Find all images for which Artist is:
- 106
- 122
- 128012
- 13108
- 13894
- 199
- 209
- 210
- 2268
- 2335
- 234
- 238
- 2585
- 2660
- 2996
- 309
- 31
- 403
- 47
- 495
- 50x4
- 51713
- 52
- 581
- 66/160
- 68
- 707
- 73
- 824
- 897
- 9243
- acheloos
- aegisthus
- after
- ai
- alabastra
- alexandria
- ampersand
- amphorae
- and
- andrews
- antimenes
- antonino
- ark
- arming
- artefact
- asteas-python
- athena
- athene
- athens
- b
- b9
- baltimore
- band
- beldam
- berlin
- beth
- blaricum
- bm
- bologna
- bonn
- bowdoin
- boy
- branicki
- branteghem
- brussels
- by
- c
- calliope
- cambridge
- capua
- carlsruhe
- carmelo
- cassandra-parrish
- caylus
- centaur
- chaire
- chc
- chevron
- chrysler
- circle
- class
- cleveland
- cock
- cocks
- colle
- comacchio
- copenhagen
- cup
- dancing
- darius-underworld
- deianeira
- del
- delicate
- di
- dolphin
- dot-band
- dotted
- douris
- dunedin
- e
- egg
- empedocles
- emporion
- eric
- euaion
- f
- facing
- falanto
- fat
- g
- geladakis
- geneva
- geometricising
- georgios
- geron
- gioia
- girl
- goateed
- goettingen
- graziano
- greco
- group
- haimon
- harrison
- hasselmann
- heidelberg
- helen
- henning
- herakles
- hermogenes
- heron
- herzegovina
- hoplite
- hoplite-leaving-home
- horse-bird
- hydria
- iii
- iliupersis
- jannis
- john
- kantharos
- karlsruhe
- kassel
- koukia
- krokatos
- kurashiki
- laghetto
- lampas
- lancut
- lawson
- leafless
- leagros
- lecce
- lekanai
- lekanis
- lekythoi
- lentini-syracuse
- lid
- liverpool
- london
- louvre
- luc
- luyckx
- lydos
- made
- makaria
- marathon
- marianopoli-gela
- martin
- matsch
- meleager
- meo-evoli
- monopoli
- munich
- n
- naples
- naukratis
- navarra
- near
- nikosthenes
- obverse
- of
- or
- orientalizing
- original
- orvieto
- overlap
- owl
- p
- painter
- patera
- patera-ganymede
- patras
- pattern
- pelet
- penthesilea
- penthesilean
- perhaps
- phanyllis
- pheidias
- phidias
- phidiasÂ
- pisana
- pithos
- polos
- polyphemus
- pothos
- potter
- primato
- protome
- providence
- python
- q
- r312
- read-ox
- reading
- redingote
- reed
- reverse
- rhitsona
- rhomboid
- roberts
- roccanova
- rose
- rosoni
- round-ear
- runner
- s
- sabouroff
- salting
- sam
- scheggino
- school
- schulman
- sellada
- siamese
- sidewinder
- sirens
- skyphoi
- snub-nose
- sophilos
- split-mouth
- spray
- stamatopoulos
- stamnos
- stanford
- stoke-on-trent
- straggly
- subgroup
- suckling
- swan
- taranto
- tarporley
- tarquinia
- the
- theseus
- thrysus
- thyrsus
- tityos
- to
- tor
- torino
- toronto
- trieste
- two-hire
- type
- uknown
- unknown
- ures
- vatican
- verona
- was
- wave
- wellcome
- white
- wide
- with
- workshop
- wr
- wuerzburg
- xenon
- zaandam
- zuest
- zurich