Fragment from base, stem between base and main bowl of pot
Rounded handle with small flat part sticking out at part furthest from main pot
The bowl is a variant of Hoffmann's shape III (see H. Hoffmann, Tarentine Rhyta [Mainz 1966] 2) but the bowl is unusually aligned with the animal head. The Reading example corresponds to Hoffmann's 'main group' of Tarentine ram's-head rhyta, and particularly to his group E, which is 'the first wholly naturalistic representation of the ram-head', which he ascribes to the 'hand of Coroplast Beta'
Wide rim with bevelled lip. Long wide neck leading to a short and rounded body, base protrudes from body but has been damaged (during firing process ?). The handle attaches to the top of the body and then again at the join of the rim and the neck. There is a fork shaped spur which follows the curve of the handle and rim and then continues above the main body of the jug.
Single but ornate handle that has pointed oval at bottom, two moulded lines towards top and a piece that curves up separate to the main handle in a 'cobra-like' strike pose. The main piece of the handle extends along rim of vessel in a leaf-like shape with notches in the edges. Mouth is wide and has small rim. Outside body is marked with 4 pairs of incised bands around its sides. Small curve at side of foot. Base is flat but has 6 incised concentric circles and a central sunken dot.
Miniature papyrus sceptre worn as a pendant (suspension hole at top). Zig zags taper to the main body the top of which is decorated with four incised lines. The body swells and then tapers to a pointed base.
Main body; circular with long nozzle, low girth, rim of large circular filling hole is stepped down from the shoulder. Nozzle is smooth and cylindrical with one side deeper than the other. Large circular, high vertical handle attached to the shoulder opposite the nozzle. Small slightly of centre foot is circular and has a concave base. Kick on the interior of the base.
Main body; circular with long nozzle, low girth, rim of large circular filling hole is stepped down from the shoulder. Nozzle has concave sides, tip is splayed, large oval wick hole. Large circular, high vertical handle attached to the shoulder opposite the nozzle. Small foot is circular and has a concave base very small kick on the interior of the base.