Head and shoulders of figurine of a boy with cloak over both shoulders.
Bearded man with short curly hair kneeling down on one knee and facing to the left of the image with his right arm raised. Small winged boy behind him.
Cast number 91
Naked bearded man with short curly hair kneeling on left knee facing the left of the image. He's holding a stick in his left hand and has a winged boy on his back.
Cast number 92
Naked bearded man kneeling down on left knee facing the left of the image and touching head with right hand. Cloths hanging down from his left arm. Tiny winged boy behind him.
Cast number 93.
Older man, bold and overweight, standing with the help of a staff. He is in front of a boy who is pouring water on his feet. The man only has a cloth draped around his legs and the boy is naked.
Side profile of a boy with full set of hair and with his mouth open
A figure standing under a shelter/frame. A winged boy, most likely Cupid, is to the left.
Naked female figure facing to the right her right arm raised above her head. The figure is leaning on a column and looking at a small winged boy who is seemingly presenting the standing figure with a wreath.
Naked female figure seated and resting against a column. To the right of the figure is a small winged boy who seems to have his hands cupped round his mouth, suggesting that he is shouting at the female figure. It is possibly a representation of Eros waking Psyche.
Clothed boy holding a tall plant in one hand while cutting it with a small knife held in the other hand
Left side view of a woman, probably Demeter, holding a cornucopia and a statue of a boy, possibly Eros, and surrounded by two ears of wheat. Cast Number - 964
A woman holding a stick in one hand, the other holds the hand of a young boy who is nacked apart from the cloak around his neck. She is probably a goddess. Cast number: 128
A boy with wings holding a stick riding a horse. Cast number: 63
A naked boy with wings standing in front of a tree, hands behind his back. Cast number: 87
A naked boy with wings is embracing and kissing a winged half naked girl. Cast number: 99
A naked winged boy or statue standing on a rostrum with an inscription. On the left side are a half naked satyr who is touching the statues arm and a woman who is touching its wings. On the right side is a warrior but might also be female. Cast number: 33
A boy strangling a goose or a duck. So called: "Boy with a goose". Cast number: 19
A boy holding grapes in his hand, beside him is a goose or duck trying to reach for them. Might be referring to Dionysus. Cast number: 20
A young winged boy holding grapes in his left hand, teasing the goose/duck standing next to him. Holding a vessel or a quiver in his other hand. Cast number: 23
Inside black with a reserved line at rim. Outside, head and shoulder of boy with his himation pulled up over the back of his head; on the wall tablets hanging vertically; behind his head part of a fillet hanging up. No relief contour; hair contour reserved; brown lines for marking on tablets; surface an unusually deep red.
10, head and shoulders of boy to left; 11, part of face, chest, arm, and himation of seated boy turning to left. Relief contour for nose of 10; relief lines for inner markings; hair contour reserved.
Lower part of boy. Two legs and one arm wrapped in cloak. Clay orange. Traces of red on legs. Apparently seated. Mould-made, probably with flat back.
All around the neck (except where the handles would have been attached) is a band of chained together, inverted teardrop shapes and dots within two black lines. Main decoration on body consists of two bordered figural scenes; Side A: Dionysus on donkey led by boy; Side B: Hephaistos (Dionysos, according to Mannack) on donkey led by boy. Both scenes are bordered by two lines of vertical dots between three vertical black lines at the sides, and a series of alternating thick and thin vertical black lines above. At the bottom of the body is a band of upward pointing rays.