Male head, with oval eyes and marked smile.
Male head with oval eyes and slight smile.
Female head with prominent ears, oval eyes and slight smile.
Female head, broken at neck, with oval eyes, prominent ears and slight smile.
Round male head with oval eyes, flat nose and slight smile.
Rectangular male head with flat back. Round eyes, flat nose and no smile.
Female mask (hollowed at back), with gaping mouth, hollowed eyes, hair arranged in thick ridges, at side of head and above brow (fringe).
Ceramic figure of a camel, with raised head and straight posture. He is slightly craning his straightened head upwards, so that his broad neck is a little bent backwards. His eyes appear to be triangular but the iris is round. The mouth is slightly open. The saddle is just schematically depicted with a broad band surrounding the humps, both slightly tapering; the back hump is bent to the left, the front hump to the right. The tail leads down closed to his left leg. His legs are long and thin. There is a hole at the bottom of his rounded belly.
Male head, with oval eyes, large nose and faint smile.
Fragment. Head of woman. Hair centrally parted, waves and ringlets hanging over and below ears. Stephane and veil. Neck with Venus rings. Large eyes.