One side of the fragment is decorated; a thick band of brown is present with a undistinguishable pattern underneath. Two thin lines are indented into the piece.
One side is decorated with a series of parallel lines. In the centre of the fragment is a thick black line with a thinner one present above it. Underneath this lines of a light brown colour that increase in darkness.
Scraps of red-brown paint show a decoration was present, but is too unclear to make an identification of what it was
Partially naked male figure. A lyre and tripod are also present, indicating that he is perhaps Apollo.
Exterior: Greyish-black overpainting depicting 2 standing birds with curved necks. The bird on the right has wings spread and short horizontal lines on the wing and tail suggesting feathers. There is a reddish stripe overpainted across the body and across the tail. The bird on the left is cut off half-way across the body, but the same red body stripe and feather markings are present. Above the birds is a semicircle of thin bulb-shaped parallel vertical lines and around the birds are several circles of varying sizes.
Interior: greyish-black wash. Exterior: wide greyish-black band overpainted, taking up roughly half the exterior. Above this is a narrower parallel strip of unfinished terracotta containing 14 small dots in a horizontal line towards the top if it. And above this, half of another parallel band overpainted in greyish-black is present.
Exterior: 2 front legs of an animal, joining onto a body is overpainted in greysh-black. 5 short vertical lines are etched across the body and a few other etched lines define the back legs and chest of the animal. 2 back legs and a tail are partially present. A thick horizontal band and below a thinner band run parallel to the bottom-edge of the fragment. The animal appears to be standing on the thinner band, and there are 2 circle between the front and back legs, and two circles to the right of it.
No decoration present.
Singular black stripe on convexed side of fragment. No other decoration present.
A plain black glaze covers most of the fragment with a small brown stripe and dotted pattern also present.
Fragment preserves part of the lip and also the base of what was a shallow bowl. There is is a darker blue curved line following the angle of the bowl suggesting that there was a decoration at the bottom of the bowl. The piece comes from a spoilt lot from the lower levels of the city, which is suggested by the extra thick layer of glaze that is present on the lip.
Red colour wash (?) is present on the on the upper body. Several concentric purple lines decorate this area. lower body is left bare.
Rim and handle of cup. Fragment is completely reserved. Handle is small and pinched in a triangular shape. Handle is attached to a lower rim, suggesting that a lid was once present which would sit outside this rim. The higher rim is almost to the top of handle. Towards bottom of fragment, the slope becomes steeper as it gets nearer to base.
Wide mouth with curved rim and a curved rim around neck. Curved handle joins top of neck and shoulder. Globular body. Small foot with raised base underneath. Unsure of colour - possibly was glazed but reserved (?). Dark colour present now appears to be deposits rather than paint.