Deep round mouth with concave lip, slightly overhanging, attached to a high swung vertical strap handle, which reattaches at the shoulder. Below the mouth is a short neck with a ridge, a globular body, slightly flattened, and a low, sharply angled ring foot. Corinth round-mouthed oinochoe, type A, group i: see Corinth 13, 131 fig. 14, 134.
Deep round mouth with concave lip, slightly overhanging attached to a high swung vertical ribbed handle, which reattaches at the shoulder. Below the mouth is a short neck with a ridge, a globular body, slightly flattened, and a low, sharply angled foot, with a flat base. Corinth round-mouthed oinochoe, type A, group i: see Corinth 13, 131 fig. 14, 134.
Deep round mouth with rounded rim, concave, slightly overhanging lip, attached to a high swung vertical strap handle, which reattaches at the shoulder. Below the mouth is a short neck with a ridge at the attachment to the globular body, slightly flattened, and a low, sharply angled foot with a flat base.Corinth round-mouthed oinochoe, type A, group i: see Corinth 13, 131 fig. 14, 134.
Small, squat variant of the Classical round-mouthed oinochoe, type B. Round mouth, slightly concave lip, from which extends a short vertical strap handle that reconnects at the bottom of the shoulder; narrow neck, sloping shoulder, sharply curving to a hemispherical body; high ring foot, slightly angled.
Wide mouth with moulded, slightly concave lip, and slightly everted rim, below which the short vertical strap handle emerges, bends, and descends to the shoulder. Globular body attached to an angled ring foot. Shape similar to Corinthian round-mouthed oinochoe, type B (cf. Corinth 13, fig. 14), but with a slightly concave lip, and more globular than Corinth T1712: Corinth 13, 228 no. 296-2, pl. 41.