Black, often fired to brick-red, and purple-red decoration on creamy-buff. On top of rim and handles groups of bars. Main zone, palmettes in panels (divided by vertical herring-bone bands). Stem has two bands at top, two at bottom. Inside bowl, three broad bands. Rim and base of foot reserved.
Interior: black with pair of purple red lines just below rim; exterior: black with purple-red band at rim, pair of narrower purple red bands immediately below it and another pair, broader, lower down.
Shoulder decorated with yellow ivy wreath from which dangles an actor's mask at centre: white face to left with yellowish-brown hair, head and features. On either side, a pair of purple-red fillets with white dots and white strings at the bottom, inside long yellow dotted branches. White line around shoulder, above vertical ribbing. Otherwise black glazed except for reserved areas in uneven band around join of at bottom of ribbing, foot and underside.
Black glaze, on which are superimposed two pairs of purple-red lines, one around the bottom of the handle-zone, and the other on the grooves at the junction of body and foot.