Ure Museum Database

There are 4 objects for which Decoration contains → festival
84.5.3 Reconstructed cast of blocks VIII, IX, and XI of the South frieze of the Parthenon, showing part of the procession of the Panathenaic festival. This section shows eleven horses and their riders.
84.5.4 Blocks XVII, XVIII,XIXXX, and XXI of the South frieze of the Parthenon, showing a section of the procession of the Panathenaic festival. In this section we see eleven whole or partial riders on horseback. The front five figures wear petasos (wide-brimmed hats).
84.5.5 Blocks XXII,XXIII,XXIV and XXV of the South frieze of the Parthenon, showing a section of the procession of the Panathenaic festival. In this section we see four complete horses with riders wearing chlamys over a short tunic and boots and petasos. To the far left is the head and neck of a horse. To the right of the cast is a chariot being pulled by two horses and two men on foot- one is carrying a shield.
84.5.6 Block XXVII of the South frieze of the Parthenon, showing a section of the procession of the Panathenaic festival. In this section we see four horses pulling a chariot, there are two men in the chariot and one man on foot with the horses.
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