On the inner surface shallow and thick black/red-brown lines with thick section of black paint. On outer surface there are spiral patterns in between two sets of lines in brown.
One deep ridge on the interior and other shallow ones both on interior and exterior
shallow ridges on the interior
Standing naked male figure. Looking at what appears to be a small statue. Something has been placed at the foot of the statue, possibly an offering of some description. Detail too shallow to identify.
Interior: redish wash overpainted with wide horizontal stripes of geyish-black. Shallow ridges. Exterior: greyish-black wash with a reddish-brown wash visible beneath.
Exterior: two horizontal parallel lines etched towards top of fragment. Below this, 3 vertical, non-parallel ridges, with narrower ridges coming off at shallow angles towards the bottom of them.
Exterior: two thick brown parallel horizontal lines, the upper of which has two thin brown parallel lines coming off at a shallow angle.
Globular, trefoil moth, tricorne lid, shallow foot-ring. Black, underneath reserved. Clay pale buf. Some plaster filling. Tongues on shoulder, every second red, every fourth yellowish-buff, orig. white (cf. ball aryballos 39.9.5). Just below tongues
The vessel bears impressed (stamped) decoration and is black inside, as well as outside. There is a rope-shaped plastic motif above the shoulder of the vessel and the body is ribbed (long, tongue-shaped motives). Below the handle there are ten impressed palmettes (voluted with narrow divisions), arranged in an inverted triangle. The resting surface bears traces of a red line, its shallow inner side bears a black band, the central part is red and there is a black circle with a dot at the centre.
The decoration above the shoulder is unclear. A fish is probably depicted on the shoulder. On the body, black bands of varying thicknesses, range from top to bottom. The base is reserved and almost flat. Shallow groove between slight footing and central flat disk.
Interior surface has horizontal bands around rim and then black bands to centre . The space in between is reserved. Two horizontal handles, one on each side, are semi-circular with projections and each has a black line running along topside. On exterior surface from handles to base is a row of dots linked by lines, three black bands, leaves with lines inside, black bands, dots around shallow foot. Base is flat and has four triangles with hatching, four leaves in a cruciform shape attached to a central band and dot.
Shallow, flat interior with a hole in the centre and two black concentric bands around the hole in the centre. Rim flat and reserved. Body neck and foot black glaze. High foot andon circular base which is sloping and broken.
Narrowly flarred lip, shallow with flat surface in the interior. Red circle at centre of interior. Flat resting surface, raised base, reserved.
Shallow, squat body with small sloped foot and flat resting surface, spiral grooves on base.
Small and shallow bowl, with narrow body. Flat interior with a slight indentation in the centre. Short foot, base conical with flat resting surface.
Handle painted black. On the upper surface are four black bands and below handle is a single band. Kothon has a shallow foot-ring, black on both sides. Base is raised and has two black bands in center. Inside is a broad black band.
Shallow and conical fragment comprises part of a gently sloping side and part of a flat base.
Shallow bowl with flat rim and convex foot. Red with one thick black band around the body; a thin black band beneath the rim and several bands on the inside of the bowl.
Shallow bowl with flat rim and convex foot. Red with one thick black band around the body; a thin black band beneath the rim and several bands on the inside of the bowl.
Handle in two pieces and entwined in knot and extending out to sides along rim. Mouth is wide and has small rim with moulding around edge. Neck is black and smooth with a ridge at juncture with body. The body has shallow vertical ribs, with a cross incised under handle. Horizontal groove halfway down body. Stem is ruddled above foot and reserved, decorated with a black bad. Upper and lower edge of foot reserved. Foot is conical with reserved resting surface and base, except for a black band inside of foot.
Short, broad spreading foot. A+B(?) broad fleshy lotus between palmettes, under handle ivy leaf, all connected by snaky tendril. Interior black with reserved disk in shallow well. Reserved band c.3 mm wide round lip.
Wide mouth, no neck tapering to a very slightly flat base. Very shallow rivets form concentric around the bowl, almost as if the potter has lightly brushed around the pot with his fingers during its creation. The surface is course and it is dark red in colour.
Shallow greywacke bowl in two pieces (evidence of further joins). Incomplete with middle section missing.
Reddish brown, slightly blackened inside, slight straight lip, fairly shallow. Similar indentations around the side of the bowl like E.62.37.
Fragment preserves part of the lip and also the base of what was a shallow bowl. There is is a darker blue curved line following the angle of the bowl suggesting that there was a decoration at the bottom of the bowl. The piece comes from a spoilt lot from the lower levels of the city, which is suggested by the extra thick layer of glaze that is present on the lip.
Coarse material. Very shallow plate. Inside are traces of orange and brown deposits. Incised band inside rim and maybe around base too. Surface is not flat but has small lumps, perhaps caused by inclusions. Base is flat. Reserved.
Shallow groove around the filling hole. Concentric circles on the base, but off centre. Red wash all over the exterior and interior.