Ure Museum Database

There are 329 objects for which Decoration contains → naked
13.10.14 Naked standing female in relief. The figure has short hair, fastened up, broad shoulders, arms close to her sides, and legs together.
2007.1.10.14 Naked man holding a club talking to a wall with a bearded head??
2007.1.10.36 Naked man holding a staff sitting on a lion skin with a baby on his lap, both looking at a deer by a tree
2007.1.10.37 Naked man holding a staff sitting on a lion skin with a baby on his lap holding a branch facing a deer
2007.1.10.39 Naked man sitting on lion skin seducing a naked woman standing in front of him
2007.1.10.40 Naked man sitting down with his arm on a half crouching woman
2007.1.10.41 Man seated holding onto a naked woman standing to the left
2007.1.10.44 Naked man lying on the ground with club next to him and a tree and two deers on the background
2007.1.2B Naked Athenian warrior.
2007.10.1.11 Naked man carrying a child to a pot which contains another child
2007.10.1.12 Naked man with a club trying to knock person off a lunging horse
2007.10.1.13 Naked man with a club holding one handle of a vase, to collect water
2007.10.1.2 Naked man with helmet holding a club in the right hand and a snake in the left
2007.10.1.23 Three figures, one naked, two clothed and with head dresses. animals in the background.
2007.10.1.25 Naked man with right hand behind his back and small winged man behind him. Cast Number 89
2007.10.1.26 Naked man holding possibly cloth in both arms. A small winged child behind him (on the left) Cast number 90
2007.10.1.28 Naked bearded man with short curly hair kneeling on left knee facing the left of the image. He's holding a stick in his left hand and has a winged boy on his back. Cast number 92
2007.10.1.29 Naked bearded man kneeling down on left knee facing the left of the image and touching head with right hand. Cloths hanging down from his left arm. Tiny winged boy behind him. Cast number 93.
2007.10.1.4 Naked man holding a club and a tree branch. Face (incomplete) turning right.
2007.10.1.5 Naked man to the left, leaning on a stick. Woman sitting on a rock to the right.
2007.10.2.100 Bearded male head in profile facing right. He is wearing a helmet and to his left is a small naked female figure.
2007.10.2.102 Naked male figure leaning on a column to his right. In his hand he carries a bow and on the floor is a lyre leaning against the column.
2007.10.2.104 Naked male figure facing left. He is carrying something, possibly a small child, in his arms.
2007.10.2.110 Naked figure lying down facing away from the viewer. By the feet is a winged infant. There appears to be a serpent/snake entwined around the figure.
2007.10.2.111 2 warriors with shields and a naked male figure standing between them (he may also be a warrior but he isn't wearing any armour and he isn't carrying a shield). The warrior on the right is moving behind a wall so only 1 leg and his shield is visible.
2007.10.2.116 A naked man holding a lyre.
2007.10.2.118 Figure of a naked man touching the skull of an animal which is sitting on top of a column.
2007.10.2.138 Standing man, profile facing right, wearing a cape and un-Greek looking clothes, with a strange head-cover, looking at a statue of a naked man.
2007.10.2.144 Two figures, male and female. Man is standing and is holding shield and sword, naked except for a clothe covering his loins. Woman sitting, naked with a tunic very loosely wrapped round her, holding an object (?)
2007.10.2.146 Male figure reclining on a carrage, surrounded by winged children one pushing the wheel, the other holding reigns and a whip, the third being embraced by the male figure, who is half naked. A tree trunk on the fair right of the cast, with branches stretching above the figures.
2007.10.2.149 Bearded male seated figure in front of a pillar, half naked, learning towards a young male figure emerging from a vase.
2007.10.2.150 Two warriors, naked with helmets. The first is facing left and carries a sward in one hand and a shield in the other; he is on his knees. The second is facing right and he seems to be holding back something with his spear.
2007.10.2.151 Young male trying to push away an enormous rock on the left. His cape is risen by the air revealing his naked body tense in the muscular effort.
2007.10.2.152 Three figures. A man, visibly fatter and older than the others, is bound to a tree. A second man is standing in front of him and has a small vessel in his left hand (offering it to the other man?). Finally a woman is sensually reclining in the foreground, showing her naked back to the audience.
2007.10.2.153 Three figures. A man, naked, is sitting on the floor. Behind him a woman (naked as well?) is sitting on a chair touching his shoulders with one hand and carrying something in the other. Above the man's head a winged-child is pouring water from a vase.
2007.10.2.159 Two figures. A man wearing a cape is on his knees and is holding the naked body of a woman. At his feet there is a club suggesting that he is probably Heracles (killing the Amazon Hippolyte?)
2007.10.2.181 A naked, male, child-like figure, with a robe draped around his back and arm stretched out in front of him. Sitting on top of a small laurel wreathed plinth.
2007.10.2.185 Fighting scene. A creature with female body and a serpent instead of legs grabbing a man, naked and on his knees
2007.10.2.189 Frontal figure of a naked man standing up and rubbing his back with a cloth. On the background a small table with a vase on it.
2007.10.2.190 Older man, bold and overweight, standing with the help of a staff. He is in front of a boy who is pouring water on his feet. The man only has a cloth draped around his legs and the boy is naked.
2007.10.2.191 Male, naked with a cloth on his left harm, presenting his sword to the effigy of Athena placed on a column.
2007.10.2.193 Naked man standing up, leaning on a tree. Another figure sitting down. A bird in the background.
2007.10.2.195 A naked man with a clothe draped over his left shoulder, carrying what appears to be a dead animal.
2007.10.2.200 A half naked seated woman playing with Cupid
2007.10.2.205 Male figure resting on a lyre, semi naked (Apollo?)
2007.10.2.208 Two figures: one bearded, naked, sitting down with his hand resting on the second figure, which is standing, also naked
2007.10.2.210 A naked man kneeling, reaching towards an object on the ground
2007.10.2.213 A naked man pushing an large object uphill
2007.10.2.223 Standing naked male figure. Looking at what appears to be a small statue. Something has been placed at the foot of the statue, possibly an offering of some description. Detail too shallow to identify.
2007.10.2.226 Seated male figure, bearded and naked from the waist up. He is holding what appears to be a scythe (possibly identifying him as Kronos). Elaborate seat, possibly a throne. Detail at bottom left of cast is possibly a temple on the summit of a hill or mountain.
2007.10.2.229 A naked male figure carrying a club in his right hand and a bow in the left hand, (possibly Heracles)
2007.10.2.235 Two figures, both facing towards us, one standing behind the other. The one on the foreground is a warrior, possibly a Greek soldier (because he's naked) carrying a spear and shield and wearing a helmet. Behind him is a fully clothed figure, possibly a goddess.
2007.10.2.238 Naked male figure (athlete) holding a discuss. He has his left arm raised with the discuss held low in his right hand. Presumably he is in the process of throwing the discuss.
2007.10.2.250 A young male figure is depicted standing and facing to the left. He is naked from the waist up. The figure is holding a sword which he appears to be examining. The point of the blade is pointed towards the figure's body, the hilt away from the body.
2007.10.2.257 A naked and winged female figure riding a chariot pulled by two horses with their front legs reared.
2007.10.2.261 Two figures, one is a naked and bearded man standing, the other is a female sitting down. He is holding what looks like a staff or club, which could identify him as Heracles and she is balancing something on her knee. There are trees and vines in the background.
2007.10.2.262 A naked man sits in front of and is looking at, a small statue.
2007.10.2.284 A naked male figure sitting down with the inscription of "Nicolas" in ancient Greek written beside him.
2007.10.2.295 Naked male figure facing into the scene of the cast, his back to the 'viewer'. The figure appears to be holding a staff which is mostly obscured behind his body. The attention of the figure is on something in the bottom left of the scene; however, the detail is not clear enough to reliably identify what it is.
2007.10.2.297 Naked male figure facing to the right and carrying, or struggling with, an animal (possibly a goat).
2007.10.2.298 Naked male figure seated and playing a lyre. The figure is surrounded by armour and weaponry: a helmet to his left, a shield with a face at its centre at his feet to the right, and a sword hanging from some kind of frame or resting against it. The figure is possibly identified as Achilles as he was found by the embassy from Agamemnon at the beginning of book IX of Homer's Iliad.
2007.10.2.301 A naked man kneeling, both hands raised to another head(possibly wearing head-dress)body missing (possibly because of damage)branch above the figures (possible with fruit)
2007.10.2.302 Three female figures, two figures to the left standing, semi naked figure on the right is seated, middle figure also semi naked, two figures on either side appear to be helping the middle figure bathe left figure holding her hair and right figure touching her back
2007.10.2.303 Possible battle scene, containing five horses and two men, figure to the far left(only wearing a cloak) is on horse back and figure to the right is falling from a chariot (naked), pot at the bottom with contents spilling out, possible bird to its left
2007.10.2.306 At the centre of the cast is a naked young male, he is seated on what appears to be a large smooth rock. A large serpent is coiled beneath the male figure and to the right a lyre is placed on a stand or podium. On the far right of the cast a second stand or podium is carved, this one has what appears to be a tripod standing upon it. To the far left of the cast stands a clothed female figure. She is holding a rod or staff. Her attention is not upon the central scene, she appears distracted by something which is occurring further left as her gaze is directed that way.
2007.10.2.334 Naked woman riding on the back of a half horse half sea serpent, holding a trumpet.
2007.10.2.343 A naked soldier wearing a helmet raised on his head so his face is visible and he is carrying a shield and a spear. He is reaching for a statue of a woman in armour, possibly Athena.
2007.10.2.360 A naked, young male figure, holding what appears to be a piece of cloth and he is leaning against some sort of post.
2007.10.2.46 Naked man holding a vase in one hand and a robe and curved stick in other
2007.10.2.496 Semi naked man, his head facing to his right (our left), leaning on what is possibly a harp on his left hand side. A smaller figure is situated at his right, a possible statue possibly wearing a helmet and holding a spear in its right hand.
2007.10.2.497 Muscular naked man with snakes as his legs
2007.10.2.499 Muscular,bearded naked man sitting on a rock, facing to the the left where a much thinner figure is hunched over standing. The sitting figure has his right arm on the stading figures left shoulder
2007.10.2.504 Worn, a naked man's back as he climbs on to a possible step/rock
2007.10.2.57 Naked male with a spear.
2007.10.2.60 Naked male figure dancing. He appears to be holding some sort of percussive instrument in his hands.
2007.10.2.61 6 figures - 5 standing and 1 seated. The seated male appears to be crying with his head in his hands. 3 women stand to his left while another naked man and a warrior stand to his right.
2007.10.2.62 Naked male figure, probably a child. He looks to be holding something in his hand above his head.
2007.10.2.64 Naked male figure holding a short staff and a cloak draped over his arm. He is bearded and very muscular.
2007.10.2.66 Naked young male figure wearing a cloak and carrying a staff.
2007.10.2.68 Naked male figure dancing with a spear.
2007.10.2.75 2 figures - 1 seated female and a naked male standing. There is a statue in the background.
2007.10.2.82 Naked male figured dancing with a spear. A vase lies at his feet and it looks like there is an animal skin draped over his arm.
2007.10.2.84 Naked female crouching infront of an amphora, getting undressed. She's looks like she's washing.
2007.10.2.96 Naked male figure sitting/leaning against an inscribed chest. In one hand he holds a small pointed stick/dagger and in the other he holds what looks to be a model warrior. Over his arm is draped a cloak.
2007.10.2.99 3 naked winged infants.
2007.9.1.14 Displaying two naked male figures, the kneeling man on the left removing something from the out-stretched foot of the man in pain seated on the right.
2007.9.1.18 Displaying three figures, in the foreground a naked man with a shield pulling the hair of a fallen, half-naked woman, and behind them a man raising a spear.
2007.9.1.21 Displaying a naked human figure leaning against a modern harp and holding a flower or a mirror.
2007.9.1.31 Displays a naked woman, possibly Aphrodite, leaning on a post whilst reaching for her foot.
2007.9.1.33 Displays a very fine image of a half naked woman, her lower half draped in cloth, standing next to a pedestal and carrying a spherical object.
2007.9.1.34 Displays a naked man kneeling on one leg, possibly Perseus, wearing a helmet and a circular shield depicting a face, possibly Medusa's, facing left.
2007.9.1.35 Displays a half naked woman holding a mirror, possibly Aphrodite.
2007.9.1.42 Displays the naked figure of a woman wearing a cloak, facing right.
2007.9.1.43 Displays figure of naked woman.
2007.9.1.44 Displays figure of naked woman holding stick or staff, facing left.
2007.9.1.47 Displays a young naked man kneeling with his head bowed, facing left, and holding on to a post.
2007.9.1.51 Displays the figure of a naked human, resting their arm on a post or similar object.
2007.9.1.52 Displays a naked man, bent over slightly, facing right, and carrying a spear and long, unidentifiable object.
2007.9.1.53 Displays the figure of a half naked woman, facing left, holding a staff and possibly a basket.
2007.9.1.55 Displays a naked woman wearing a cloak, her left arm raised and her right hand pointing towards the ground.
2007.9.1.59 Displays a naked human figure riding a hippocampus, probably a Nereid, holding a cornucopia and possibly wearing a helmet, both facing left.
2007.9.2.1 Displays a winged woman in flight, holding flowers in her hands, and carrying a naked child on her back who is holding a torch aloft in his right hand. (Box Index = Personification of Morning/Day). Tray 5, Layer 1, Gem 1
2007.9.2.11 Displays a naked man with fairly long hair reclining in his seat, whilst a smaller winged figure of indeterminate gender stands in front of him, holding a bowl up to their mouth. (Box Index = Bacchus giving a drink to Love). Tray 5, layer 1, Gem 11
2007.9.2.16 Displays the figure of a naked woman, her head turned away to the right, trying to cover herself with a piece of cloth. (Box Index = Venus).
2007.9.2.18 Displays a winged man who is holding onto a mostly naked woman who is reclining on the ground and whose arms are held up around his head. Similar to the statue of Cupid and Psyche by Canova. (Box Index = Amore, e Psiche / Love and Psyche).
2007.9.2.2 Displays the seated figures of a man and a woman on the left hand side, with a shield bearing the image of two arrows in the foreground, whilst a mostly naked soldier weraing a helmet and cloak and carrying a spear stands on the right hand side. (Box Index = Hektor reprimanding Paris). Tray 5, Layer 1, Gem 2
2007.9.2.23 Displays three women, standing together with their arms around each other, mostly naked except for one piece of cloth wrapped around them. Some Greek writing around the outside. (Box Index = The Three Graces).
2007.9.2.25 Displaying a naked man with a cloak draped over one arm, holding a large pole in one hand, and a sphere topped with a small figure in the other. (Box Index = Figure of Napoleon).
2007.9.2.29 Displays a half naked woman, her right arm held up, obscuring most of her head, holding a small jug in the same hand, and a cup in the left. (Box Index = Head of Hebe).
2007.9.2.3 Displays a winged woman in flight, her head bowed, and carrying two naked children in her arms who appear to be asleep. (Box Index = Personification of Night). Tray 5, layer 1, Gem 3
2007.9.2.32 Displays the front view of a naked man, standing by what may be a tree stump, holding a tall, thin object in his right hand. Some Greek writing around the outside. (Box Index = Palamede).
2007.9.2.5 Displays four human figures. From left to right: a man with his head bowed and a hammer raised in his right hand, whilst holding a spear or an arrow in his left; a seated woman, her head turned away to the right, holding an arrow in her right hand, pointed down into a bowl she is holding in her left; a cherub, holding a long pole, his left arm outstretched and looking upwards at the figure behind him; a naked man wearing a helmet and holding a bundle of cloth and an arrow, and looking down at the cherub. (Box Index = Vulcan, Venus, Cupid, and Mars).Tray 5, Layer 1, gem 5
2007.9.2.6 Displays a mostly naked woman, her lower half draped in cloth, who is seated and holding the right arm of a cherub standing in front of her. A small flowering plant, a bee and two birds are also visible. (Box Index = Venus with crying Cupid who has been stung by a bee). Tray 5, Layer 1, Gem 6
2007.9.2.8 Displays a seated naked man, one hand resting on the handle of a club, the other holding a bowl, whilst a woman stands in front of him, holding a small jug in her raised right hand. (Box Index = Hercules and Hebe). Tray 5, Layer 1, Gem 8
2007.9.3.30 Naked male figure holding musical instrument, possibly a lyre.
2007.9.3.31 Two naked men, possibly wrestling. The figure on the left is wearing a helmet.
2007.9.3.47 Naked male figure - an athlete carrying a discus in his right hand.
2007.9.3.5 Displays a naked man, carrying a spear and a lion skin.
2007.9.3.54 Naked male figure holding a sword and a bow. He is embarking or disembarking a boat.
2007.9.3.57 Partially naked male figure. A lyre and tripod are also present, indicating that he is perhaps Apollo.
2007.9.3.65 2 naked warriors with the decoration "HERE" and "MAR".
2008.2.1.34 Naked female figure facing to the right her right arm raised above her head. The figure is leaning on a column and looking at a small winged boy who is seemingly presenting the standing figure with a wreath.
2008.2.1.35 Naked female figure seated and resting against a column. To the right of the figure is a small winged boy who seems to have his hands cupped round his mouth, suggesting that he is shouting at the female figure. It is possibly a representation of Eros waking Psyche.
2008.2.1.37 Naked male figure holding a spear. The figure is leaning against a column. At the foot of the column is a small animal (probably a dog) partly obscured by the column. The animal is looking up at the male figure.
2008.2.1.41 A small naked and winged male figure in frontal aspect facing slightly to the right. The figure is holding a bow and a club (which is resting upon his left shoulder)in his left hand. At the feet of the figure on the right side of the cast is a quivver.
2008.2.1.42 Two small winged and naked male figures. They appear to be fighting. One figure is on its knees on the ground an arm raised to protect its head, which the other figure (to the left) is striking.
2008.2.1.43 Three naked and winged figures, two of which are certainly male. Two figures on the left appear to be dancing or struggling. One is positioned behind the other forming a chiastic pattern. The third figure is on the extreme right of the cast, apparently walking away from the scene and carrying what appears to be a lantern.
2008.2.1.46 A female figure, naked from the thigh up. She appears to be dancing, her robe billowing around her suggesting movement.
2008.2.1.49 Clothed woman walking amoung naked men, some of whom are bending over either to pick up or put down flowers behind her, and one of which stands in front of her handing her flowers. Tree in the background.
2008.2.1.56 Seated chubby male figure facing forward holding a long stick in each hand. Figure is naked and is either sitting on a cloth and wearing a faint crown or has the horns and tail of a satyr.
2008.2.1.63 There are seven figures depicted, one the far right there appears to be a winged figure possible Eros. The male figure on the right next to the winged figure is sitting naked on a donkey, he is holding his right arm in the air above his head possibly in celebration. On the far left there is a male and a female figure possibly dancing, the female figure is holding what appears to be a cup. The third figure on the left is sitting on the floor and appears to be eating or drinking from a cup or bowl. The fourth figure from the left is playing a flute, on the right to this figure there is a woman holding a cup up in the air in her right hand and in her left hand she is holding a staff. They appear to be engaging in a celebration, possibly a drunken procession. The naked male figure riding the donkey is possibly identified as Dionysus.
2008.2.1.89 On the right there is a standing woman holding a spear in her right hand and a shield on the ground with her left. She is wearing a type of headdress (possibly a helmet) and could either be robed or naked. to her right there is a standing animal, possibly a sheep, on top of whom is standing a winged cherub holding a bow and arrow, possibly cupid. On the far left of the cast there is a large stalk of corn.
2008.2.1.95 An active scene with at least 9 discernible male figures. There are two figures on a raised platform on the far left, one standing wearing armour and the other seated wearing robes. In front of them is a gathering of men, some wearing armour, some only wearing the lower half of their armour, and one, possibly two, who is naked carrying a shield. There appears to be a robed shorter figure among them, possibly a child or adolescent. In the background the outline of a columned building can be seen.
2009.10.1.10 A naked woman sits while an eagle feeds from a bowl in her lap, probably Hebe and Zeus as an eagle. Cast Number - 957
2009.10.1.11 Naked male figure, probably injured, kneeling underneath an arch. Cast Number - 958
2009.10.1.15 Naked male figure swinging a club or sword, with a horse rearing either side and a man and a horse laying on the floor. Possibly Hercules and the Mares of Diomedes. Cast Number - 962
2009.10.2.128 Figure of a naked man holding a cloth behind him. Moon symbol in the bottom corner. Number 60.
2009.10.2.149 Naked figure of Hermes in a cloak with caduceus. On his right the initals M A and on his left G F. Number 21.
2009.10.2.150 Naked figure of a man in cloak with scepter. Number 22.
2009.10.2.153 Naked figure of a man (possibly Hermes) holding objects (possibly Hermes' helmet and caduceus; same as 24. Number 25.
2009.10.2.154 Naked man with cloak around his shoulders holding object in his left hand. Number 26.
2009.10.2.155 Naked Hermes wearing a helmet and winged sandals and holding a caduceus in one hand and another object in his other. Number 27
2009.10.2.156 Naked Hermes wearing his winged sandals and his helmet and holding his caduceus. Number 28
2009.10.2.161 Naked Hermes with cloak behind him holding a caduceus and another object and wearing a hat and winged sandals, in a running position. Number 33
2009.10.2.167 Naked Hermes with cloak and caduceus. Standing next to seated and clothed woman.
2009.10.2.168 Naked Hermes caduceus, he is seated on a sheep.
2009.10.2.169 Naked Hermes with caduceus lie down on top of the sheep.
2009.10.2.170 Naked and seated Hermes holding caduceus and wearing wing sandals.
2009.10.2.171 Naked Hermes holding caduceus.
2009.10.2.193 A naked man holding a staff. Number 65
2009.10.2.194 A naked soldier with shield and helmet is holding what might be a bunch of grapes over the head of Eros who is attempting to cease them. A deer tugs at the soldier's shield from behind. Number 66
2009.10.2.195 A naked man holding a spear and wearing a cloak stands in a pose. Number 67
2009.10.2.196 A naked man with a flowing cloak stands in a pose. Number 68
2009.10.2.201 Naked man and woman ride a lion, they appear to be holding a bow and arrow. there is an inscription beneath.
2009.10.2.202 Two figures one clothed one naked, pictured with plant. Number 74.
2009.10.2.211 Figure of a naked woman covering her modesty, with a water jug by her legs. Number 1
2009.10.2.212 figure of a naked lady from behind, appears to be undressing. Number 2
2009.10.2.285 Depicts Hercules standing to his right. He is naked and carrying the skin of a lion, there is a club to the right of the image. Number - 1
2009.10.2.286 Depicts Hercules naked standing to the right, with a lions skin draped over him and a club to his right. Number - 2
2009.10.2.308 Scene showing a naked man looking right
2009.10.2.60 Figure of a naked man with ram's head, holding a sceptre in his left hand and grain in his right hand. Number 60
2009.10.2.78 Right side view of a man with curly hair and wearing a head garland. His torso is partially naked. Number - 10
2009.10.2.82 Partially naked figure of a man playing a harp above a kneeling female. Number - 14
2009.10.2.83 Partially naked man standing, holding a harp. Number - 15
2009.10.2.84 Figure of naked standing man looking to his left, holding a bow with a harp at his feet. Gem Cast Number - 16
2009.10.2.86 Figure of naked man holding a harp and a bow, standing behind Eros, who is to his right and holding arrows. Gem Cast Number - 18
2009.10.2.87 Standing figure of a naked man with a bow and arrow, looking to his right. Number - 19
2009.10.2.90 A view of the left side of a naked man sitting and holding a stick in his right hand. Gem cast number - 22
2009.10.2.92 Semi naked figure of a man, leaning on a post to his right. Gem cast - 24
2009.10.2.93 Naked man standing with a harp, on the right of which there is a small child at his feet, next to whom there is a man who is sitting in front of a tree. There is an inscription: "LAVRAIED" Gem cast number - 25
2009.10.2.94 Naked man standing with a harp, on the right of which there is a small child at his feet, next to whom there is a man who is sitting in front of a tree. Gem cast number - 26
2009.8.16 A naked man wearing a hat, sitting on a turtoise. Holding branches in his hands. Probably Hermes. Cast number: 5
2009.8.160 A naked woman lying on her side with a swan next to her. Leda and Zeus. Cast number: 14
2009.8.166 A woman wearing a dress with a stick and holding/offering a ball or apple to the young man. He is naked also holding a stick and a ball or apple in his hand. Beneath her a scorpion, beneath him a crab. Cast number: 20
2009.8.176 A naked man with a beard and a trident in his hand, putting his foot on a rock. Poseidon. Cast number: 30
2009.8.177 A naked man with a beard and a trident in his hand, putting one foot on a rock. Probably Poseidon. Cast number: 31
2009.8.178 A naked man with a beard and a cloak around his shoulders, holding a ball in one hand and a trident in the other. Probably Poseidon. Cast number: 32
2009.8.179 Poseidon, naked and with a beard, riding on a chariot pulled by four horses, holding a trident in one hand. His cloak is blowing in the wind. Cast number: 33
2009.8.180 A naked man with a beard on a chariot pulled by two horses, riding on the water. Probably Poseidon. Cast number: 34
2009.8.181 Poseidon, naked with a beard and a cloak, riding on a dolphin on the water holding a trident in his hand. Cast number: 35
2009.8.182 A naked man with a trident behind a woman also holding a trident, riding on a horse. Maybe Poseidon and Amphitrite. In front of the horse Eros. Cast number: 36
2009.8.183 A naked man with a beard holding a stick and putting one foot on a rock. There is a tree in the middle. On the other side of it a woman wearing a dress and a helmet. There is a serpent at her feet and another one behind her. Maybe Athena and Hercules.
2009.8.186 A naked man with a trident and a woman on a chariot pulled by four horses. Probably Poseidon and Amphitrite. In front on the horses a child, probably Eros. Cast number: 40
2009.8.271 Two naked men on the left and on the right side, only wearing a cloak on their shoulders, hanging up a garland. In the middle, a man with a beard and fully dressed, holding something in his hand. Cast number: 2
2009.8.273 Two naked man, holding a stick, each standing on one side. In the middle a horse, above it a crescent moon. Cast number: 4
2009.8.275 A cow and a naked woman with a crown, holding a vessel, sitting on a flower, are in a barque which has a lion's head on the left end and a ram's head on the right end. Cast number: 6
2009.8.39 A young man naked except for his cloak. Holding a dagger in one hand. Inscription on the right side. Cast number: 43
2009.8.65 A naked young man with wavy hair and with an outstretched arm. Maybe an athlete. Cast number: 2A or 21?
2009.8.75 Cupid. A naked child with wings leaning on a pole. Cast number: 19
2009.8.76 Cupid. A naked child with wings, next to a well with two vessels. Cast number: 20
2009.8.78 Cupid. A naked child with wings holding a bunch of flowers. Arrow and bow lie on the bottom. Cast number: 22
2009.8.80 A young man sitting on a rock, holding a caduceus. Next to him stands a naked child with wings. Probably Hermes and Eros. Cast number: 24
2009.8.84 A naked man or satyr sitting on a chair playing cithara. Cast number: 28
2009.8.87 A muscular man sitting in the middle on a fur. On his right side a naked woman, on the left a child. Cast number: 31
2009.9.100 A naked winged young man holding a bow in one hand, with the other he's holding a shield or wheel. Cast number: 33
2009.9.101 A naked winged child sitting on the floor. In the background on the right side the entrance to a cave (?). Cast number: 34
2009.9.102 A naked winged child sitting in some kind of vessel, a quiver is hanging from his back. Cast number: 35
2009.9.103 A naked winged child sitting on a vessel playing a musical instrument, maybe a lyre. Cast number: 36
2009.9.105 A naked winged child with crossed legs is leaning against a rake. Cast number: 38
2009.9.106 A naked winged child with crossed legs is leaning against a rake or a trombone. Cast number: 39
2009.9.107 A naked winged child holding a twig. Cast number: 40
2009.9.108 A naked man holding a caduceus in his left hand and a cornucopia in his right hand, leaning against a pole. Maybe Hermes. Cast number: 41
2009.9.109 A naked winged child holding some fruits in his hand, a quiver is lying to his feet. Cast number: 42
2009.9.110 A naked winged child only wearing a robe around his shoulders is holding a bow. A quiver is lying to his feet. Cast number: 43
2009.9.111 A naked winged child is talking to a warrior holding a spear and a shield. Might be refering to Cupid and Mars. Cast number: 44
2009.9.112 A naked winged child is sitting in front of a warrior who is fully armed. Cast number: 45
2009.9.113 A naked winged child carrying a basket. Cast number: 46
2009.9.114 A naked winged child fight with another naked child. Cast number: 47
2009.9.115 Two naked winged men. One is standing next to the other, the other is sitting down. Cast number: 48
2009.9.116 Two naked winged children. One carrying a basket, the other a wreath. Cast number: 49
2009.9.117 Two naked winged children. The one on the left is holding a lyre, the other a mask. Cast number: 50
2009.9.118 Two naked children. The one on the left side has wings and is holding a spear. The other one is holding a stick. Both have cloaks around their shoulders. Cast number: 51
2009.9.119 Two naked winged children with cloaks around their shoulders. The one on the left side is laying one arm around the other. The one on the right side is holding a scepter. Cast number: 52
2009.9.12 Four column temple with a pointed gable. In the middle is a statue of a naked man leaning against a tree or pole. Cast number: 26
2009.9.120 Two naked children wearing cloaks. The one on the left side is winged and holding a snake (?) in his hand. The other one holds some kind of scepter or a cornucopia. Cast number: 53
2009.9.121 Three naked winged children with robes around their waists gathered around a goat in the middle. Cast number: 55
2009.9.122 A naked winged child holding a stick in his hand, riding on a lion which is playing with a goat's head. Cast number: 56
2009.9.125 One naked child sitting on a bear or a boar holding a whip or a stick, wearing a cloak. Another child is sitting in front of the animal, pulling its tongue and holding a torch in his hand. Cast number: 59
2009.9.127 A naked winged child covering a boar. In the background a tree. Cast number: 61
2009.9.131 A naked winged child standing in a chariot, holding the reins and a whip, pulled by a lion and a goat. Cast number: 65
2009.9.132 A naked child with wings holding a whip and the reins of a chariot pulled by two horses. Cast number: 66
2009.9.133 A naked winged child standing in a chariot pulled by two horses. Beneath the horses is a dog. Cast number: 67
2009.9.134 A naked winged child holding a whip standing in a chariot pulled by four horses. Cast number: 68
2009.9.135 A naked winged child lying on the floor. On his left side two oval circles. Cast number: 69
2009.9.136 A naked winged child sitting in a barque. Cast number: 70
2009.9.137 Two naked winged children. One sitting on a rock on the left side, the other on a rock on the right side. They are fishing and the child on the right side caught a crab. Cast number: 71
2009.9.138 A naked winged child sitting on a rock on the right side, holding a basket and a fishing-rod with a fish. On the left side, a naked man holding a spear and wearing a cloak. Cast number: 72
2009.9.139 A naked winged child and a mermaid (?) are sitting in a barque. Cast number: 73
2009.9.14 A naked man putting one finger to his mouth, holding a club and standing in a skiff, looking left. Cast number: 28
2009.9.140 Two naked winged children sitting in a barque pulled by four dolphins. Cast number: 74
2009.9.141 Two naked winged children are fighting over / holding some kind of vessel or flower. A third naked winged child is riding a dolphin in the water. Cast number: 75
2009.9.142 A naked winged man is riding a sea-horse (horse torso, serpent body). Cast number: 76
2009.9.143 A naked winged child riding a sea-horse (horse torso, serpent body). Cast number: 77
2009.9.144 A naked winged child riding on a fish. Inscription under the fish. Cast number: 78
2009.9.145 A naked winged figure is sitting on a dolphin and playing the lyre. Above them is a crescent moon and two stars. Cast number: 79
2009.9.146 A naked winged child sitting on a sea-monster holding a spear or a stick. Cast number: 80
2009.9.149 A naked man with wings wearnig a robe, holding grapes in one hand and a basket of fruit on his head with the other hand. Cast number: 83
2009.9.15 A naked woman holding a cornucopia and leaning against a pole, maybe Aphrodite. Cast number: 29
2009.9.150 A man wrapped in a robe, grimaced in pain, standing on two human hands is poked by a naked winged child. Cast number: 84
2009.9.151 A naked winged child playing with a human head with wild hair and an open mouth, probably a theater mask. Cast number: 85
2009.9.152 A naked woman with a strange face, maybe wearing a theater mask, sitting on a barque. Cast number: 96
2009.9.153 A naked boy with wings standing in front of a tree, hands behind his back. Cast number: 87
2009.9.154 A naked man with wings kneeling down. Cast number: 88
2009.9.155 On the left side, two naked boys wrestling, one is holding a torch. On the right a naked winged child tiptoeing away from the others, holding a vessel. Cast number: 89
2009.9.156 Three naked children with wings playing around a tree or gathering fruits. One is sitting in the tree, the others are on the right and left side of the stem. Cast number: 90
2009.9.157 Three naked children playing around a tree or gathering the fruits. One is sitting in the tree, the others standing on the left and right side of the stem. Cast number: 91
2009.9.159 Procession of four naked winged children and one wearing a dress. The one on the left side is trying to sit down on a daybed, the one behind him is carrying a torch, they are both looking over their shoulders to the last two children. The third child is accompanied with a child wearing a dress, they are standing very close together. The last child is carrying a basket with fruits over his head. Cast number: 93
2009.9.16 A naked child putting one finger to its mouth, leaning against a pole and holding a cornucopia. Cast number: 30
2009.9.160 Two naked winged children, looking at each other, playing musical instruments. The one sitting, plays the lyre, the one standing a flute. A dressed person with a plait is looking at them. Cast number: 94
2009.9.161 A naked winged child, with a quiver hanging over his shoulder, a bow lying next to his feet, embracing a half naked woman wearing a robe. Maybe Cupid and Psyche. Cast number: 95
2009.9.162 Two naked children with wings, facing and embracing each other. The one on the left side is wearing some kind of robe. Cast number: 96
2009.9.163 A naked winged child standing on the right side of a pole and a dressed woman standing on the left side. They are both looking to the left. Cast number: 97
2009.9.164 A naked man with wings, a quiver and a bow are lying next to his feet, is kissing a winged half naked woman. Inscription on the right side. Cast number: 98
2009.9.165 A naked boy with wings is embracing and kissing a winged half naked girl. Cast number: 99
2009.9.168 A naked young man wearing a cloak around his shoulders, holding a sword in one hand and in the other a human head, behind his back. Maybe Perseus. Cast number: 3
2009.9.169 A naked young man with a cloak and club (?) in his right hand, with the other he touches the shield which lays on a pile of arms. On the shield is the head of the gorgo Medusa. Maybe Perseus. Cast number: 4
2009.9.170 A young naked man holding a cloak in the right hand and with the other he touches a shield lying on a rock with the head of the gorgon Medusa. On his right side, there is a pile of arms. Maybe Perseus. Cast number: 5
2009.9.171 A naked young man with a cloak around his shoulders, holding a sword in his left hand and a human head in the other. Next to his feet, a shield. Cast number: 6
2009.9.172 A naked man wearing a cloak, holding a club or sword in his right hand and a human head in his left. Cast number: 7
2009.9.173 A naked man wearing a cloak, holding a sword or club in the left hand and a human head in the right. Cast number: 8
2009.9.176 A young naked man wearing a cloak, holding the reins of a horse with wings standing next to him. There is a tree on the right side. Maybe Perseus and Pegasus. Cast number: 11
2009.9.189 A naked young men wearing a cloak, killing a boar with a spear. Meleager killing the Calydonian boar. Cast number: 24
2009.9.190 A naked man sitting on his cloak, next to his head is a boar's head, to his feet a dog. Maybe referring to Meleager and the Calydonian Hunt. Cast number: 25
2009.9.192 A young naked man wearing a cloak, putting one hand behind his back, the other resting on a boar's head on a pole. On his right side, there is a dog. Referring to Meleager and the Calydonian Hunt. Cast number: 27
2009.9.194 A naked man wearing a cloak around his shoulders, standing next to a horse which has a little figure on his head. Cast number: 29
2009.9.197 A man is kneeling next to a naked winged man. Cast number: 32
2009.9.198 A naked winged boy or statue standing on a rostrum with an inscription. On the left side are a half naked satyr who is touching the statues arm and a woman who is touching its wings. On the right side is a warrior but might also be female. Cast number: 33
2009.9.200 A naked young man standing between two poles, taking of the robe. On the right side, there is a statuette standing on the pole. Cast number: 35
2009.9.202 Three men fighting. The two men on the left and on the right are bigger than the one in the middle. They seem to hold a vessel and are naked except for their cloaks around their shoulders. Cast number: 37
2009.9.204 A naked man wearing only a cloak, holding a sword is fighting against a snake. Cast number: 39
2009.9.206 Four naked winged children. One is flying, two are sitting on poles on the right and left side, the last one is sitting and leaning against the left side pole. Cast number: 41
2009.9.208 A naked man sitting on a stone playing the lyre. Animals are gathered around him. Maybe Orpheus. Cast number: 43
2009.9.209 A naked man sitting on a rock playing the lyre. Animals are gathered around him. Maybe Orpheus. Cast number: 44
2009.9.210 A naked man riding on a dolphin. Cast number: 45
2009.9.214 A naked old man with a cane and shield on his back. Cast number: 48
2009.9.215 An old naked man leaning on a cane with a shield on his back. Cast number: 50
2009.9.220 A young naked man holding a torch, riding a chariot pulled by four horses. Beneath them lies a man with a beard turning to a woman holding a vessel. Probably Phaeton shortly before his downfall. Inscription on top. Cast number: 55
2009.9.221 On the upper part, a man falling down with a chariot pulled by 4 horses. On the bottom, a bearded man looks up and three naked women holding twigs. The downfall of Phaeton. Cast number: 56
2009.9.222 A naked man lying on the ground, a chariot pulled by two horses is fleeing the scene. Probably Phaeton after his fall from the chariot. Cast number: 57
2009.9.26 A naked man with an aureole, holding a scepter, sitting on a dog, looking right. Cast number: 40
2009.9.271 A naked man sitting on a rock holding a shield, behind him a horse. On his left side a tree and next to his feet lies his armour. Cast number: 9
2009.9.272 A naked man sitting on rock or stool, behind him a horse. Cast number: 10
2009.9.292 A naked young woman wearing a cloak around her shoulders and a ribbon in her hair holding a vessel. Cast number: 31
2009.9.293 A naked woman wearing a cloak and a ribbon in her hair, holding a vessel in her hands. On the right side a rooster or bird can be seen, on the left side a spider (?). Cast number: 32
2009.9.33 A naked man with wings and a crown, holding two spears in his right hand. There are two stars on his right side and a half moon on his upper left side. He is standing in a skiff. Cast number: 47
2009.9.34 A naked winged man with sticks and a crown and a bird's tail. Inscription on the top and on the right side. Cast number: 48
2009.9.35 A naked man with two pair of wings and a bird's tail, holding a scepter, surrounded by spears or sticks, standing on a serpent. There is an inscription with the serpent's circle. Cast number: 49
2009.9.36 A naked man wearing an aureole, holding a scepter, standing next to a fire. There is a half moon on the left side. Cast number: 50
2009.9.41 A naked man with long hair or a hood holding a spear and another weapon, looking right. Cast number: 55
2009.9.43 A man holding a tambourine (?) in his left hand and a sistrum in his right hand. He is naked except for the cloth around his waist. Cast number: 57
2009.9.45 A naked man holding some kind of vessel in his left hand and two ears of cereal in his right hand. On his left side is a naked child or a small woman holding a cornucopia. Cast number: 59
2009.9.69 A naked man with a beard lifting a rock or hiding behind it. Cast number: 2
2009.9.70 A herme with the torso of a satyr with an erect penis, an ecstatically dancing half naked woman holding a puppet or little man playing the flute in a hand. On her right side a small man sitting in some kind of basket playing another musical instrument. Cast number: 3
2009.9.71 An ecstatic dancing half naked woman turned to a herme of a satyr. Cast number: 4
2009.9.74 A naked child with wings holding something in its left hand. Maybe Cupid. Cast number: 7
2009.9.75 A young naked man with wings holding a bow. A quiver is leaning against a rock behind the man. Probably Cupid. Cast number: 8
2009.9.76 A naked man with wings holding a ball in one hand and a cane in the other. Cast number: 9
2009.9.77 A naked winged child leaning against a rock holding a torch in his hand, maybe Cupid. Cast number: 10
2009.9.78 A naked winged man sitting on a rock, holding a ball in his hand. Cast number: 11
2009.9.79 A naked winged child, maybe Cupid. Cast number: 12
2009.9.8 A woman holding a basket in her left hand, offering some kind of vessel to the naked winged child in the middle or the man on the right. The man and the woman are wearing what looks like a crown. The man is offering a ball or a fruit to the woman and holding a stick in his left hand. Cast number: 22
2009.9.80 A naked winged child holding a torch and/or a flower in his hand. Cast number: 13
2009.9.81 A naked winged young man holding some kind of insect (?) in his hand. Cast number: 14
2009.9.82 A naked winged child trying to catch a butterfly. Cast number: 15
2009.9.83 A naked winged child, kneeling down, aiming at two butterflies with his bow and arrow. Cast number: 16
2009.9.84 A herme of a young naked winged man holding an insect, maybe a butterfly in one hand and some kind of scepter in the other. Cast number: 17
2009.9.85 A naked young man with wings holding a spear or a stick in his hand aiming at an insect sitting in a tree. Cast number: 18
2009.9.88 A naked winged child wearing a robe around his shoulders, standing in front of a goose or duck. Cast number: 21
2009.9.89 A naked winged child trying to escape a goose or duck. Cast number: 22
2009.9.9 A woman with a flowery crown covering her breasts with her arm, wearing a robe around her legs and a naked winged child is standing beside her, maybe Cupid. Cast number: 23
2009.9.92 A winged naked child standing next to a pole holding some kind of animal in his hand. Cast number: 25
2009.9.93 A winged child holding a twig standing next to a falcon/hawk. On the right side another winged naked child, standing next to a bird which bended its head. Cast number: 26
2009.9.94 A winged naked child on the left side, holding a twig and a bird on its neck. Opposite to it another naked winged child with a bird at his feet. Cast number: 27
2009.9.95 A naked winged man holding a twig or a whip, two birds sitting on each side of him. Cast number: 28
2009.9.97 A young naked man with wings sitting on a rooster. Inscription on the right bottom side. Cast number: 30
2009.9.98 A naked winged child poking a bird sitting in a tree with a stick or spear. Cast number: 31
2009.9.99 A herme of a man with beard and an erect penis. Opposite him a naked winged child holding a rope or a twig in his hands. Cast number: 32
25.9.1 Inside is black with a reserved band below where mouth begins to flare. The mouth is wide and flares outwards. On the exterior surface at the top is a patterned band of two rows of 'cccc' shapes, one row above the other. Two handles, one each side are black and it is hard to distinguish what is on the body behind the handle (maybe a panel with dots?). On side A, Eros flies towards a woman who retreats towards youth seated naked on a folding garment and holding alabastron. Side B shows 2 youths, clothed, the one on the right holding a stick. Brown for feathers at top of Eros' wing. White garland, neckless, bracelet of woman and fillet held by Eros. Below them is a reserved panle with egg shapes with dits in between. Stem and top of foot black, reserved band at top of foot. Base reserved.
28.6.1 Handle all black, as is neck and back of body. At the front on shoulder is an inverted swirl / wave pattern, consisting of four waves. Below is the main design of an athlete (naked) with a discus standing between two clothed youths, the left of them holding a discus. Robe detail is picked out in black paint. No relief contour. There is an reserved line incised above foot. Foot is black on the top and side but the underneath is reserved and flat.
29.6.1 Plaster cast of the “Ludovisi Throne” (Original in Museo Nazionale Romano di Palazzo Altemps). Central panel: Aphrodite (Roman Venus) rises from the sea assisted by two Horae (Seasons) on the shore who clothe the lower part of her body.The scene probably represents the birth of the goddess. Alternative interpretations: Persephone’s return from the Hades or Hera emerging from the Kanathos waters (Hera Parthenos). Left panel: Seated naked female figure (hetaira?)wearing a sakkos (hairnet) plays the double aulos. Right panel: Seated crouched veiled woman with a pyxis in her left hand in front of an incense burner (thymiaterion)
33.4.3 The mouth, neck, and handle are black, with some reddish patches. There are two reddish brown lines above the shoulder carination and two below it. The body scene depicts a naked youth in profile to the right, offering a bird (duck?) to Charon (the ferryman who conducts souls to Hades). The latter, standing on his half-moon shaped boat, wearing reddish-brown clothing and a dotted ovaloid headdress, is accepting the offer. Below, there is a reddish brown line on a reserved (but glazed) area. The rest of the vessel is black, with the exception of a red line on the upper part of the foot and its reserved (but glazed) vertical element.
34.10.24 Standing female (Leda), left leg slightly bent. Naked with cloak over left leg and held up behind by left hand; swan, with neck stretched upwards, held against right hip. Clay light brown. White slip, blue on cloak. Large rectangular opening in back. On the back of the base is a piece of paper with the number 140 written on it.
39.9.1 Short narrow neck of jug is glazed black. Handle begins at top of neck and carries on to top of the body. The part of the jug joining the neck and the body, has a palmette design on it, in a circle. This circle is broken for the black part of the handle. There is a large palmatee decoration underneath the handle, where it ends on the body of the jug. Body of jug has red-figures on it. Starting from right-hand side of the handle, going from left to right: First figure looks like a women in traditional Greek clothing, kneeling down. She is facing right. The figure to the right of her looks like a naked man with wings. He is standing on one leg and facing right. He is reaching one of his arms out. Underneath that arm there appears to be a duck. To the right-hand side of the duck, there is a man sitting on a stool. He is in traditional Greek cloting and is holding a large box. This figure is also facing right.Underneath the box there seems to be another object, but it is unclear. Perhaps it is a head? Or perhaps it is where the black glaze has been rubbed away, to reveal a patch which looks like decoration on the jug. He has a winged man kneeling in front of him. This man is facing left, towards the sitting figure. The next figure looks like a women in traditional Greek clothing, kneeling down. She appears to be holding something in her hand, perhaps a mirror. She is facing right. Inbetween her and the next figure there is a bird, facing right. The next figure looks like another women in traditional Greek clothing. She is standing on one leg, with her right arm reaching out. She is facing left. Behind her is a 'T' shaped object, perhaps a stool?. Rim of the base is a red/terracotta colour. underside of base is slightly concaved, with many black rings inside. There is a black dot in the centre of the bottom of the base.
45.10.7A-B Lid: The top surface bears part of a central medallion (dots contoured by double, semi-spherical line), encircled by a black line, a red band, a broader black band and a red line. There is also an ivy spray between the last red line and a similar one. At the rim there is a rather careless tongue pattern, with inner dots (identical to the one of the central medallion, only frammed by thin, black lines). Sides: There is the representation of women pursued by the winged Eros. The naked Eros is flying and his himation with white spots on its top is falling over his forearm. At the level of his face there is an inscription, with white colour KALOS and underneath, KALH, above a bent fillet with thin, short, white lines emerging from its endings. The first of the women is headed right, having extended her right? hand towards Eros and holding and raising slightly her drapery (in order to run faster). Her head is missing, but she is probably looking backwards, to see the advancing Eros. The scene is reproduced again: Anoher Eros pursues another woman, who is running towards an altar? (rectangular, altar-shaped constuction, higher than the figures with a decoration of a large cross and dots in between). Among them there is again the inscribed KALOS, KALH. Many fragments have not survived, however this woman's head is not missing. She is looking backwards and wears a diadema, made of white lines. At the other side of the altar? there is another woman approaching it, having escaped the first Eros, but looking back to see him. She wears a white diadema and the same inscription is between her and the Eros. The scene is framed by two red, concentric lines (above and below the figures). The bottom surface is left reserved. Body: There is decoration of laurel stems and berries around the outer surface with details made of added white. This motif is framed (above and below with red, thick lines). The interior of both pieces is black. The feet have a black band on the side (ca 2 cm below their joining part to the body) and the rest of the surface is left reserved, apart from a black line at the rim. Half way up the inside surface of the feet there is a thin, black band. The base's central part is decorated with a broad black, circular band between thin black lines.
45.6.17 Black mouth, black inside, reserved lip. Single curved handle black outside and reserved underneath. Bars at base of neck and lotus buds. At top of body are two rows of dots alternating black and white between black bands. Main design is of man reclining between two seated women. On couch beside him is a naked hetaira. Remains of branches with white fruit just visible. Figures are robed and detail is in white. Two reserved bands below on black glaze. Foot is stepped, side of both steps reserved. Base is reserved.
45.8.1 The rim (interior) bears two, concentric circles, the first at the edge and the second at the curve between the neck and the body, where traces of white colour can be found. The neck of the vessel is ornamented with a continuous floral motif (branch bearing two long leafs; laurels?) that covers the whole of the surface. A: Scene of a symposium of four, reclining, male figures; 2 men and 2 youths (in turns), in pairs looking at one another. All of them wear their himatia, loose around their waists, a fact that leaves the upper part of their bodies naked, and are crowned with identical three-pointed diadems, made of added, yellowish and white colour. They also have identical hairstyles. The youth on the left side makes a gesture, pointing left with his right hand, but facing the man on his right who touches his chest with his right hand. The third person looks as if holding a white thread with his right-hand fingers, while the man on his right is trying to put a white, spotted garland on the third figure with his right hand. They all recline on a horizontal sort of bed, supported by three feet, of equal distance between them, but of unequal width. However, the lower parts of the three feet are similar; rectangular and vertical to the stem. Under this construction, in the surface between the two gaps that are left between the feet of the bed, there are two tables, that carry food(?) (fruit and bread ?), painted with added white colour. Both of the tables bear two, broad, black, bands around their edges, the left ones being larger than the right ones. As regards the endings of the tables' feet, they give the impression of a vague rendering of animal paws. B: A youth in the centre of the scene looks at his right, while in either of his sides, another youth is looking at him. All of them are fully-clad with himatia. The left one is holding a strigil (stleggis) with his right hand, while the one at the right side of the scene makes a gesture with his feast. The spring of the handles bears part of a circle (it stops, leaving the surface between the beginning of the two handles undecorated), with small, semi-cercular patterns. Beneath each handle there is a large, complex palmette. A band with maeander-shaped patterns runs through the vessel under the main scenes. The base is in the form of a disk, with a high foot, separated from the disk-shaped surface by a carved, reserved circle, as well as an also circle at the lowest end of the base's foot.
46.9.1 Mouth coloured black inside, outside, neck red. Handle black on outside and reserved underneath. On shoulder, black rays below fine ridge at base of neck, then lotus flowers - white outer petals alternating with black buds. Body has a silvery black glaze with two red lines at top, another just under the figure scene and another just in the junction with the base. In added white, bearded charioteer with two galloping horses. They are in profile to the left. He is holding the reigns of the horses. Naked with fillet on hair and belt, both shown incised. Row of white dots above the scene. Details of man's body and horses' incised. Disk foot has reserved edge, base is reserved. The interior is reserved (although covered with plaster on most of the fragments), apart from the upper parts of 13, 14 and 15, that are black (unevenly applied). 1) On the left, there is part of a naked male figure (thighs to toe), facing right and next to him there is the lowest part of another similar figure facing right. Below them, there is part of a black band. 2) There is part of the right part of the previous figure (chest to toe). On the right side of the fragment, there is a figure's forearms (projected to the left, the right hand holding a round object) and part of the right knee. 3) Part of a naked male figure, leaning to the left. Details with incisions and added red. 4) Part of a lions's paws and below it part of a broad, black band. 5) A male figure's thighs and part of a bird? (executed with incisions and added red). 6) The right part of the previous bird? and the right tibia of a male figure , facing left. 7) The thighs of a male figure facing right. On the left side of the fragment there is part of a black and red motif? 8) The upper part (chest to thighs) of a naked male figure, facing right. 9) Part of a male figure's thighs, facing right. 10) The previous figures lower part of legs and part of a black band. 11) The biggest part of a bird, executed with black, added red and incisions. 12) On the left, there is the rest of the previous bird. Next there is the lower part of a lion, executed with black, addeed red and incisions. Behind the lion, there is the lower part of another male figure (chest to feet), facing left and behind him there is part of a bird. 13) The upper part of a satyr (head to thighs), facing right. His hair and beard have been rendered in added red. 14) The lower part of the satyr, chasing a maenad on the right (her right leg is only visible). The details of her drapery are in red and her tibia is white. 15) The left left of the running maenad. On the right, another satyr chasing a maenad (lower part of the figures is visible). 16) Part of a broad, black band. 17. Bit of plaster.
E.63.14 Naked, male figure standing on base. Some hieroglyphics on the side of the base.
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