Ure Museum Database

There are 2 objects for which Decoration contains → houses
2007.10.2.311 A large female figure reclines in the centre of the scene. She is dressed in robes and is wearing either a helmet or a cap (Phyrigian cap?). Her left arm is resting on a disembodied (bearded male) head and her left hand holds a staff which rests against her upper-arm or shoulder. Beneath the large female figure and to the left of the male head are two shapes which possibly represent boats or ships. These shapes might indicate that the portion of the scene below the female figure is in fact a river or the sea. In turn this might suggest that the disembodied head is emerging from the water (possibly identifying it as a river god). To the left of the scene a very small figure appears to be presenting the large female figure with something, possibly a basket or urn. A slightly larger figure, leaning on a stick, looks on from beneath a tree. Above the very small figures head are two animals (presumably intended to appear to be further off in the background). One at least of these animals is certainly a horse. To the right of the large female figure's head there is a representation of a stag. At the top of the scene in a central position are three shapes. It is unclear exactly what these are (possibly huts or houses of some description?).
45.10.10 The interior of the vessel is black apart from the lowest part of o, whose lower part bears a reserved but glazed line. Exterior: a) On the right side, there is the upper part of a seated woman (part below her waist is missing). She is draped and wears a stephane (fillet) on her head. On the left side there is a floral motif whose stem is a wavy line that expands to the left. b) There is the back side of another seated draped female figure. c) The front side of the previous female figure. She is holding an alabastron with both her hands. d) On the lower left part there is the largest part of a voluted palmette with petal shaped divisions, connected with a tendril. The area next to the spring of the one part of the handle is reserved. e) On the bottom right there is the rest of the previous palmette, also connected with a tendril. f) On the bottom right there is the upper part of a palmette and on the upper left there is part of a tendril's volute. The area on the left of teh one spring of the handle is reserved, but glazed (plaster on top). g) Uneven black surface. h) A small part of the volute of the tendril of f and the stalk of a flower. i) Part of an inverted palmette, connceted with (part of ) a tendril, with (occasional) leaves on its sides. j) Small line, part of a tendril. k) Part of a tendril's volute. l) A figure's projected forearm and hand (figure's depicted on n?). m) On the right side, there is the stalk and part of the stem of a flower and a line that seems to be part of a tendril. There is also the spring of a handle. n) Part (head missing, neck and shoulder are scraped off, area below the knees missing) of a draped standing figure that has the left hand around the waist. o) The lowest part of a figure's drapery. p) Base. Inside tondo: seated woman with septre and standing woman holding out box. Exterior: part of floral ornament under handle. Outer and inner side of footring black, resting surface and underside reserved except for central black dot surrounded by three concentric bands. Moulded circle c.1.0 wide houses thickest, central black band.
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