Find all images for which Inscriptions is:
- &913&920&917
- &913&923&917&926&913&925&916&929&933
- &913&923&917&926&913&925&916&929o&931/o&933
- &916
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- &917&923
- &917/&915
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- &969&957
- -
- /
- 06
- 1
- 138
- 148
- 188
- 2
- 22644-219
- 45
- 51
- 72
- 9
- a
- a reverse
- a-ekamxapmonao
- a/&923
- above
- ad
- adiec
- admon
- ae
- aegina
- afrod
- afsen
- afy
- ai
- alexanderaug reverse
- all
- along
- alpha
- alpha-phi-upsilon
- also
- amount
- an
- anapo
- and
- animals
- annaugtrpviimpiiicosiiisc
- annis
- antoninvs
- apirtoteixhe
- apollo
- appears
- aqe
- are
- around
- artefact
- artists
- as
- at
- athenian
- athorvvaldsen
- au
- aug
- augusta
- augustisc
- available
- avg reverse
- avilvs
- aw
- back
- base
- be
- beads
- beer
- before
- begining
- behind
- beloved
- below
- beneath
- between
- bh
- black
- bo
- body
- bonnet
- both
- bottom
- box
- bread
- broken
- bust
- but
- by
- c
- c-
- cae
- caesar
- caesar reverse
- can
- capital
- capitals
- carissimae
- carnelain
- carnelian
- cartes
- carthage
- cast
- cattle
- central
- centre
- cethegus
- cethegvs
- characters
- chipped
- choisies
- cil
- circle
- civitatibusasiaerestitutistiberiusseator
- clear
- clearly
- club
- coin
- commercial
- commodus reverse
- commogusavgantoninvsaug reverse
- con
- concordia
- concordiaexercitvvm
- consisting
- constan
- copies
- corbridge
- could
- cow/bull
- crossbar
- crthumberland
- cuneiform
- cup
- cursive
- curve
- curving
- da
- danvs
- daughter
- dearest
- deceased
- deciphered
- decorated
- decoration
- dedication
- delta
- depicted
- detachables
- di
- dipinto
- discernible
- divi
- document
- documents
- domitia
- domitiae
- droop
- drusus
- du
- e
- each
- edition
- egraphsen
- either
- est
- euro
- everything
- evqvdikos
- excavated
- except
- exergue
- existing
- exterior
- extremely
- f
- faint
- faustina reverse
- fecit
- female
- figure
- firing
- first
- fiume
- following
- foods
- foot
- for
- form
- found
- fowl
- fragment
- fran
- from
- front
- gabinia
- genio
- give
- glaze
- goat
- god
- gold
- good
- graces
- graffiti
- graffito
- grafitti
- grain
- great
- greek
- group
- h
- handle-palmette
- hat-hor
- he
- head
- heavily
- henuiti
- her
- hieroglyph
- hieroglyphs
- hieroglyth
- his
- hts-sceptre
- i
- i2
- ia
- ib
- identify
- ie
- ig
- illegible
- image
- imp
- impcaesartraianus reverse
- imperatoriiscancilia
- impnervacaesaravgpmcosiipp reverse
- impserervs
- in
- incense
- incised
- include
- indicating
- inscribed
- inscription
- inscriptions
- inside
- intentional
- interior
- irt-heru
- is
- ister
- it
- item
- iulius
- ivlia
- ivlivs
- ivncta
- ivory
- johnston
- juncta
- k
- k06
- ka
- kalos
- kas
- king
- kings
- koo
- koppa
- kostamneh
- l
- lamp
- large
- latin
- lavigerie
- lcmemieslfgal
- left
- legend
- legendcmamil
- legendnuma
- letter
- lettering
- letters
- lib
- libertasaugsc
- lid
- limetan
- line
- lines
- lip
- lived
- long
- lord
- lvmen
- m
- made
- magistrates
- main
- marble
- mark
- marking
- maximianus
- measure
- memnon
- men-kheper-re
- meta
- might
- militum
- mirror
- missing
- mn-hprr the
- modern
- molo
- moneta
- more
- mould
- mouth
- musculature
- musee
- name
- names
- neck
- nfr
- niae
- nicolaidewarende
- nna
- no
- none
- nonsense
- not
- notes
- now
- ntr
- nu
- o
- object
- obv
- obverse
- obverseantoninusaugpa reverse
- obversediva
- obversedivifdomitain reverseprincepsiventvtis
- obverseimpcaesartraianhadrainusaugtrp reverse
- obverseimpsevalex reverseroma sc
- obverseimptcaesvespaugtrpppcos reversefelicitaspvblicsc
- obversemavrelantoninvsaug reversevitrustrpxviiiimpiicosiiisc
- of
- offerings
- oly
- on
- one
- or
- orbis
- osiris
- other
- otherwise
- p
- painted
- papiri
- paulivslevioncokdix reverse
- pax
- pencil
- perhaps
- philyssam
- phyllissam
- piante
- pictures
- piece
- pivs
- plain
- plus
- poino
- pompillus
- pompon
- possible
- possibly
- post
- post-firing
- potest
- pre-firing
- prehistoric
- present
- probable
- probably
- profectioavgvstisc
- providentia
- psyche
- pure
- purple
- quiver
- re-horakhty
- read
- reads
- rector
- red
- refers
- retrograde
- rev
- revered
- reverse
- reversecosiiisc
- reversepontif
- reversescavgvsti
- revese
- ribs
- right
- ring
- roga
- rogata
- roma
- roman
- round
- running
- runs
- s
- sacramonetavggetcaessnostr
- sale
- satyrs
- says
- sc
- scratch
- scratched
- script
- scvlptor
- second
- seperate
- serep
- shall
- she
- side
- sides
- sigll
- siracusa
- sirleti
- site
- sky
- sky
- small
- so
- solon
- son
- speciale
- spqroptimoprincipi
- squeeze
- stamp
- stand
- such
- suggested
- suitable
- sweetness
- symbol
- tae
- tail
- the
- there
- thin
- this
- though
- thp
- three
- thunderbolt
- tiavgf
- ticaesardiviaugfaugustpmtrpotxxiiii
- to
- too
- took
- top
- tpa
- trace
- tria
- triangle
- tribvn
- true
- tunisia
- twenty-three
- two
- unclear
- under
- underneath
- underside
- unidentified
- uno
- upon
- urbs
- ure
- valeriesnes
- vase
- very
- vibiani
- views
- viii
- visible
- vixit
- vno
- voice
- vvxv
- vxori
- vxvvi
- was
- wash
- way
- whether
- which
- white
- wife
- wine
- wings
- with
- word
- writing
- written
- x
- xxiii
- years
- offerings