Male head in profile facing right. Ram's horn in head indicates this is Apollo Karneois, the ram god.
Front view of a gem cast showing the pantheistic head has the ram's horns of Jupiter Ammon, the modius headdress of Serapis, and the rays of Sol Invictus. Number 27
Front view of a gem cast showing the pantheistic head has the ram's horns of Jupiter Ammon, the modius headdress of Serapis, and the rays of Sol Invictus.
Number 28
Front view of a gem cast showing the pantheistic head has the ram's horns of Jupiter Ammon, the modius headdress of Serapis, and the rays of Sol Invictus.
Number 29.
Front view of a gem cast showing the pantheistic head has the ram's horns of Jupiter Ammon, the modius headdress of Serapis, and the rays of Sol Invictus.
Number 30
Front view of a gem cast showing the pantheistic head has the ram's horns of Jupiter Ammon, the modius headdress of Serapis, and the rays of Sol Invictus. In background very faint merperson or fish holding trident with tail and two letters L and Z.
Number 31
A scene showing a man, possibly the titan Crius, facing left. He is holding a ram's head.
Double Portrait of a head has the ram's horns of Jupiter Ammon, and the rays of Sol Invictus and a goddess (?).
Number 35.
Figure of a naked man with ram's head, holding a sceptre in his left hand and grain in his right hand. Number 60
A cow and a naked woman with a crown, holding a vessel, sitting on a flower, are in a barque which has a lion's head on the left end and a ram's head on the right end. Cast number: 6
A woman sitting on a flower chair holding a scepter and point her hand to her mouth. Opposite her an animal, looking like a lion on standing on its hind legs, streching its front legs out to the woman. They are both in a skiff which has a ram's head on its left end. Cast number: 34
Profile of a man with wavy hair, a beard and a ram's horn. Cast number: 67
Profile of a man with a ribbon and wavy hair and a ram's horn behind his ear, looking left. Cast number: 7
Profile of a man with wavy hair and a ram's horn behind his ear, looking right. Cast number: 8
Profile of a young man with wavy hair and a ram's horn behind his ear wearing a ribbon, looking right.Probably Alexander the Great. Cast number: 12
Profile of a young man with a ribbon in his wavy hair and a ram's horn behind his ear, looking right.Probably Alexander the Great. Cast number: 13
Profile of a young man with a ribbon in his wavy hair and a ram's horn behind his ear, looking right. Probably Alexander the Great.Cast number: 14
Handle black on outside and reserved underneath. Shoulder: rays and long, thin lotus buds; black band at join with body. Top of bod: two rows black dots bordered by smaller white dots. Body: ram in cauldron set on tripod over a fire, flanked by two females holding wreaths on either side. Below is a broad black band with a thin band between reserved bands either side. Lower step of foot black; base reserved.
This is probably the scene in which Medea tricked the daughters of Peleus: she killed an old ram, cut up its body and threw it in a boiling cauldron. Medea, a sorceress, restored the ram's life and made it young. Whereupon Pelias' daughters kill Pelias and toss his body into the cauldron. Medea did not, however, restore Pelias' life and was driven out of Iolcus.
Wide mouth, with downturned molded rim (grooved), tapering to a neck that gradually widens to form the head of a ram, whose horns curl around his ears. Horizontal strap handle joins neck just below rim and loops around to rejoin the body just behind the ram's horns (on the underside of its neck).