Broad, flat, rim; short neck; long body, widening towards base; almost conical base with small circular indentation in centre
Bulbous body, wider in the lower part. Projected rim with a very small discus area leading to an irregular filling hole. Long nozzle with a wide, flat, oval wick hole. Applied strip handle attached to the rim and reaching down to the base. Flat unmarked base. Tall indentation on the left side of the body.
Chimney mouth (missing), offset slightly from a tall cylindrical neck, which broadens to a slightly diagonal shoulder. Small strap handle arches up from just below the mouth and rejoins at the bottom of the shoulder; below a carination at shoulder is a cylindrical body, tapering towards the base, and then sharply narrowing to a short stem, attached to a moulded pedestal foot, with a profile that is slightly convex; the slightly concave underside has a conical indentation at centre.
Small trefoil oinochoe, group iii. Pinched trefoil mouth from which rises at the back a high swung strap handle that rejoins the body above the middle; small indentation on lower part of handle; short, wide neck that curves continuously into the baggy body; short, plain ring foot, slightly concave on underside, with central nipple.
Slim alabastron with narrow mouth, projecting rim, slightly convex on the upper surface, and beveled at the edge, flat on the underside; tall, slightly concave neck, offset from a tall ovoid body, with two small lug handles on the upper 1/4 of the body; molded pedestal foot is comprised of a tapering upper element broadening into a disk foot, with a diagonal outer surface, with three ridges, a flat resting surface, and a conical indentation on the underside.
Moulded rounded (‘mushroom’) knob, topped by beveled disk with inset circle, conical indentation on upper surface, surrounded by a groove; cylindrical stem offset from a to a slightly diagonal lid, with a moulded flange on the underside, concave at centre.
Moulded knob, topped by a slightly rounded element with inset circle and conical indentation, on upper surface; lower part of knob curves into a nearly cylindrical stem offset from a diagonal lid, with a tapered lip, with a plain rim.
Flaring flat, broad lip with convex upper surface and and concave lower surface, curving into a cylindrical neck; vertical ribbon handle emerges from the rim and rejoins the bottom of the neck at a bulge, below which is a conical body, with a rounded base, and a slight conical indentation at the bottom.
Small trefoil oinochoe, group iii. Pinched trefoil mouth from which rises at the back a high swung strap handle that rejoins the body above the middle; small indentation on lower part of handle; short, wide neck that curves continuously into the baggy body; short, plain ring foot, slightly concave on underside, with central nipple.
Chimney mouth with everted lip, slightly concave on the upper surface, and ridged on the lower surface, offset from a tall cylindrical neck, which broadens to a flat shoulder. Small strap handle arches up from alongside the neck and rejoins at the bottom of the shoulder; below a carination at shoulder is a cylindrical body, slightly flaring at the shoulder, tapering towards the base, and then sharply narrowing to a short stem, attached to a moulded pedestal foot, comprised of a scotia above a torus; the flat base has a conical indentation at centre.
Chimney mouth (missing), offset from a tall cylindrical neck, which broadens to a flat shoulder. Small strap handle arches up from alongside the neck and rejoins at the bottom of the shoulder; below a carination at shoulder is a cylindrical body, tapering towards the base, and then sharply narrowing to a short stem, attached to a moulded pedestal foot, with a profile that is concave above convex; the flat base has a conical indentation at centre.
Tall cylindrical neck, which broadens to a slightly diagonal shoulder. Small strap handle rejoins at the bottom of the shoulder; below a carination at shoulder is a cylindrical body, tapering gently towards the base, which is attached to a moulded pedestal foot, tapering down, with a profile that is slightly convex; the underside has a conical indentation at centre.
Flanged rim and tapering body, to which are attached horizontal triangular strap handles, slightly canted upwards. The body narrows sharply to short stem, slightly offset from the top of a moulded foot, with a vertical exterior surface and a conical indentation on the underside, and a narrow resting surface.
Cup mouth; exterior surface of foot, slightly convex, broadens towards the base, with has a flat underside except for a conical indentation at the centre.