Trefoil mouth attached at the back to a high swung strap handle that reattaches near the bottom of the shoulder; short cylindrical neck with a ridge marking the join with the high-shouldered, squat, rounded body; broad, angled ring foot, slightly concave on underside. For large trefoil oinochoai see Corinth 13, 130-32 fig. 14
Plain rim, below which are attached two horizontal round handles; curved sides, nearly vertical at the top and tapering more sharply towards the angled ring foot. Shape corresponds to Corinth black-glazed skyphoi, group iii, although the pattern on this skyphos is quite different.
Deep round mouth with concave lip, slightly overhanging, attached to a high swung vertical strap handle, which reattaches at the shoulder. Below the mouth is a short neck with a ridge, a globular body, slightly flattened, and a low, sharply angled ring foot. Corinth round-mouthed oinochoe, type A, group i: see Corinth 13, 131 fig. 14, 134.
Plain rim below which are attached two horizontal round handles; concave sides tapering down to a narrow, angled ring foot with convex resting surface. Semi-glazed skyphos, type ii: see Corinth 13, 125 fig. 13
Deep round mouth with concave lip, slightly overhanging attached to a high swung vertical ribbed handle, which reattaches at the shoulder. Below the mouth is a short neck with a ridge, a globular body, slightly flattened, and a low, sharply angled foot, with a flat base. Corinth round-mouthed oinochoe, type A, group i: see Corinth 13, 131 fig. 14, 134.
Incurving rim with concave lip, narrowing to a short neck at the top of which is attached a small vertical strap handle that extends the the shoulder; wall curves continuously from neck, widening to an ovoid body atop a disk foot; underside concave with a slight circular protruberance at centre. Tapering 'cucumber', survival of the Late Corinthian Archaic type (see Corinth 13, 140-41, fig. 15), but with a disk foot. E.g. Corinth T1317: Corinth 13, 222 no. 277-4, pl. 37. Cf. also Rhitsona 50.273.
Deep round mouth with rounded rim, concave, slightly overhanging lip, attached to a high swung vertical strap handle, which reattaches at the shoulder. Below the mouth is a short neck with a ridge at the attachment to the globular body, slightly flattened, and a low, sharply angled foot with a flat base.Corinth round-mouthed oinochoe, type A, group i: see Corinth 13, 131 fig. 14, 134.
Wide mouth with moulded, slightly concave lip, and slightly everted rim, below which the short vertical strap handle emerges, bends, and descends to the shoulder. Globular body attached to an angled ring foot. Shape similar to Corinthian round-mouthed oinochoe, type B (cf. Corinth 13, fig. 14), but with a slightly concave lip, and more globular than Corinth T1712: Corinth 13, 228 no. 296-2, pl. 41.
Trefoil mouth attached at the back to a high-swung vertical handle (missing) that reattached at the bottom of the diagonal shoulder; below carination, body bulges and then tapers to a flat base, slightly concave on the underside. For tall trefoil oinochoai see Corinth 13, 131 fig. 14, 133, e.g. Corinth T1298-99: Corinth 13, 312 nos. D 49-f-g, pl. 57.