tied
- turning lathe
- turning lathe and bucchero (transformation of ferric oxide of clay into ferrous oxide)
- wheel made
- wheelmade
- white ground
- white slip
- wrapping around one warp thread
- wrapping over one or two warp threads
- wrapping over one warp thread