Chequered pattern on rim with large squares; brown glaze over main body of fragment. There is a thick layer of red/brown glaze on the inside.
Displays a winged woman in flight, holding flowers in her hands, and carrying a naked child on her back who is holding a torch aloft in his right hand. (Box Index = Personification of Morning/Day). Tray 5, Layer 1, Gem 1
Displays a man, wearing armour and a wreath and carrying a spear, and a winged woman who is leaning forward, riding in a four-horse chariot. All horses are rearing up. Surrounded by a leafy border. Layer 5, Layer 1, Gem 10
Displays a naked man with fairly long hair reclining in his seat, whilst a smaller winged figure of indeterminate gender stands in front of him, holding a bowl up to their mouth. (Box Index = Bacchus giving a drink to Love). Tray 5, layer 1, Gem 11
Displays a young woman with her head covered, apparently airborne without wings, and holding a cross in her left hand, whilst a cherub in the lower right corner leans on his trumpet. (Box Index = A happy soul flying to the sky). Tray 5, Layer 1, Gem 12
Displays a seated woman writing on a tablet, a lyre at her feet, whilst a winged figure, a small owl sitting behind his left foot, holds a small jug above a burning oil lamp. A latin inscription is beneath them. (Box Index = Virtue assissted by Genius)Tray 5, Layer 1, Gem 13
Displays the head of a young man, profile facing left, surrounded by writing. Box 5, Layer 1, Gem 14
Displays the head of a young man, profile facing left. (Box Index = The Knight Thorwaldsen). Tray 5, Layer 1, Gem 15
Displays the seated figures of a man and a woman on the left hand side, with a shield bearing the image of two arrows in the foreground, whilst a mostly naked soldier weraing a helmet and cloak and carrying a spear stands on the right hand side. (Box Index = Hektor reprimanding Paris). Tray 5, Layer 1, Gem 2
Displays a winged woman in flight, her head bowed, and carrying two naked children in her arms who appear to be asleep. (Box Index = Personification of Night). Tray 5, layer 1, Gem 3
Displays the seated figure of a woman on the left hand side, her arms outstretched, being handed a child by Hermes, standing on the right. (Box Index = Mercury giving baby Bacchus to a Nymph of the covern of Nysa). Tray 5, Layer 1, Gem 4
Displays four human figures. From left to right: a man with his head bowed and a hammer raised in his right hand, whilst holding a spear or an arrow in his left; a seated woman, her head turned away to the right, holding an arrow in her right hand, pointed down into a bowl she is holding in her left; a cherub, holding a long pole, his left arm outstretched and looking upwards at the figure behind him; a naked man wearing a helmet and holding a bundle of cloth and an arrow, and looking down at the cherub. (Box Index = Vulcan, Venus, Cupid, and Mars).Tray 5, Layer 1, gem 5
Displays a mostly naked woman, her lower half draped in cloth, who is seated and holding the right arm of a cherub standing in front of her. A small flowering plant, a bee and two birds are also visible. (Box Index = Venus with crying Cupid who has been stung by a bee). Tray 5, Layer 1, Gem 6
Displays a winged man, crouching down on one knee, a quiver of arrows on his back and a bow at his feet are visible, whilst a woman reclines on the ground, only her lower half covered in cloth, resting her upper body agaist his knee. (Box Index = Amore e Psiche or Love and Psyche). Box 5, Layer 1, Gem 7
Displays a seated naked man, one hand resting on the handle of a club, the other holding a bowl, whilst a woman stands in front of him, holding a small jug in her raised right hand. (Box Index = Hercules and Hebe). Tray 5, Layer 1, Gem 8
Displays three cherubs in flight with their arms around one another. (Box Index = Group of Cupids). Box 5, layer 1, Gem 9
exterior: the surface is decorated with a layer of black paint
the surface is decorated with a layer of black and opaque paint, in the middle of the dish there is a small hollow
the surface is decorated with a layer of black and opaque paint
Fragment preserves part of the lip and also the base of what was a shallow bowl. There is is a darker blue curved line following the angle of the bowl suggesting that there was a decoration at the bottom of the bowl. The piece comes from a spoilt lot from the lower levels of the city, which is suggested by the extra thick layer of glaze that is present on the lip.
Black on interior except for a reserved band just below the lip. Black on exterior, except for a frieze of tongues underneath the rim on both sides, but not above handles; figural scenes on body. A: Partridge profile to the left; tendrils in lower left field; circle and tendrils in upper right field. B: Satyr head, profile to left; tendrils in lower left and right fields; quarter palmette in upper left field; single palm leaf in upper right field.
Although female heads are more popular in such contexts, the large red element in place of the ear is probably a horn and indicates that this is a representation of a satyr. The decoration in the lower left field of the B side indicates the addition of a second layer of black glaze, in a manner than changes the image (from a large tendril to a small tendril below an L-shaped element.