A dog lying down, viewed from above, raised from the surface of the gem cast.
Nude figure of Aphrodite viewed from behind, holding drapery. Winged Eros on her right holding a torch. Number 10
Nude Aphrodite lying on her front on a bed with drapery around her viewed from above. Inscription below.
Number 49
Viewed from the nozzle; circular raised moulded rings around the discus, moulded decoration within however indistinguishable. two bands on the crest of the handle. Moulded line from the handle going across the discus decoration and ending to the right of the nozzle.
Viewed from the nozzle; circular raised moulded rings around the discus, moulded decoration within however indistinguishable. Two bands on the crest of the handle. Moulded line from the handle going across the discus decoration and ending to the right of the nozzle.