Fat body, long bottle neck with spreading lip, large U-shaped handle. Two moulded rings round neck at junction with handle. Foot conical. Cf. Sydney, Nicholson 52.418 (with shorter foot and more relief decoration)
Cone shaped body. Vertical ring handles, ribbon. Broad duf-bottomed cap, spreading foot. Shallow depression inside in bottom (cf. CVA pl.19.1,2).
Castulo cup: large stemless cup with inset lip. Slightly outturned rim with concave lip, inset on interior and exterior, below which are attached two horizontal round handles, oblong in shape, incurved and rising slightly over the rim. Shallow bowl divided from a spreading, lipped torus ring foot by a broad groove.
Castulo cup': large stemless cup. Slightly outturned rim with concave lip, inset on interior and exterior, below which are attached two horizontal round handles, oblong in shape, incurved and rising to the height of the rim. Shallow bowl divided from a spreading, lipped torus ring foot by a broad groove.
Stemless cup with a plain rounded rim. Two horizontal round handles, oblong in shape, incurved and rising over the rim. Handles rise from half-way down the shallow bowl, which is divided from spreading, lipped torus ring foot by a broad groove.
Spreading circular body with long flat nozzle and large oval wick hole and rounded tip. Slight anomaly on the underside of the nozzle. Handle is missing. Flat base with no foot, wheel marks.
Poppy flask, with a fat body, long bottle neck with spreading lip, large handle. Two moulded rings round neck at junction with handle. Foot conical. Cf. Sydney, Nicholson 52.412, from Abydos (Base-ring I Ware)
Broad flaring lip, convex on the upper surface, with a downturned rim, offset from a concave shallow bowl; hollow high stem offset from plate but spreading at the bottom into a disk foot, hollowed on the interior.
Rounded rim on tapered flange, below which the walls spread out to a thin element that would have supported the lid; just below this are attached two horizontal horseshoe-shaped strap handles, slightly canted upwards, to which spurs are attached on either side. The lower body is offset from the handle zone, rounded in the lower part where it sharply joins a moulded foot, with groove above a spreading upper part and a broader, rounded lower part, hollow on the interior, with a narrow resting surface, and a pointed, slightly offset underside.
Flanged rim and tapering body, to which are attached broad horizontal strap handles (rounded but almost oblong in shape), slightly canted upwards, with spurs on either side. The lower body is offset from the handle zone, rounded in the lower part where it attached to thick stem broadening to a moulded foot, with spreading upper part, slightly concave, and a broader, rounded lower part, broadening towards the base, with a conical depression on the interior, and a narrow resting surface
Rounded rim, slightly incurved, on concave lip, below which are attached two horizontal round handles, oblong in shape, incurved and rising to the height of the rim; deep bowl joins a spreading, lipped torus ring foot.
Rounded rim, slightly incurved, on concave lip, below which are attached two horizontal round handles, oblong in shape, incurved and rising to the height of the rim; deep bowl joins a spreading, lipped torus ring foot.
Rounded everted rim on concave lip, below which are attached two horizontal round handles, oblong in shape, canted and slightly incurved, rising to just below the rim; deep bowl joins a spreading, lipped torus ring foot with a sloping resting surface.
Spreading lip, flat, with rounded rim, above tall, cylindrical neck, with ridge at center, just above attachment of l-shaped strap-handle, joining at centre of shoulder; squat piriform body, nearly flat base, ridge at exterior, groove just within.
Spreading lip above long cylindrical neck, decorated with a moulded ring at the junction with the thin rounded vertical handle, which arches and rejoins at the broadest part of the biconical body; conical foot. Lopsided.
Very thin walls, with rounded rim, just below which are attached horizontal handles. Walls slightly concave, divided from a spreading, lipped torus ring foot, with a pointed resting surface, by a pair of grooves. This example corresponds to Ure's Class II.C skyphos, particularly (ii) which includes reddish-purple bands just below the level of the handles, perhaps a band at the bottom of the body where it joins the ring foot, and concentric purple bands on the underside (or plain black or reserved undersides). See Ure 1927, 24.