Lower half of a figurine (joins Reading 14.9.115), preserving the legs and lower torso of a nude boy, some drapery (a cloak) behind him that is twisted around his right hand, and the rectangular base on which he stands.
Small bowl, 'later and light', according to Gill. Cf. Reading 14.9.106
Shallow bowl with incurving rim, concave on inner face, torus ring foot, circular ridge in middle of underside before convex centre.
The bowl is a variant of Hoffmann's shape III (see H. Hoffmann, Tarentine Rhyta [Mainz 1966] 2) but the bowl is unusually aligned with the animal head. The Reading example corresponds to Hoffmann's 'main group' of Tarentine ram's-head rhyta, and particularly to his group E, which is 'the first wholly naturalistic representation of the ram-head', which he ascribes to the 'hand of Coroplast Beta'
'Delicate class': for the same shape cf. also Reading 14.9.113 (from Gela?) and 83.9.12 (also from Al Mina).
Bowl with outturned rim: cf. Reading 47.2.8 (from Tamassos) and Reading 83.9.4 and 83.9.7 (both from Al Mina).
Bowl with outturned rim: cf. Reading 47.2.8 (from Tamassos) and Reading 83.9.3 and 83.9.7 (both from Al Mina).
Bowl with outturned rim: cf. Reading 47.2.8 (from Tamassos) and Reading 83.9.3 and 83.9.4 (both from Al Mina).