Red/brown decoration with two parallel lines. Above this is what seems to be a leg of an animal, probably a duck or goose. The division of the foot into two toes is indicative of the geometric style.
Glazed black on the interior, except for a reserved band within 0.4 cm of the top edge. Exterior black glazed except, in the handle zone, a frieze decorated on each side with a pair of eyes between 5-petalled palmettes, above another reserved band. Each palmette is joined to the corresponding handle by a tendril. Each eye consists of a white circle within a black eye shape, surmounted by a black eyebrow decorated with white dots, and above a plain black curving line that mirrors the shape of the eyebrow. Between each pair of eyes is a straight vertical band, indicative of a nose, decorated with a row of white dots. Between the handle attachments and below each handle is a set of four sloppy spots arranged in a diamond form.