A sphinx is depicted with wings spread. She is scratching her head or neck with her hind left paw.
Griffin with its wings spread out with a harp next to it.
Eagle, wings spread, holding a wreath (?) in beak.
Frontal depiction of a small winged male figure with wings spread. The figure is holding what appears to be a container in his left hand. The figure seems to be dangling what is possibly a bunch of grapes over a bird (possibly a goose).
Exterior: Greyish-black overpainting depicting 2 standing birds with curved necks. The bird on the right has wings spread and short horizontal lines on the wing and tail suggesting feathers. There is a reddish stripe overpainted across the body and across the tail. The bird on the left is cut off half-way across the body, but the same red body stripe and feather markings are present. Above the birds is a semicircle of thin bulb-shaped parallel vertical lines and around the birds are several circles of varying sizes.
The vessel is decorated with impressed (stamped) decoration. Shoulder: there are six inverted palmettes (voluted with narrow divisions), linked with incised curving lines. There is also a ridge at the junction of the shoulder and body, below which there is the motif of ellipsoid tongues (eggs) contoured by a line each. Body: At about the middle, there are six, widely spread double-leaved motives (teardropped leaves) and a continuous, incised line that goes through them. The joining point of the body and foot is reserved and so is the edge of the foot and the resting surface.
Inside: Central part reserved and decorated with black band in the centre surrounded by three black concertic bands. The rest is black, superimposed with two red and white bands. The top of the rim is decorated with a band of two rows of dots framed by thin black bands. The incurving rim is decorated with back and red thin bands.
A: Swan facing to the left with spread wings. Incised rosettes and dots in field. B: bird (owl?) facing to the right goat to the left coloured partly in red; Incised rosettes in the field C: Bird (goose?)partly coloured purple and facing grazing goat(?) to the left but very faded. Below, broad black band with superimposed white-red-white at top and bottom. Triangular rays on a black baseline extend from the base. Narrow black band around middle of foot. Black band with superimposed white on inside of footring. On base, two black bands and a central dot. Exterior and interior of ring foot black
Glaze is dark brown, sometimes with a reddish hue. Glazed on rim, neck (interior and exterior), handles, at junction of body and stand, and on exterior of foot. Cartoon-ish black-figure scenes on body and stand, with incised detail. Body, side A: Legless horseman, with arms spread on either side, to right on a horse held by a bearded man in a short tunic, with a dagger at his right side, who stands to his left. Behind him stands another bearded man wearing a short tunic, who holds a branch in his outstretched right hand, and bends his left arm at his side. Body, side B: Another legless horseman advances to the right, also with arms outstretched, on a horse, galloping towards a bearded, male figure, wearing a long tunic, who stands profile to the left. Stand, side A: Two confronting water birds, with 3 flecks behind the right water bird. Stand, side B: Two male figures in profile to the right, with a dagger at his left side; the second figure, who is shorter, seems to be bound.
The mouth (exterior and interior), larger upper part of the neck and the handle are black (uneven and at most areas reddish brown) apart from the upper surface of the rim, which is red. There is a grey line on the neck and the surface of the shoulder bears decoration of voluted palmettes with narrow divisions and tendrils, widely spread to fill the space. The upper part of the body bears a meander pattern between two pairs of brown lines (above and below). Every fourth meander the pattern is interrupted by a saltive cross with a dot on each one of the triangular surfaces around it. The meander pattern continues as far as the scene below it is depicted. Main scene: A young man, wearing underwear? is seated on his himation, at the left side of a two-stepped tomb or pedimental funerary monument (grave-stele). At the right of the scene, a woman wearing a black and red peplos is bringing offerings. There is a brown line below them and the rest of the vessel is black, with the exception of two exteremely thin lines that are reserved at the joining point of the foot to the body and the side surface of the foot that is red, although the slip has not been evenly applied on the whole of the surface. Lastly, the resting surface is reserved.
Two large lines upon the outer part, one at the top, the other at the bottom, that spread across its face and form a sort of box. Within the box appears to be a painting of grape vine with a series of heart-shaped leaves forming a pattern, as well as several patterns of what seem to be four lots of grapes. There are no decorations on the inside of the fragment.