Find all images for which Comparanda is:
- &
- 'artemis
- -
- 1
- 1-7
- 10
- 10-12
- 1005
- 101-106
- 1013
- 102-6
- 103
- 105
- 107
- 107-109
- 108-15
- 108/192
- 109-110
- 1095
- 10b
- 11
- 11-12
- 111011
- 11102
- 1113
- 112003
- 11271
- 113
- 1142
- 1147
- 115
- 1152
- 116
- 116-8
- 117
- 117-8
- 1172
- 1188-89
- 11974
- 12
- 1200-1100
- 121-123
- 123
- 124
- 125
- 127
- 128723
- 129
- 13
- 13-15
- 130-32
- 130-33
- 1302
- 1307
- 131
- 131012
- 131030
- 131031
- 131032
- 131033
- 1316
- 132
- 132ff
- 134
- 136
- 138
- 13946
- 14
- 140-41
- 1406
- 141
- 141-44
- 142
- 142-c
- 1427
- 143
- 144
- 146
- 146-48
- 147
- 1473
- 149
- 149107
- 15
- 150-155
- 151
- 153
- 155
- 1555
- 1556
- 156-3
- 157-5
- 158
- 1585
- 1588
- 15951
- 16
- 161-162
- 162
- 162-4
- 164
- 164185
- 1649438
- 167
- 168
- 169
- 17
- 170-2
- 172-74
- 172-d
- 174
- 175
- 175-65
- 176
- 178
- 178-79
- 183
- 185
- 187
- 187-188
- 187no
- 1884604
- 1888744
- 19
- 190
- 19011984
- 1903
- 1907
- 1913
- 191337
- 1914
- 1915
- 1922
- 1927
- 1929
- 192a-c
- 193
- 1931
- 1932
- 1933
- 1934
- 194
- 194-95
- 1944
- 1946
- 195
- 1950
- 1953
- 1954
- 1955
- 1956
- 1957
- 1961
- 1964
- 1966
- 1968
- 1969
- 197
- 1970
- 1972
- 1973
- 1975
- 1976
- 1977
- 1979
- 198
- 1980
- 1981
- 1982
- 1983
- 1984
- 19840256
- 1986
- 1987
- 198889
- 1990
- 1991
- 19911711
- 1993
- 1995
- 1996
- 1997
- 1a
- 1b
- 2
- 20
- 2000
- 2000165
- 2001
- 2003
- 20061231
- 20061233
- 20061241
- 20061243
- 20061247
- 200712a
- 200712b
- 2008730
- 2008732
- 2008733
- 2008743
- 2008757
- 2008760
- 2008773
- 2008780
- 203-1891
- 205
- 206-208
- 2070
- 21
- 210
- 211-12
- 2118
- 2125
- 2128
- 213
- 2130
- 2142
- 218-
- 218-219
- 219
- 22
- 223
- 2230
- 22334
- 22340
- 22594
- 226
- 2298
- 23
- 23024
- 231110
- 231131a-e
- 231131a-h
- 231131a-j
- 231131b
- 231131c
- 231131d
- 231131e
- 231131g
- 231131h
- 231131i
- 231131k
- 231131l
- 231131m
- 231131r
- 23117
- 23118
- 23169
- 237
- 2384
- 24
- 24-5
- 242
- 2435
- 244
- 2453
- 246
- 248
- 2483
- 24878
- 249
- 2491
- 25
- 2511
- 2534
- 2546
- 2553106
- 256
- 2565
- 257-5
- 2594
- 26
- 26/11
- 26/15
- 262
- 2621
- 26244
- 269-70
- 27
- 27061988
- 272
- 274
- 277
- 28
- 280c
- 281-5
- 286
- 2866
- 289
- 28b
- 29
- 29112
- 291133-47
- 292
- 293
- 293-1
- 295
- 296
- 2962
- 297
- 298
- 299-300
- 2nd
- 3
- 3-5
- 30
- 303
- 303307
- 304-5
- 305805
- 306
- 31
- 3104
- 312
- 313
- 31a
- 32
- 321
- 322
- 322a
- 323
- 3259
- 326-328
- 328
- 3313
- 3317
- 332
- 334
- 338-3
- 34
- 341
- 3423
- 344
- 344-345
- 345
- 346
- 346-353
- 3485
- 3489
- 349-50
- 34viii5
- 35
- 35-36
- 351
- 354
- 3543a
- 3543b
- 3545
- 3577-9
- 36
- 361
- 36328
- 37111
- 37114
- 373
- 373-2
- 3774
- 38
- 38-41
- 384-394
- 3854
- 39
- 3918
- 3995
- 3rd
- 4
- 40
- 402-405
- 4029
- 409
- 416
- 42
- 4291
- 43-4
- 4306
- 4314a
- 44-45
- 441-2
- 45
- 45-46
- 451-2
- 4510141
- 453
- 45615
- 45617
- 45638
- 45639
- 46
- 460
- 465
- 47
- 4721
- 4723
- 47232
- 47233
- 4723334
- 4726
- 47342
- 4764
- 4765
- 478-79
- 47nos
- 48169
- 4832
- 48f
- 49
- 4912
- 493
- 49426
- 496
- 498
- 4988
- 4989
- 499
- 49viii8
- 4th
- 5
- 50412
- 5048
- 52
- 53
- 53/d
- 534-5
- 5384
- 54
- 54-55
- 540
- 5511
- 5582
- 56
- 5621973
- 57312
- 57314
- 580
- 588
- 59210
- 599
- 6
- 6-7
- 60
- 60-61
- 601
- 608
- 61
- 6140
- 61579/a
- 61579/b
- 61606
- 62
- 62-69
- 6211-12
- 63
- 64
- 65
- 651
- 67
- 68
- 68-80
- 681767
- 684-5
- 687
- 691812
- 691815
- 691831
- 691841
- 6th
- 7
- 70
- 70-1
- 701
- 702132
- 704
- 709
- 71
- 717
- 72
- 720-722
- 74
- 742075
- 746-755
- 76-8
- 774
- 774-6
- 775
- 78
- 78121
- 781221
- 782223
- 783
- 787
- 791
- 8
- 81-82
- 82
- 82-84
- 823-829
- 825
- 83
- 8323
- 8324
- 8325
- 835-839
- 83915
- 83919a
- 83ae299
- 85
- 86
- 86293
- 87
- 887
- 899-900
- 8a
- 9
- 9112
- 92
- 93
- 936
- 94
- 97
- 97-99
- 9722721
- 9734
- 9735
- 978i1
- 9821981
- 99
- a
- a-b
- a83
- aa
- aachen
- aarhus
- abl
- above
- ac
- account
- ad
- after
- ag
- age
- agora
- agrees
- agrigento
- alabastra
- alabastron
- albert
- alexandria
- all
- almost
- also
- although
- amarna
- american
- amphora
- amsterdam
- an
- ancient
- and
- angular
- another
- antike
- antikenmuseum
- antikmuseet
- antiquities
- appearance
- april
- archaeological
- archaic
- archaischen
- archeologico
- archeph
- are
- around
- arpera
- art
- artemis
- aryballoi
- as
- ascona
- ashmolean
- askoi
- askos
- association
- assora
- astragaloi
- at
- athenian
- athens
- atlas
- attached
- attaches
- attic
- atticising
- attributed
- attribution
- aucissa
- auctions
- auf
- aus
- ayios
- b
- b39
- bad
- baggy
- bailey
- band
- banded
- bands
- bari
- basel
- bases
- bb
- bc
- bclevmus
- be
- beazley
- because
- been
- belongs
- below
- beneath
- berlin
- bernabò
- between
- bf
- bibliography
- bigger
- birds
- biscari
- black
- blomberg
- bm
- body
- boeotian
- bolsal
- bonn
- boston
- both
- bottle
- bottom
- bowls
- box
- branches
- brea
- breccia
- british
- broader
- bronze
- bronzes
- bronzework
- bronzezeit
- brown
- brussels
- burke
- but
- by
- c
- c-33-224
- c-37-592
- california
- camarina
- cambitoglou
- cambridge
- came
- campanian
- capua
- careful
- carter
- cases
- cast
- castellani
- casts
- castulo
- cat
- cat787-88
- catalogue
- catania
- catling
- cavalier
- cb144
- cca
- ccxxxvii
- cellarka
- cemetery
- center
- century
- cerveteri
- cesnola
- cf
- ch
- chain
- chalkis
- chariot
- charterhouse
- chiaro
- chin
- chmielowski
- chr
- ciclo
- circle
- circles
- citing
- city
- clara
- class
- classical
- classificazione
- clii
- close
- co
- col
- coll
- collected
- collection
- collezione
- colonna
- color
- colour
- colour-coated
- columbia
- comments
- common
- comparable
- comparanda
- compare
- compared
- compares
- complete
- concentric
- condition
- connected
- connects
- connor
- containing
- contra
- contrada
- copenhagen
- corinth
- corinthian
- corresponds
- could
- covered
- crossroads
- cruets
- cucumber
- cup
- cupboard
- cv
- cva
- cxc1-8
- cxiii
- cxli
- cxlii4
- cxlii7
- cxxiv
- cxxx3b
- cxxxiii2a
- cxxxix3a
- cypern
- cypriot
- cypriote
- cyprus
- d
- dagger
- dali
- darius
- dated
- dating
- dawkins
- db
- de
- decaudin
- decorated
- decoration
- decorative
- dei
- del
- delicate
- della
- delos
- demakopoulou
- denmark
- depicting
- der
- derived
- des
- df261s68d3
- di
- different
- dionite
- dionysus
- discussed
- disk
- distinct
- dm
- donofrio
- dots
- dr
- dresden
- duck
- duck-askos
- dalia
- décor
- e
- e2310
- e6256
- eaa
- each
- earlier
- east
- ec
- edlund
- eds
- eg
- elaborate
- empire
- enough
- erotes
- esp
- especially
- etruscan
- etrusco-corinzio
- ex
- example
- examples
- exarchos
- excavated
- excavations
- except
- exekias
- expedition
- f
- fabric
- faces
- fainece
- false
- fasan
- fasc
- favourite
- february
- female
- ferrone
- ff
- fig
- figs
- figure
- figurine
- figurines
- file
- fill
- finds
- fired
- first
- five-leaf
- flat
- flatter
- fn
- foot
- for
- forma
- found
- france
- frankfurter
- française
- fratte
- fresco
- friezes
- from
- frond
- further
- g
- g4
- gallatin
- gamma
- ganymede
- gardner
- gefässuntersätze
- gela
- geometrischen
- getty
- gettymusj
- glass
- glaze
- glazed
- gloss
- gma
- gnathia
- gr
- grain
- grave
- graves
- greco
- greek
- green
- group
- guide
- gypsum
- h
- h2
- ha
- half
- halstatt
- hamburg
- handle
- handles
- hanover
- hard
- has
- haspels
- have
- haven
- hayes
- hb
- head
- heidelberg
- hellenic
- hellenistic
- helm
- hercules
- hesperia
- higgins
- higher
- historique
- hole
- however
- http//wwwknhcentremanchesteracuk/research/animalbiobank/
- http//wwwpotsherduklinuxnet/atlas/ware/sgts
- hw
- i
- i2
- iakovos
- ibid
- identical
- iem
- ii
- iic
- iii
- iiic
- iiic1
- iiid
- iiik
- il
- ill
- imitation
- imitations
- in
- includes
- inscription
- inside
- inspired
- interior
- into
- inv
- inventory
- iridescence
- iron
- is
- it
- italia
- italian
- italy
- its
- iv
- iv1-2
- iv2
- iv3
- iv69
- ivd
- ivia
- ivvi
- ix
- j
- jackson
- jatta
- jj
- joins
- jrg
- jrgs
- jugs
- jungcanosiner
- just
- k
- k115
- k116
- kantharos
- karageorghis
- kassel
- known
- konsola
- kp
- kraters
- kt141
- kunst
- kunstsammlung
- kylikes
- l
- la
- lagona
- lagonda
- lamaka
- lamboglia
- lamp
- lamérique
- langlotz
- lapithos
- large
- larger
- last
- late
- later
- least
- left
- lekanides
- lekythoi
- lekythos
- lentini
- leptis
- less
- letter
- level
- lh
- lid
- lids
- limestone
- lion
- lipari
- list
- little
- liverpool
- loan
- loc
- local
- loeschcke
- london
- look
- lotus
- louvre
- ltd
- lu47
- ludwig
- lund
- lx2
- lxi
- lxviii65b
- lxxii
- lxxiii
- lyon
- m
- macmillan
- made
- maggie
- magna
- many
- marathon
- marche
- marinaro
- market
- mary
- mask
- matching
- material
- matheson
- matthäus
- mayer
- mcphee
- medelhavsmusb
- melbourne
- menzel
- meo-evoli
- metallgefässe
- metaponto
- metropolitan
- michael
- michigan
- middle
- milan
- mingazzini
- miniature
- mirror
- mirrors
- miÐ
- molds
- monant
- more
- morel
- mosaic
- moscow
- motifs
- mouldings
- mouse
- much
- mum
- munich
- museo
- museum
- musée
- muv
- mycenaean
- n
- naples
- national
- nc
- near
- nearly
- neck
- necropolis
- nel
- net
- new
- nicholson
- nicosia
- nile
- nm
- no
- no178
- no270
- north
- nos
- not
- note
- notebook
- notes
- now
- nsc
- number
- numbers
- object
- oct
- of
- oinochae
- ojh
- olbia
- olcott
- olpai
- olynthus
- omits
- omphale
- on
- one
- or
- original
- ornament
- ornaments
- ornate
- orthia
- other
- others
- otherwise
- ours
- outside
- owl
- oxford
- oziol
- p
- p314
- painted
- painter
- painters
- pair
- palma
- palmette
- palmette-lotus
- palmettes
- paper
- parallels
- parlama
- parma
- particularly
- partly
- passo
- patera
- pattern
- payne
- peices
- perachora
- perhaps
- period
- periode
- pesaro-urbino
- petal
- petrie
- pezzino
- piece
- pierced
- pizzica
- pl
- pl40
- placed
- plain
- plant
- plate
- pls
- pnu
- point
- pointed
- points
- pollitt
- pompeii
- porphyry
- port
- portraits
- possibly
- pot
- potter
- pottery
- pouilloux
- pp
- pp202-3
- pp8-11
- pp95ff
- precise
- preserved
- primitive
- private
- probably
- profile
- promotion
- provenance
- proveniences
- pryce
- ptolemaic
- publ
- published
- pulled
- purple
- pyxides
- q
- q1212
- q1517
- q2292
- q2397
- q2407
- q2411
- q2414
- q2434
- q2456
- q491
- q499
- q515
- q867
- q885
- quarter
- quebec
- r
- r573
- railway
- rather
- reading
- recessed
- rectangular
- red
- red-figured
- reddish
- reddish-purple
- redmg1953251
- redmg19532535
- redmg19532547
- redmg19532549
- redmg19532554
- redmg19532563
- redmg19532578
- redmg19532587
- redmg19641617
- redthe
- reel
- refined
- region
- reho-bumbalova
- related
- reminiscent
- repertoire
- reserved
- rhitsona
- rhodes
- rhodos
- richter
- riding
- right
- rim
- ring
- rings
- rm
- rm160564
- rm160864
- rm162264
- rm164964
- rm169964
- rm170764
- rm170864
- rm190564
- rm190864
- rm19532526
- rm19532528
- rm19532545
- rm19641676
- rm19972093
- rm2553107
- rm255323
- rm255330
- rm255346
- rm255347
- rm255348
- rm255359
- rm255362
- rm255364
- rm255372
- rm255379
- rm781347
- rock-cut
- rom
- roman
- roosters
- rosa
- rosoni
- rounder
- row
- ruvo
- rvap
- s
- sack-shaped
- said
- sailing
- salamis
- sale
- same
- sammlung
- sammlungen
- sanctuary
- santapaola
- says
- scarab
- sce
- schaal
- sculpture
- sea-horse
- second
- see
- seej
- seems
- seven
- several
- sevres
- shaft
- shape
- shefton
- shod
- shorter
- shoulder
- show
- sicilian
- sicily
- sides
- silchester
- similar
- similarity
- similarly
- since
- single
- size
- sketched
- skyphos
- slender
- slenderer
- slightly
- slimmer
- slipper
- small
- smaller
- so
- society
- some
- somewhat
- sonderliste
- sp
- sparkes
- sparta
- specific
- spinelli
- squat
- ssociated
- staatliche
- stampolidis
- stetr
- stil
- stile
- stockholm
- stones
- studies
- style
- such
- suggests
- supplementary
- survivals
- suspension
- sweden
- swedish
- sydney
- syenite
- t
- t1243
- t1427
- t1443
- t1455
- t1537
- t1722
- t2556
- t2621
- t3082
- t3162
- talcott
- taller
- tamassos
- tapering
- taps
- taranti
- taranto
- technau
- technique
- temp2007237 belonging
- temp2014121
- temp2014122
- tendrils
- terracotta
- terracottas
- than
- that
- the
- thebes
- there
- thick
- things
- third
- this
- thompson
- three
- throne
- throughout
- tissus
- tn
- to
- tolfa
- tomb
- tombs
- top
- toronto
- tours
- troad
- troy
- turn
- turner
- two
- type
- types
- types'
- typically
- u
- uc13204
- uc9499
- und
- underside
- undersides
- universitet
- university
- unpublished
- unteritalischen
- unusual
- upcurving
- upper
- ure
- ures
- usa
- use
- used
- v
- vanderpool
- vase
- vasen
- vases
- vasi
- veder
- verona
- version
- vessels
- vi14
- vi16
- via
- victoria
- vii
- viii76
- villa
- vol
- vol1
- vollkommer
- w
- walkers
- ware
- warsaw
- was
- water
- webster
- well
- were
- where
- which
- who
- whpiv4
- wide
- wien
- with
- without
- work
- works
- world
- would
- x-182
- xiii
- xiv
- xix
- xlix
- xviii
- xxxii
- xxxv
- yale
- yet
- york
- yuag
- zintilis
- proprietà
- step-down
- the
- Åstrom
- Åström
- Österreich