Exterior: 8 petals of a palmette in Six's technique; interior: brush strokes in a dilute glaze.
Interior: glazed black with traces of narrow bands in added white; exterior: from top, part of wide vertical black band between pairs of dilute lines; two dilute lines; guilloche pattern; at right, two narrow vertical black bands flanking black handle root; below; wide black band between two narrow dilute bands; part of meander frieze.
pale slip; interior: black-figure decoration consisting of part of Gorgoneion's head and hair with added red; exterior: from outside, parts of frieze of short verticals; black band; two narrow dilute bands; broad black band with added red and white bands on top; three dilute bands; dot frieze;
Decoration is dark (brownish-black fading to red) on a light ground. The interior is decorated with bands around the rim and in the bowl (with an ill-made join). The exterior is decorated with a band around the rim, brown fading to red on the exterior of the handle, and another band where the cup tapers to the base, beneath which six narrow bands in dilute glaze are evenly spaced to the foot, the exterior of which is red.