Find all images for which Provenance is:
- &
- -
- -champs
- /
- 100
- 139
- 13th
- 1870
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- 1907-1914
- 1912-1946
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- 2023
- 231128
- 231129-30
- 231130
- 26713
- 3
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- 4/90
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- 47211
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- 51258
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- 67
- 8th
- a
- a+b
- a+b caulonia
- about
- abydos
- achilleion
- achna
- acquired
- acropolis
- ad
- aegina
- aeolis
- african
- after
- agrigento
- akhmim
- akropolis
- al
- alabanda
- alexandria
- alinda
- all
- allegedly
- although
- amphipolis
- an
- anaphlystos
- anavysos
- and
- andrews
- ankard
- annie
- annual
- anopos
- antioch
- antiquity
- aphrodite
- apollo
- apulia
- argive
- argolid
- army
- arrived
- arrowhead
- art
- artefacts
- artemis
- arthia
- arthur
- article
- artificial
- artist
- artists
- artremis
- as
- ashur
- asia
- at
- athena
- athene
- athens
- attic
- attica
- august
- babylon
- basra
- bassett
- bc
- be
- beach
- been
- beni
- between
- black
- bletchley
- boeotia
- boeotian
- bought
- british
- brucciani
- burial
- bushes
- bust
- but
- by
- c
- c+d
- c+d zankle
- ca
- canosa
- cargo
- carthage
- cast
- cat
- catalogue
- cemetary
- cemetery
- central
- cerveteri
- cf
- chalcis
- chalkioikos
- chemistry
- children
- chios
- city
- clazomenae
- clement
- co
- coast
- coin
- collection
- come
- compare
- consignment
- copies
- copy
- corinth
- corsiae
- cortona
- crete
- crimea
- cumae
- cyclades
- cypriote
- cyprus
- cyrene
- dafana
- daphnae
- daphne
- dean
- decadrachm
- deir-el-bahri
- dendereh
- des
- dhitsa
- didrachm
- dilisi
- diospolis
- donated
- drachm
- dredged
- dubious
- during
- e+f
- early
- east
- egypt
- egyptian
- el-mina
- electrum
- eleusis
- elis
- elis c+d
- encircled
- enclosed
- end
- enkomi
- ep
- ephesus
- eretria
- esna
- etruria
- evans
- ex
- excavation
- exhibition
- faculty
- family
- fertiliser
- field
- finds
- findspit
- findspot
- fines
- fo
- for
- form
- found
- from
- gela
- given
- glyphada
- gold
- gordion
- granddaughter
- graufesenque
- grave
- greece
- greek
- grom
- guild
- gurab
- gurob
- halicarnassus
- handwritten
- hassan
- have
- hb
- head
- helicon
- henry
- heraeum
- heraion
- hierakonpolis
- hill
- histria
- hostilities
- hu
- iasos
- ii
- imported
- in
- ink
- ionia
- ionic
- is
- islands
- it
- italian
- italy
- jannis
- jennie
- jhs
- k12
- kabeirion
- kamelarga
- keratia
- khorsiai
- kiln
- knidos
- knossos
- known
- kolonna
- kom
- kopinth
- koshtamna
- la
- label
- labelled
- laconia
- lakonia
- large
- larissa
- larnaca
- later
- lazio
- leave
- lepcis
- level
- levels
- lianokladi
- lipari
- liverpool
- load
- loan
- lord
- lot
- lowbury
- lower
- lydia
- macedonia
- made
- maeandrum
- magna
- magnesia
- mainland
- making
- marion
- martin
- may
- medum
- megalopolis
- memphis
- metapontum
- meydoum
- meydum
- mikas
- miletus
- mina
- minor
- mint
- mn
- mn2
- monte
- mount
- mr
- mummy
- musem
- museum
- mycenae
- n
- naucratis
- naukratis
- naukratisor
- near
- nicks
- nimrod
- nine
- nola
- north
- northern
- not
- note
- now
- object
- of
- officials
- old
- olynthos
- on
- or
- original
- orthia
- orvieto
- other
- oxford
- oxfordshire
- p
- paestum
- palaikastro
- paphos
- parallels
- paris
- paros
- part
- parva
- patara
- pelloponnesia
- pencil
- percys
- perhaps
- persian
- perugia
- petits
- phanes
- pheneos cde+f
- phocaea
- photo
- phototographed
- picked
- platt
- pn
- poli
- polis
- pompeii
- populonia
- possession
- possible
- possibly
- presented
- presumably
- priene
- probably
- professor
- provenience
- ptah
- purchased
- qurneh
- ratisbon
- reading
- reads
- received
- recovered
- refers
- region
- rga
- rhitsona
- rhodes
- river
- road
- romania
- rome
- round
- rue
- ruvo
- said
- salamis
- samothrace
- sanctuary
- saqqara
- sardis
- school
- science
- second
- see
- seemingly
- sesklo
- siad
- sicily
- silchester
- silver
- similar
- site
- slope
- smyrna
- soldier
- some
- somewhere
- source
- sourced
- south
- spain
- sparta
- sparta-
- spartan
- spink
- spoilt
- stater
- stubbings
- summit
- syracuse
- syracuse e+f
- t146ii
- t75i
- t75ii
- taken
- tamassos
- tanagra
- tarentum
- tell
- temple
- teos
- testaccio
- tetradrachm
- thames
- thasos
- the
- theban
- thebes
- then
- thessaly
- this
- thought
- tiryns
- to
- tomb
- tombs
- tsangli
- tsani
- tunisia
- typical
- university
- unknown
- unkown
- until
- up
- ure
- uruk
- ushim
- vase
- vendor
- vicinity
- war
- warren
- was
- which
- while
- who
- with
- world
- written
- ww
- wwii
- year
- zoan