Two naked children. The one on the left side has wings and is holding a spear. The other one is holding a stick. Both have cloaks around their shoulders. Cast number: 51
Two naked winged children with cloaks around their shoulders. The one on the left side is laying one arm around the other. The one on the right side is holding a scepter. Cast number: 52
Two naked children wearing cloaks. The one on the left side is winged and holding a snake (?) in his hand. The other one holds some kind of scepter or a cornucopia. Cast number: 53
Three men fighting. The two men on the left and on the right are bigger than the one in the middle. They seem to hold a vessel and are naked except for their cloaks around their shoulders. Cast number: 37
Mouth black inside and out with a reserved rim. Neck and underside of single curved handle are reserved. Shoulder has bars at base of neck with a ring of lotus buds on edge - circular mistake between rows. Thin black band around edge of shoulder. Body design has two men each leading a horse to right. Both wear cloaks, first helmet, second petasos. Red for beards, manes, tails and peytrels. White on helmet and design on horses, but badly faded. Black band followed by reserved band, then black stem. Disk foot is black on top but reserved on the edge with a flat, reserved base with a central circular concave section.