With vertical ring handles. The whole of the body fluted horizontally. Side of foot ridged; underside concave with a narrow flat resting surface and a slight projection in the centre.
Fragment. Neck and handle of vase.
Ovoid in shape with a hole through the centre on the smallest axis, and an edge around the widest part of the bead.
Ovoid with a piercing through the longest axis and a ridge around the middle.
Ovoid with a piercing through the longest axis and a distinctive girth.
ovoid with a piercing through one axis and a pronounced girth.
Ovoid with piercing through th shotrest axis and a pronounced girth.
Ovoid in shape with a hole through the centre on the smallest axis and an edge around the widest part of the bead.
Ovoid in shape with a hole through the centre on the smallest axis, and an edge around the widest part of the bead.
Course jug with fat body, thick rim. The single handle reaches from the neck beneath the rim to the shoulder of the jug. The neck is as wide as the mouth, then tapers inwards slightly to meet the body, the ring foot is short and quite wide.
Elongated ovoid body, tapering at the bottom to a convex but nearly flat base and at the top, more gradually, to a very short neck with concave sides, then a broad rim, slightly concave on upper and lower sides, with a narrow mouth; two lugs (with wavy ridges), parallel to eachother, on either side of the vase, approximately 1/3 below the rim.
Cylindrical alabastron, with rounded base, tapering at both ends, more sharply to the mouth; the shape, dimensions, and proportions are comparable to that of Ure 13.10.23, which is, however, complete.
Male head, with oval eyes and marked smile.
Male head with oval eyes and slight smile.
Female head with prominent ears, oval eyes and slight smile.
Female head, broken at neck, with oval eyes, prominent ears and slight smile.
Round male head with oval eyes, flat nose and slight smile.
Rectangular male head with flat back. Round eyes, flat nose and no smile.
Two slightly concave disks, not joined (although they sit together well). The lid is thinner than the base with no significant rim, but a beveled edge. The mirror itself has a rim on the underside, and an offset edge on the upper part. These are clearly two parts of a Hellenistic mirror with lid, typical of Hellenistic cyprus. A pair of bronze plates could be locked together because one mirror had a low cylindrical rim into which the other, with a flanged edge, could be fitted. The inside mirror is decorated on the recessed side and polished on the flat side. The outside mirror is polished on the recessed side and sometimes decorated on the flat side. The two polished sides would then lie together, sometimes plated with silver (as in the case of an example in Amathus tomb 62, published in Excavations in Cyprus). For the Greek prototypes see See A. Schwarzmaier, Griechische Klappspiegel: Untersuchungen zu Typologie und Stil (Berlin 1997).
Hexagonal fragment perhaps broken at both ends. Dagger with angular shoulder and straight butt; ogival outline, lower end flattened.
Flat bronze heart-shape piece, flaring at the pointed end, with a spool-shaped element (reel-shaped, according to Catling, as recorded in the Ure archives), horizontally arranged and attached at the centre of the upper part; Each end of the spool comprises a flat disk, while at the centre the surface is curved and narrower, so that a vertical space is revealed between the heart and the spool.
Flared rim; tall neck; two ear-lug handles protruding from base of neck in right-angle shape; almost spherical body and base
Shallow but wide mortar with small lip and rim. Very thick body gradually leading to a small concave foot.
Small bowl, 'later and light', according to Gill 1986; shallow bowl with incurving rim and torus ring foot with concave inner face
Projecting rim, sloping out on the upper edge, rounded at the outside, and curving on the exterior to the concave wall. Slightly convex underside and thickened base.
Lower half of a figurine (joins Reading 14.9.115), preserving the legs and lower torso of a nude boy, some drapery (a cloak) behind him that is twisted around his right hand, and the rectangular base on which he stands.
Mouldmade female with flat back and stumplike arms.
Fat body, long bottle neck with spreading lip, large U-shaped handle. Two moulded rings round neck at junction with handle. Foot conical. Cf. Sydney, Nicholson 52.418 (with shorter foot and more relief decoration)
Alabastron-shaped jug with one handle that joins the rim to the upper body and a delineated flat base.
Fragment with rim attached. The rim is offset a little and the clay bends halfway down the fragment to lead to the base of the cup.
Fragment of stirrup jar consisting of handles and false neck.
Conical with narrower neck at one end and widening to a lip at the other like a miniature vase. End with lip slopes inwards to a raised central circle.
Tankard (?) or one-handled jug (?) fragment, preserving section of lip, neck and upper body.
Small ridge on underside near outer edge of fragment and slight curve along top.
fragment of bird kylix rim and part of body
Fragment of mouth and rim of aryballos
Fragments of a kylix, A: base, foot, stem and section of body, B: rim (joins up with fragment A), C: rim
Fragment of lekythoi - foot and small part of the body
Fragment of lekythoi - part of neck, mouth and rim preserved
Fragment of bird kylix - base of the bowl and join of stem
Fragment of bird kylix rim and handle
Fragment of a bird kylix handle and rim
Fragment; shoulder, neck and mouth section of aryballos
Extremely small and squat aryballos
Fragment of small vessel with base, body and one handle.
Fragment of rim and neck of vessel
Ridge inside fragment and change in decoration suggests fragment is from neck of vessel
Fragment with rim and part of base (?)
Oval and Concave
Circle and Concave
Fragment from base, stem between base and main bowl of pot
Base of a pot, around half of circular base remains, with stem and a small part of the bowl of the pot
Pot shard comprising of part of pot base and part of the curved side
Fragment with small part of rim and broken handle attached
Cylindrical tapered at both ends and pierced through the centre.
Single fragment preserves base and part of curved side.
Rectangular fragment thicker at one end and curved sharply at the other. Possibly a handle fragment.
Irregularly shaped rim fragment; fragment is narrowest up near the rim, then broadens down towards the shoulder, and has broken off near the transition from shoulder to body. Possible point where handle was attached
Irregularly shaped rim fragment; from rim down to just past the join of neck and shoulder.
An almost pentagon shaped fragment preserving some of base and a steeply curved side.
Box model of the Ure Museum's 'Death and Dying' display case.
Fragment. White Ground Lekythos. Part of the same vase as fragment 2008.9.30 and potentially 2008.9.31, 2008.9.32 and 2008.9.33
Fragment. White Ground Lekythos. Part of the same vase as fragment 2008.9.29 and potentially 2008.9.30, 2008.9.32 and 2008.9.33
Fragment. Neck of White Ground Lekythos? Potentially part of the same vase as fragments: 2008.9.29, 2008.9.30, 2008.9.31 and 2008.9.32.
Long narrow handle fragment. Potentially part of the same vessel as fragments: 2008.9.48, 2008.9.51, 2008.9.52, 2008.9.53 and 2008.9.54.
Identified by Annie Ure as a Chous, potentially Attic. Fragment is the neck of Chous? Identified by Annie Ure as part of the same vessel as fragments: 2008.9.37, 2008.9.38, 2008.9.39, 2009.9.40, 2008.9.41 and 2008.9.42.
Identified by Annie Ure as a Chous, potentially Attic. Fragment is the neck of Chous? Identified by Annie Ure as part of the same vessel as fragments: 2008.9.36, 2008.9.38, 2008.9.39, 2009.9.40, 2008.9.41 and 2008.9.42.
Identified by Annie Ure as a Chous, potentially Attic. Identified by Annie Ure as part of the same vessel as fragments: 2008.9.36, 2008.9.37, 2008.9.39, 2009.9.40, 2008.9.41 and 2008.9.42.
Identified by Annie Ure as a Chous, potentially Attic. Identified by Annie Ure as part of the same vessel as fragments: 2008.9.36, 2008.9.37, 2008.9.38, 2009.9.40, 2008.9.41 and 2008.9.42.
Identified by Annie Ure as a Chous, potentially Attic. Identified by Annie Ure as part of the same vessel as fragments: 2008.9.36, 2008.9.37, 2008.9.38, 2009.9.39, 2008.9.41 and 2008.9.42.
Identified by Annie Ure as a Chous, potentially Attic. Body of chous? Identified by Annie Ure as part of the same vessel as fragments: 2008.9.36, 2008.9.37, 2008.9.38, 2009.9.39, 2008.9.40 and 2008.9.42.
Identified by Annie Ure as a Chous, potentially Attic. Neck of chous? Identified by Annie Ure as part of the same vessel as fragments: 2008.9.36, 2008.9.37, 2008.9.38, 2009.9.39, 2008.9.40 and 2008.9.41.
Open Shaped vessel. Identified as part of the same vessel as 2008.9.35, 2008.9.51, 2008.9.52, 2008.9.53 and 2008.9.54.
Round body, convex shoulders and concave discus with a regular filling hole, roughly at the lower end of the discus; short round nozzle, leading convexly to the base, and round tip with ovoidal wick hole at centre. Vertical round handle, raising up at rear part of the shoulder.
Ovoid body with convex shoulders and wide central filling hole. Body tapers directly into the nozzle with rounded tip, ovoid wick hole at centre and convex sides. Flat ring foot on the base.
Long cylindrical bar pointed at one end and flattened at the other
Mouth and neck and one handle of amphora
a column krater is a large, open-mouthed bowl used for mixing wine with water. There are only eleven fragments of this krater, three of them are from the base, the base is thick and wide, made with one big ring and two smaller rings, the body (even if absent) would have been with a round belly; two fragments are from the mouth of the krater, thick and wide rim with flat top
a column krater is a large, open-mouthed bowl used for mixing wine with water. There are only eleven fragments of this krater, three of them are from the base, the base is thick and wide, made with one big ring and two smaller rings, the body (even if absent) would have been with a round belly; two fragments are from the mouth of the krater, thick and wide rim with flat top
a column krater is a large, open-mouthed bowl used for mixing wine with water. There are only eleven fragments of this krater, three of them are from the base, the base is thick and wide, made with one big ring and two smaller rings, the body (even if absent) would have been with a round belly; two fragments are from the mouth of the krater, thick and wide rim with flat top
a column krater is a large, open-mouthed bowl used for mixing wine with water. There are only eleven fragments of this krater, three of them are from the base, the base is thick and wide, made with one big ring and two smaller rings, the body (even if absent) would have been with a round belly; two fragments are from the mouth of the krater, thick and wide rim with flat top
a column krater is a large, open-mouthed bowl used for mixing wine with water. There are only eleven fragments of this krater, three of them are from the base, the base is thick and wide, made with one big ring and two smaller rings, the body (even if absent) would have been with a round belly; two fragments are from the mouth of the krater, thick and wide rim with flat top
a column krater is a large, open-mouthed bowl used for mixing wine with water. There are only eleven fragments of this krater, three of them are from the base, the base is thick and wide, made with one big ring and two smaller rings, the body (even if absent) would have been with a round belly; two fragments are from the mouth of the krater, thick and wide rim with flat top
a column krater is a large, open-mouthed bowl used for mixing wine with water. There are only eleven fragments of this krater, three of them are from the base, the base is thick and wide, made with one big ring and two smaller rings, the body (even if absent) would have been with a round belly; two fragments are from the mouth of the krater, thick and wide rim with flat top
a column krater is a large, open-mouthed bowl used for mixing wine with water. There are only eleven fragments of this krater, three of them are from the base, the base is thick and wide, made with one big ring and two smaller rings, the body (even if absent) would have been with a round belly; two fragments are from the mouth of the krater, thick and wide rim with flat top
a column krater is a large, open-mouthed bowl used for mixing wine with water. There are only eleven fragments of this krater, three of them are from the base, the base is thick and wide, made with one big ring and two smaller rings, the body (even if absent) would have been with a round belly; two fragments are from the mouth of the krater, thick and wide rim with flat top
a column krater is a large, open-mouthed bowl used for mixing wine with water. There are only eleven fragments of this krater, three of them are from the base, the base is thick and wide, made with one big ring and two smaller rings, the body (even if absent) would have been with a round belly; two fragments are from the mouth of the krater, thick and wide rim with flat top
a column krater is a large, open-mouthed bowl used for mixing wine with water. There are only eleven fragments of this krater, three of them are from the base, the base is thick and wide, made with one big ring and two smaller rings, the body (even if absent) would have been with a round belly; two fragments are from the mouth of the krater, thick and wide rim with flat top
Globular body with spout to one side. In centre at top is a 'false' neck with a round covering (attached but meant to look like a false lid) attached to two handles which come down to shoulder, one either side. Very small foot, flat and reserved base.
The rim is flat and ring-shaped, the body is conical, the stem is very short and cylindrical and the foot is ring-shaped with a concave area underneath.
Downturned molded rim, from which projects the horizontal element of a ridged strap handle that curves back in and descends to the shoulder. Body drops sharply from shoulder and tapers to raised base.
Cf. several examples in Lipari 2, esp. Lipari 2, 138, pl. CXXXVI.4a (tomb 385, 'stile Gnathia')
Open lamp with wide, shallow, circular body, with curved shoulder and a down turned rim. covered flat nozzle with a large oval wick hole. Horizontal band handle which follows the back of the body. Foot is shallow and slightly concave
Corinthian type. Handles are circular and horizontal and opposite each other.
Stemless. Inside, deep concave rim, sharply marked off although the outside is an unbroken curve and does not follow contours of the inside. Groove separates the body from the short foot.
Deep drinking cup with base and side handles. Underside concave.
Sphere with base and one side handle still present. Only half intact with one side handle. Other handle and some other pieces with it but just fragments. Base of cup badly chipped. Underside of cup's base is inverted.
Broad concave rim; short neck flowing into bulbous body; crude, thick strap handle joins body from rim and shoulder; short foot; broad, flat base.
Bowl with incurving rim, diagonal profile in lower body, and raised base. Previously described as lamp of kothon type.
Flat base, bulbous lower body to which are attached two horizontal strap handles, which rise slightly; flaring upper body and plain, rounded lip.
Warrior facing left, holding shield, spear, and crested helmet.
Winged female facing forwards, wearing a long patterned skirt, and holding a sickle in her right hand.
Goddess facing left, wearing a tiered headdress over long, styled hair, and a long skirt marked with vertical stripes/drapes? The right arm terminates with a small crescent.
Warrior facing right, holding a round shield with a design of spokes radiating from a central boss, and a diagonally-hefted spear.
Spartan warrior, profile to left, wearing helmet and holding round shield (with spot in the centre) and spear.
Profile figure facing left wearing a helmet and holding a shield with bike spokes formation. Appears to have once held a spear. Two prominent wide legs emerge from underneath the shield. Lead is an off-colour brown-grey.
Circular shield with raised rim and large domed central boss.
Female facing left, wearing a pointed headdress over long styled hair. One hand appears to be held up to the face. There is a thin spike projecting upwards at the back. The skirt is belted at the waist, and is patterned with vertical bands containing zigzags or chevrons which terminate at a shin-length curved hem. The left shin and foot appear angled back to the other foot, giving the figure the appearance of walking.
Warrior standing in profile to the left, wearing a helmet, holding a spear and a circular shield with radiating lines.
Male facing left, playing pipes. Wearing only a short cloak, which is wound about the shoulders and draped to fall forward over both arms. The left hand holds the pipes to the lips, and the right hand is clenched to grip an incomplete object.
Female wearing an elaborate pronged headdress and long skirts. The right arm appears heavier, as though draped in or carrying something.
Single fragment consisting of the head and shoulders of a figure facing right. Wearing a large knobbed headdress which is decorated with tall vertical loops with a central line, over long styled hair
Warrior facing right, wearing a crested helmet and carrying a round "bicycle-spoke" shield.
Female figure facing left with arms held away from the sides of the body. Wearing a headdress and a long garment marked across at the chest, waist, and hem levels.
Crested figure facing right holding a shield and a spear. The shield is decorated with a rosette and boss design, and a straight but separate element runs down from the left of the shield and across near the base.
Two fragments of a female. She wears a sash, knotted at the front with a bow, over a long skirt patterned with vertical bands of single- and double-line zigzags. Her right hand is holding a plate or dish.
Warrior facing right, with crested helmet and round shield decorated with "bicycle-spoke" design. There is an also area of square grid-marking on the neck, below the back of the helmet.
Female wearing a long patterned skirt. The upper, larger section of the skirt is divided into four vertical bands made up of wide plain, narrow plain, wide plain, and single-line zigzag motifs. These are terminated with two horizontal bands running around the hem.
Female wearing long skirts. The top of the figure is oddly shaped. The left arm extends down and slightly away from the side of the body, ending in a fork. The skirts are sashed at the waist, and are marked with long vertical lines ending at a wide hem with more widely spaced pairs of lines.
Warrior facing left, with round spoke-design shield and crested helmet.
Striding male facing left, holding a spear and a round shield with "bicycle-spoke" design
Female facing right, wearing a long skirt marked with horizontal bands. The straight line of the back projects above the head. One arm is raised in front of the body, and the other is held at waist level.
Miniature cup with broad lip and narrow opening; no handles
Miniature cup with broad lip, narrow opening, and no handles
Miniature jug with a broad rim, bulbous body, flat base and no handle
Miniature cup broadening at the rim, with low handles at the broadest part of the belly and a flat base
Stemless. Groove separating slightly flaring rim from body. Handles curve slightly upwards from the top of the body. Another groove at join between body and foot.
Four-handled. Kylix style, stemmed and hollow inside stem. Handles round. At halfway points between handles are two more sets of handles but these have broken off.
Handle is small and joined from shoulder to neck. Shallow cup mouth.
The rim is wide and sloping, the handle is double, of ellipsoid cross-section and forms an intense curve against the body, which is ovaloid and inflated. The base is ring-shaped and narrower than the rest of the vessel.
Miniature. Stem thick and solid. Handles narrow and pinched.
Trefoil lip oinochoe with a banded handle that bears a ribbed back. The body is ovaloid and the foot is conical with a round base.
Moulded rings around top of stem and outer edge of top of body. Sharp ridge at top of incurved rim.
Mouth flanged and bottom of body angular. Vertical ring handles, spurred. Bottom of vase somewhat angular. Finely moulded foot, side grooved, underside concial with resting surface.
Rim sherd of South Ionian pottery cup with everted rim and part of handle root;
Rim and body sherd of South Ionian pottery cup with everted rim;
Rim and shoulder sherd of East Greek (North Ionian?) pottery cup with part of handle root;
Rim sherd of South Ionian pottery cup with everted rim and part of handle root;
'Ioninan'. Lower part of body and beginning of foot, including central boss; Floor and top of stemmed foot of South Ionian pottery cup, presumably a cup with everted rim;
Rim and body sherd of North Ionian Late Wild Goat Style pottery bowl;
Rim and body sherd of North Ionian Late Wild Goat Style pottery bowl;
Fragment with rim attached; Rim and body sherd of North Ionian Late Wild Goat Style black-figured pottery bowl;
Rim and body sherd of North Ionian Late Wild Goat Style pottery plate;
Rim and body sherd of North Ionian Late Wild Goat Style pottery plate;
Rim and body sherd of North Ionian Late Wild Goat Style pottery plate;
Rim and body sherd of East Greek pottery plate;
Fragment of floor and foot of North Ionian Late Wild Goat Style pottery bowl;
Rim and body sherd of North Ionian pottery bowl;
Body and foot sherd (mended from two fragments) of North Ionian Late Wild Goat Style black-figure pottery plate;
Fragment of mouth, neck, body, and handle of Corinthian black-figured pottery ring-aryballos;
Floor and foot sherd of North Ionian Late Wild Goat Style black-figured potteryplate;
Rim and body sherd (three joining but not mended fragments) of East Greek (North Ionian) pottery rosette bowl;
Lid sherd of Chian black-figured Sphinx and Lion Style pottery stemmed bowl;
Rim, neck and shoulder sherd of North Ionian Late Wild Goat Style black-figured pottery column-krater;
Rim and body sherd (mended from two fragments) of East Greek (North Ionian) pottery rosette bowl with handle;
Body and base sherd of Chian Simple Animal Style pottery;
Neck and shoulder sherd of East Greek pottery open vessel, possibly a krater;
Rim and shoulder sherd of Laconian black-glazed pottery krater;
Base and foot sherd of East Greek pottery open vessel, bowl or plate;
Shoulder and handle sherd (mended from two fragments) of probably East Greek pottery closed vessel, hydria or stamnos;
Rim and mouth sherd of Corinthian, probably black-figured, pottery globular aryballos with part of neck;
Wall and foot sherd of East Greek (North Ionian) pottery bowl;
Rim sherd of Corinthian black-figured pottery column-krater with part of handle plate and shoulder;
The handles are almost a rectangle shape, and are shaped to angle straight out from the edge of the Kylix, turning up slightly at the end.
Rhomboid in section at the base, and curving towards the point; three protrusions at the base would have been used to secure the arrowhead to the shaft.
The handles are riddled, of ellipsoid cross-section and incurving. The stem is high and thick and the foot is disk-shaped, while the concave area of the base forms a conical center.
Bulbous body, wider in the lower part. Projected rim with a very small discus area leading to an irregular filling hole. Long nozzle with a wide, flat, oval wick hole. Applied strip handle attached to the rim and reaching down to the base. Flat unmarked base. Tall indentation on the left side of the body.
Shape A (BSA xlii, p.15). Neck and handles modern, undecorated. Body almost spherical, base flat.
Bottom flat and unpainted with rough knob in centre.
Deep ovoid bowl with concave rim and rounded lip, narrowing to a disk foot, rounded on the exterior, sharply beveled on the interior, with a flat resting surface and a slightly convex underside. On either side a u-shaped handle, round in cross-section, rises up from just below the rim, top the height of the lip. There is a slight groove at the join of body and foot.
Corinthian shape. Pale fabric, darkened except under handles and foot.
Rim turns sharply out, broad and flat on top. Handles rounded at far end and with upward twist. In centre of bowl a well 1.5 cm deep occupies the space interior of the stem. The foot appears in three stages, the first ridge being the narrowest, and the other two getting bigger in sequence.
Mouth flares out and rim is flat. High vertical handle joined to rim with surs either side. Body has two horizontal handles. Base has central convex circle.
Tortoise with slight protrusion for head and four triangular protrusions at the bottom for legs. Back divided into slight humps to resemble shell
The mouth is chimney-like, the handle banded, the body is conical and the foot is disk-shaped.
Flared, shallow mouth. Resting surface and base concave.
Ball aryballos with a disk-shaped wide rim, a vertical banded handle and a spherical body.
Handles move straight out horizontal to the body and both have small horns either side.
Four-handled. Stemmed. Kylix style. Foot and stem hollow.
The mouth is tall and conical, the back of the handle is inflated and the foot is disk-shaped.
Squat lekythos. Flared mouth with flat rim. Thin neck with single curved handle attached at top and finishing at shoulder. Ridge separates the neck from the shoulder.
Cf. Agora 12 part 2, no. 1138, pl. 38
Gourd-shaped vessel, with an elongated ovoid body tapering into a cylindrical handle that finally terminates in elongated, rounded tip. Pierced in the bottom of the ovoid part, and ca. 2 cm from the tip. Use as a rattle is indicated by the sound of a pebble inside.
Pappas figurine with polos and beak-like face. Solid, hand-made, with triangular arms and flat back; concave resting surface.
Molded figurine (hollowed at back in a tall rectangle) depicting Leda with the swan. Leda stands with her right foot upraised (on a rick?), and holds in her upraised left arm a himation, which wraps around her back and swirls onto the top of her right leg, to cover her pudenda, right leg, and run down the interior of her left leg. She holds the swan firmly with her right hand, so that it is tucked under her right arm.
Fragment of head and neck of large figuring (female). Inside is completely hollow.
Standing male figure in a cloak with his legs crossed, leaning on a support to his right. Figurine is hollow and has large hole in the back. No relief sculpture on the reverse side.
Inslanting rim, with plain round lip, that curves into an ovoid body on a tall foot ring, with slanting interior and exterior walls, the latter curving to a flat resting surface, with flat underside. Two u-shaped handles, round in section, rise at a diagonal from the bottom of the shoulder to high above the rim.
Short cylindrical knob, with grooved flat top, grooved profile, and conical stem broadening to the slightly domed top of the lid. At the midpoint of the lid, beyond a gentle groove and a ridge, the lid flares to a rounded edge, the underside of which narrows to a tapering straight sided walls that would have sat inside the vase to which it belonged (perhaps a stamnos). The underside of the lid is hollowed, rounded, and smooth.
Small hydria with plain everted rim, with a round lip, curving continuously to a narrow concave neck and a sloping shoulder, then an ovoid body attached to a short disk foot, tapering on both exterior and interior, with a flat resting surface and a pointed underside. The vertical strap handle, slightly concave on its outer side, reaches from the lip to the widest part of the body, where it curves into the shoulder. Two horizontal d-shaped, upcurving handles, round in section, also rise up from the join of the shoulder and body.
Rounded, deep fat body with a small down turning discus and a large filling hole in the centre, small 'kick' at the bottom of the reservoir. Straight sided flat long nozzle with a slightly oval wick hole. Small foot with a slightly concave base.
The lid is three-stepped, with a flat disk-shaped surface on top of which there are two, concentric, conical areas and the handle, which is pear-shaped, with a button-like ending. The body is amphi-conical? But the upper surface is rounder and of a smaller diameter. The stem is slim and high, the foot is three-stepped and its bottom is a larger ring-shaped surface. Underneath, the surface is concave and conical.
it is a small lekythos with a ring flat foot, rounded body, tubular and thin neck, cup mouth with slightly concave upper surface, there is one handle from the upper part of the body to the lower part of the cup mouth
The handle is small and joined from the shoulder to the neck below the mouth and the body is ellipsoid.
Trefoil lip oinochoe, with a handle of ellipsoid cross-section that is raised higher than the lip. The body is spherical and the short foot is conical. Gill's shape 5c.
Fragmentary. Foot, handles, and considerable parts of the bowl missing.
Eighteen fragments of one piece, some fragments joined (a and f each comprised of three fragments joined together, i comprised of two fragments joined.
Type B, formerly called 'glaux'. One horizontal handle and one vertical, both circular. Handles are attached just below rim which curves inwards.
Flaring mouth and wide neck separated from body by a moulded groove. Single curved handle starting at groove and bending to lip. Small foot, base slightly concave.
The vessel has a rope handle at its back with a rotella (connects to the rim with a bit that looks like an anklebone). The other two handles are inclined upwards and of cylindrical shape. They are attached to the upper part of the body in two spots and they are riddled. The foot is quite tall and conical (widening towards the base).
Squat lekythos. Flared mouth. Ridge at top and base of neck.
Ladle with one handle and spout in side.
Hand-made, body is wider towards the base, base is flatened. Neck and handle are missing. Small flat lug (mini handle) on either side of the missing handle.
One vertical and two horizontal handles. Mouth tapers to long, wide neck. Vertical handle from top of shoulder almost to top of neck.
Ribbon handles and long stem.
Vertical ring handles, spurred, start directly from rim and finish at the moulded rim around the body, and tilt slightly upwards. Moulded foot, all black, conical inside with narrow, slightly concave, resting surface.
The body is supported by a low-stemmed, ring-shaped base, gradually widening out to the foot. The handles are handmade, almost circular and they rise a bit higher than the rim.
Ring-shaped aryballos. The rim is disk-shaped, the handle is banded and the body is inflated and there is no base.
High, curved, thick, black handle which bends back on itself to attach to mouth and at the back to the lower part of the shoulder. At the mouth attachment are two moulded heads; spout has central channel and two ridges at moulded rim. The cylindrical neck becomes bell shaped in its lower part, and a ridge marks its attachment to the shoulder, which is slightly concave. Beyond the handle attachment is a flat rim, offset from the shoulder and, more sharply, from the body beneath it, which is upright but slightly convex. The very short ring foot, with broad resting surface, is as broad as the rim around the shoulder.
Fragments comprising of most of tondo, moulded foot and base; the handles are riddled, of ellipsoid cross-section and upcurving.
Two handles on opposite sides and are slightly concave at top with the rest flat and underside has deposits. Inside has interesting deposits but not in centre. Moulded ridge between upper and lower part of bowl with incised lines. Foot same contour inside and out.
Central, circular knob handle, with flat top and inset rim.
Shallow bowl with wide interior, short stem and thick footring.
Miniature. Handle bends outwards, like lekane-handle and a protrusion each side.
Two curved handles attached to shoulder and just below mouth. Neckhas a moulded ridge at base. The resting surface is wide and the base is concave.
Flared cup mouth. Strap Handle descending from top of neck to sloping shoulder. Base has a central concave section.
Cf. "Sixth and Fifth Century Pottery", P.N.Ure (ed.), p49 shape class
K, pl. 15 no. 80.249
Flared mouth with flat lip. Handle starts halfway down neck, curves up and then down to join shoulder. Long, narrow body. Broad foot. Central concave section on base.
Flared mouth with flat on the top rim. Single strap handle curves from top of shoulder down to top of body. Small torus flat base, divided from the body with a groove.
Cf. "Sixth and Fifth Century Pottery", P.N.Ure (ed.), p40, lip type j
Round knob, fragment from lid of lekanis or pyxis, with stem. Knob formed of flat top, with inset circle, depressed centre; profile in two parts, convex on upper part, flat and vertical below; flat underside, offset from short cylindrical stem.
Shallow with incurved rim, round body on a high stem and a ring in centre of stem. Convex foot with a central groove and flat resting surface except for central concave circle.
Bell mouth with rounded upper rim and offset neck.
Molded, overhanging rim with a lower flange, curving into a thin neck which gradually widens to an ovoid body; molded foot, concave on the underside.
For shape cf. bottles found at Metaponto that are similar (in shape and decoration) catalogued by L. Burn in Carter 1998, 2.632-633, especially T 192-6. Cf. also Padova, Museo Civico Archeologico inv. 1746-C: Zampieri 1996, 203-204 no. 58 (ill.).
Neck amphora with wide mouth; long, wide neck; two vertical handles from top of rim to middle of body; donut shaped body slopes into thick stem; small, flat foot; flat resting surface and slightly raised underside.
Bell-shaped mouth tapering to a short neck that broadens to an ovoid body. High swung strap handle joins from neck to shoulder. Conical foot. 'Pagenstecher lekythos' type. Cf. CVA Michigan 1, pl. 27.11 (smaller but similar shape and surface, said to have been found at Taranto) and Lentini inv. 61597: Lagona 1973, no. 85, pl. 11 (more slender). Both of these examples have smaller handles. For Sicilian vessels of this shape (decorated with bands or undecorated) see examples from Selinunte (Anne Kustermann Graf, Selinunte. Necropoli di Manicalunga. Le tombe della Contrada Gaggera [2002] 181 inv. nos. 113/0 952 and 953, pl. 57 [tomb 113]); Camarina (MonAnt 54 [1990] 25, pl. VIII [tomb 590.2]; 54, pl. XXVI [tomb 799.1-2]; and pl. LXXXIII [tombs 1222.5-6 and 1232.2, which are taken to be (imitative of) Corinthian lekythoi).
Shallow cup with thick rim, no handles, and a small foot. Flat resting surface and conical base.
"tear-bottle" - outturned rim; long thin neck; inverted ovoid body tapers to long thin stem and outturned foot mirroring rim and neck; small, flat base.
Circular deep body with small lip leading to a large filling hole. At the centre of the reservoir is a central circular hollow which is no taller then the rim of the lamp and widens towards the base of the lamp. The nozzle is flat but at a slight incline, the tip of the nozzle is irregular, one side is rounded, the other is angular, the wick hole is oval. Base is a slightly concave ring with parallel circumferences.
Circular rounded body with a small amount of discus which inverts into the reservoir. The filling hole is large and circular. The nozzle is long and is slightly upturned with a small circular wick hole and a splayed, slightly rounded tip. Shallow foot, slightly concave.
Small circular body with convex shoulder and reservoir meeting at the widest point to form an angular girth. Large filling hole in the center of the body, encircled by a small depression of the discus. Nozzle is flat with slightly curved sides. The tip of the nozzle is flat with rounded, but unequal sides with an oval wick hole. Small shallow circular foot in the center of the body.
Restricted lateral ellipsoid body, long convex shoulder shallow lower body. Large filling hole in the center of the body. Beginnings of a flat nozzle with concave side and a circular wick tube. Moderate straight sided foot with concave base, leading to a 'kick' on the internal side of the base.
Circular shallow body with flat shoulder and a concave discus with small filling hole towards the right edge of the discus. Body shallower at the front end and the widest part of the body has a raised band around it. Short rounded nozzle and circular smoke hole. Vertical handle with a circular hole which runs down towards the base. Base demarcated but not raised and slightly off centre. There are two small shoulder lugs on opposing sides.
Circular body with a flat bad around the widest part. Slightly convex shoulder and a concave discus with a small irregular filling hole roughly in the centre. Short nozzle with a rounded tip and circular smoke hole. Vertical handle extends towards base and has a small hole. Base is demarcated but not raised.
Flat-lipped conical mouth, vertical strap handle rising from the bottom of the neck and reattached at the top of the 'ankle' on the body, which is in the shape of a left foot wearing a sandal. The base is a flat surface, separated from the sole by an incised line.
Matching lid with knob. The body has lugs on shoulder close to handle and projections on the tops of handles.
'Little lion' shape. Shallow, flaring mouth; thin neck from the top of which a single strap thin handle curves down to the flat shoulder; slight ridge between neck and shoulder; body tapers down to disk foot; base flat with central concave circle.
Cf. Agora 12 part 2, no. 1115, pl. 38
Lid: tall, conical, flat-topped knob on a sharply sloping conical lid, with plain rim, vertical profile, flat underside, leading to a short flange (0.3) to sit within lekanis.
Lekanis: slightly everted, rounded rim with flat lip, on a deep bowl with straight walls in two parts, separated by a sharp carination near the bottom, attached to a short disk foot, angled on inside and out, with a slightly convex underside. From either side of the rim extends a semicircular horizontal handle, round in section, that rises very slightly, flanked by short pointed spurs or lugs on either side of the handle.
Type B, formerly known as 'Glaux'. Rounded, incurved rim, below which are two round handles, one horizontal and one vertical; tall bulbous body tapering towards torus ring foot.
Saltcellar with concave wall and recessed underside. Projecting rim, sloping out on the upper edge, slightly overhanging the concave wall, which is thickened at the base.
Rounded, slightly incurved rim; shallow convex upper wall divided by a reserved groove from a sharply concave wall that runs continuously down to the foot, although only a single curve is perceived on the interior. Short torus ring foot, with a narrow reserved resting surface and a reserved medallion at the centre of the underside, circumscribed by a concentric ridge. Convex-concave profile.
Bell, with a rounded lower edge, narrowing sharply and then tapering slowly to a rounded shoulder, where it is attached to a round knob, hollowed on one side, thickened on the other, pierced with a hole; there is another hole in the top of the bell, just below the hollowed part of the knob. A hand-modeled striking ball is attached, with a thin piece of jute string, knotted through the top hole and lowered through the bottom hole.
Shallow with two wishbone handles. Uneven rim and base
Shallow with two wishbone handles. Uneven rim and base
Kourotrophos figurine of woman and child. Rectangular block with mouldmade face and flat back. Infant suckles at left breast.
Cylindrical, wheelmade figurine with mouldmade face and handmade arms. Holds quadruped, possibly kid, goat or sheep, with distinctive pellet eye.
Female tambourine player, with wheelmade body, moulded face and handmade arms. Facial features well preserved. Right hand plays tambourine and is placed higher than left.
Castulo cup: large stemless cup with inset lip. Slightly outturned rim with concave lip, inset on interior and exterior, below which are attached two horizontal round handles, oblong in shape, incurved and rising slightly over the rim. Shallow bowl divided from a spreading, lipped torus ring foot by a broad groove.
Cylindrical, wheelmade with moulded head and handmade arms. Holds offering (bird?) in arms, although damaged so identification uncertain.
Standing female holding tambourine. Cylindrical, wheelmade body, mouldmade face and handmade arms.
Standing, mouldmade figurine, playing tambourine with slightly round back. Cylindrincal filled body, pointed headdress and moulded arms, placed across body.
Standing, mouldmade female, holding tamborine and wearing pointed cap. Ears and nose most prominent facial features, with virtually no mouth visible, fingers incised.
Standing mouldmade female, holding tambourine, with pointed headdress and large hands.
Rheneia cup: stemless cup with riddled handles of ellipsoid cross-section that curve upwards and ring-shaped base.
Slightly flaring rim, flattened at the top, but sloping inwards; angled wall that curves sharply to a shallow bowl; horizontal, horseshoe-shaped strap handle, attached just below the rim and rising slightly above; broad torus ring foot.
Slightly flaring rim, flattened at the top, on an angled wall that curves sharply to a shallow bowl; horizontal strap handle, nearly triangular, attached just below the rim, rising slightly upwards; groove at the junction of body and broad ring foot, slightly convex at centre of underside.
Small bowl, 'later and light', according to Gill. Cf. Reading 14.9.106
Shallow bowl with incurving rim, concave on inner face, torus ring foot, circular ridge in middle of underside before convex centre.
Powder pyxis (with slip-on lid); for another Sam Wide powder pyxis see London, British Museum E 814 (from Tanagra), showing Herakles at the fountain.T he lid is cylindrical with a plastic ring on the top. The body is conical and the base is a broad, disk-shaped, flat ring.
Rounded, everted rim, just below which a vertical strap handle emerges and extends to the shoulder, where there are two horizontal strap handles. Concave base, peaked in centre.
Rounded, everted rim, just below which a vertical strap handle emerges and extends to the shoulder, where there are two horizontal strap handles. Concave base, peaked in the centre.
This shape was particularly popular at Agrigento, where many tombs contained one example (it is called 'brochetto attingitoio' or juglet for drawing liquids, comparable to the attic 'chous'): see especially Veder Greco, Contrada Mosè: 264 (tomb 3); Contrada Pezzino: 306 (tomb 582), 348 (tomb 238), 352 (tomb 779), 353 (tomb 1086), 354 (tombs 585 and 1147), and 355 (tomb 1225). Cf. also Lentini 61613/E (top half glossed) and 61569/B (smaller): Lagona 1973, 86-87 nos. 185 and 186, pl. 30.
Long tall neck from the top of which handle loops up and then down to join edge of broad shoulder, curning slightly upwards. Straight body; sturdy, flat foot; concave base.
Cf. Smith 2003, BSA 98, p349, footnote 24, pl. 58 d-f (see also 'comments').
Short straight tapering neck; shoulder meets the body at a corner point; two small handles are attached to the upper body; the body is bulbous and has no foot.
Vertical strap handle curves up from rim and joins shoulder, rising slightly over the rim; trefoil lip; long cylindrical neck; half-sphere body; flat base
Two handles begin half way up the pot and finish above the rim.
Mouth has thin rim and near vertical walls tapering down to neck; two upside down U-shaped handles start mid-neck and curve upwards before joining the shoulder; inverted ovoid body; near conical foot with mirrored concave base.
Tall jug with rounded rim, cylindrical neck, piriform body, and high arching loop handle that rises from the rim.
Inturned rim with straight sides; ribbon handle; shoulder slopes down to vertical wall, then sharply recedes to vertical footring and sloping underside of the base.
A slim alabastron with a small mouth and a projecting rim, an offset neck, lugs on either side of the body near the neck, and a raised three-stepped foot that is slightly concave on the underside.
'Cocked hat' open lamp with pinched in sided that form an unbridged nozzle. Slightly out turned rim. Base is not demarcated and is not completly flat.
Everted, nearly flat rim, with round lip, curves sharply to a cylindrical upper body, somewhat concave, separated from the lower body by a ridge above a flange. The lower body is comprised of four horizontal ribs, above a shallow bowl that narrows to a thin, short stem, that curves continuously into a conical foot, finishing with a broad groove above a rounded edge. The underside is hollowed. Two strap handles, which flare on either side, rise up above the rim and then descend to rejoin the body at the flange. A spur projects from the lower part of each handle, approximately in the middle of the upper body.
The mouth is conical, with a large aperture, the handle is banded and the foot is two-stepped and disk-shaped, with a small central concave dot underneath.
Unusual form; neck and body are identical to a shape 8M oinochoe (mug) in Boston, Museum of Fine Arts 22.632 (Padgett 1993, 211 no. 142, ill.), as if a fancier rim, handle, and lower part of the foot have been added to this piece.
Trefoil lip; short neck; Ring in the junction of neck and body; thick rounded handle curves up from top portion of bulbous body to back of neck; outturned conical footring; convex underside.
Ball aryballos. Wide concave rim, thin strap handle projecting from the rim and connecting it to the shoulder. Round body, slightly concave underside of the base.
Flaring mouth, flat rim on the top; single strap handle curves down from top of neck to shoulder; body tapers to thick disk foot; flat base except for concave central circle.
Cf. "Sixth and Fifth Century Pottery", P.N.Ure (ed.), p48, pl. 16 nos. 18.52 & especially 18.62 (feet missing so cannot be compared)
The two-stepped handle has its upper part in the shape of echinus, while the lower part is a smaller, plastic ring. The body is conical and the rim is incurving.
Very broad, up sloping rim; two handles start near the top of the body and curve vertically upwards; tall body with vertical sides curves down uninterrupted into stem; thick, flat foot with ridge at top; conical underside.
Ridge between shallow bowl and outurned rim; two cylindrical handles curve upwards from just below ridge; hole in base where stem was
Scale aryballos (pointed/piriform). The vessel has a flat, wide, disk-shaped rim, a banded handle and a slim, cylindrical neck. The body is ovaloid (inverted egg) and the base is ring-shaped.
Coldstream (79) classes this amphora as part of the 'plump and ungainly group' of LG IIb amphorae whose potters modelled amphora bodies after those of pitchers (see J.M. Cook, BSA 42, 151).
Flaring mouth with rounded, thickened rim; two vertical strap thick handles extend from the top of the decorative zone on the neck down to the bottom of the decorative zone on the shoulder; rounded body tapers to a ring foot. Flat underside
Slightly everted lip with nearly flat rim, on a cylindrical bowl with concave sides, divided with a a sharp carination from a convex lower that smoothly curves into a short stem on a rounded foot ring, with rounded resting surface, tapering inner wall, and nearly flat underside. Two suspension holes are arranged horizontally just below the rim on one side.
Vertical sided, slightly outturned rim; ridge between rim and body; another ridge at top of stem; top part of stem channelled; stem broadens out into a wide foot; conical underside.
Cup mouth, a vertical, banded handle and a disk-shaped base.
Incurving, rounded on the top rim; fairly deep bowl curves into thick low stem; two tiny grooves at join of stem and base; broad, flat foot; conical underside.
Flat rim; shallow mouth; broad neck; two handles curve upwards from near the bottom of the neck to the top of the body; small ridge between neck and shoulder; body tapers into broad, thick, flat base; underside concave.
Tall and slightly lopsided. Steep angled wall with a slightly everted rim and a ridge just below; two ridges at bottom of wall, including join with slightly sloping floor; another ridge marks the join with the cylindrical stem, slightly broadening at the bottom; two ridges mark the join with the trumpet-shaped base. Offset on interior at join of wall and floor. Base conical on underside.
'Ionic' cup shape; offset rim, narrowing handles and cushioning foot.
Type C cup. Slightly everted rim with thickened concave lip, from below which emerge two horizontal rounded handles in an oblong shape, that curve up to just below the rim. Shallow bowl flows uninterrupted into a thick stem, which tapers out until a ridge, below which it is cylindrical; thick torus ring foot with slightly sloping upper side and conical underside.
Castulo cup': large stemless cup. Slightly outturned rim with concave lip, inset on interior and exterior, below which are attached two horizontal round handles, oblong in shape, incurved and rising to the height of the rim. Shallow bowl divided from a spreading, lipped torus ring foot by a broad groove.
Attic type skyphos (cf. Agora 12, no. 341) except for plain underside, size (somewhat smaller than Attic examples), and perhaps breadth of handles. Rounded rim, below which are two horizontal round handles, horseshoe shaped. Walls continuously curve into a deep bowl, divided from the short torus ring foot by a groove.
Gill classes it as a kantharos of the 'Ampurias class'. Sessile kantharos with low handles. Sparkes 1968, 9, notes that the sessile kantharos with low handles is the most practical, albeit least elegant, of the fifth century kantharoi. Slightly outturned, rounded rim; tall, flaring wall, offset from shallow rounded bowl, divided from moulded ring foot by groove. Two vertical strap handles loop down from rim down to just above junction of wall and bowl.
Rim curved slightly outwards. Inclining neck of roughly equal depth and diameter as bowl. Small vertical handles curving from rim to mid-section. Convex bowl. Torus (tyre shaped) foot with no stem.
Plain, rounded, thickened rim; shallow cup; ridge at junction of bowl and stem; tall stem curving continuously to the upper surface of the foot, which has a slightly concave outer surface, and rises to a small underside. Classed by Gill as a 'plain rim' type; he further notes 'Acrocup type foot and fillet'.
Rim flat. Profile of upper half concave; moulded fillet between that and lower half. Foot is grooved and base is depressed.
Nearly identical to a lidded mug excavated from the Pantanello Necropolis at Metaponto, published by Maria Elliott, in Carter 1998 2.643, fig. 14.2, 667 M3 (T 128-2): the Pantanello mug, which Elliott describes as an 'odd mug' and probably a local imitation of the late 5 c. Attic double handle mug (667), has a knotted handle which is otherwise similar to ours in contour and thickness. For less close comparanda cf. Morel 1981, type 5345a (citing examples from Capua and environs, e.g. CVA Capua 3, Italia 1312 no. 2: less squat, but similar); these Campanian examples are dated to ca. 300.
Convex lip with rounded outturned rim, to which is joined a vertical strap handle, tripartite, with two projections on either side of the rim attachment. The handle loops and reattaches at the top of the bulging, ribbed body (ribbing visible on the interior). Tall angled ring foot, the interior of which has an incised spiral (not visible on exterior).
Outward facing lip on a rim folded into a grape leaf shape, shape continues down neck. Neck joins a plain convex shoulder. Tapering lower body joining slightly taurus foot with slightly concave base. Curved vertical handle attached to the lip and the shoulder
The bowl is a variant of Hoffmann's shape III (see H. Hoffmann, Tarentine Rhyta [Mainz 1966] 2) but the bowl is unusually aligned with the animal head. The Reading example corresponds to Hoffmann's 'main group' of Tarentine ram's-head rhyta, and particularly to his group E, which is 'the first wholly naturalistic representation of the ram-head', which he ascribes to the 'hand of Coroplast Beta'
Circular deep body with a small convex shoulder. Discus is concave with a small filing hole off centre and a small protruding nodule also off centre; this is probably the remains of a suspension lug. Long flat nozzle with a rounded tip and a large wick hole off centre at the end. Base is flat and demarcated with a line.
Shallow circular body with convex shoulder and a small concave discus; small filling hole at centre. Nozzle is short and has a flat surface at the tip into which a wick hole has been made, slightly off centre. Small vertical ring handle at the back of the lamp. Base is demarcated but flat.
Circular body, concave discus with a circular filling hole to the frontal left hand side. Flat nozzle with concave sides and single ended volutes, the tip is splayed and ends in an obtuse angle, the wick hole is circular. There is a base demarcated but not raised, the base is slightly concave.
Female mask (hollowed at back), with gaping mouth, hollowed eyes, hair arranged in thick ridges, at side of head and above brow (fringe).
Type 7a. Cut-away neck, with a vertical strap handle attached to the lowest part, rejoining the body at the bottom of the shoulder; cylindrical neck sharply joining sloping shoulder, which curves into the ovoid upper body, tapering into a cylindrical lower body; raised base; reserved on the interior, underside and resting surface.
Flaring mouth with rounded rim on the top. Circular vertical handle rising over the rim, connecting the rim and the shoulder.
Bell-shaped mouth with convex lip and high out-turned rim; tubular neck joined to ovoid body; short thick stem curving out to a carinated moulded foot, concave on the underside; vertical strap handle curves up from the middle of the neck and rejoins at the base of the shoulder.
Trefoil lipped; rounded handle curves up from the rim to the upper part of the body; short neck curves sharply into shoulder and bulbous body; small footring; flat underside.
Trefoil lipped oinochoe with rounded protrusions either side of neck-handle join. Single curved handle that reaches over into mouth, appears to have had an oblong pattern, and is flanked by moulded protrusions at the top and bottom. Wide neck with a groove at juncture with bulbous body. Ring foot reserved and base raised.
Large bell krater with a downturned rim, two recurved handles on the upper part of the body, lower body sloping to a thick stem and a molded pedestal foot.
Rounded mouth, thin lip. Thick strap handle curves up from bottom of neck before descending to shoulder. Ring at the junction between neck and shoulder. Curivng shoulder towards the neck. Body inverted pear shape. Thin foot.
Base convex underneath.
Large krater with wide, downturned rim that extends sharply from the top of the body; two upcurving handles high on the body, which narrows to a short, cylindrical stem; hollowed pedestal foot, ridged just below the top of the foot. The resting surface is concave and the underside undulates smoothly up to the bottom of the bowl.
Flat outturned rim with rounded lip, sharply curving to nearly cylindrical bowl, slightly concave, which broadens and then tapers in the convex lower part to a disk foot, sloping on the upper part, rounded on the lower part, tapered on the interior, with flat resting surface and nearly flat underside. Just below the rim on one side are two holes for suspension.
The vertical handle is of ellipsoid cross-section with a banded back. The horizontal handles are riddled, circular and slightly curving upwards. The foot is conical, with a ring-shaped termination and the base has a concave, conical surface with an inflated semi-spherical central part.
Thick, wide rim with flat top, broad neck. Two rounded handles curve upwards from the top of the body to the neck, from the middle of which they continue in a broad, vertical strap handle to the rim. The body tapers into the narrower bottom and thick, wide base.
Slightly everted lip with rounded rim, on a deep plate that is convex at the upper part and then curves, with a near carination to become concave in the lower part, on a flat base that is beveled on the outer part. A single suspension hole is on the lip.
Fragment of the rim and neck, around the surface of the handle.
Moulded rim, grooved, with flat upper surface and sharp lip, on a short cylindrical neck, with attaches, at a ridge, to an ovoid body, attached below, also at a ridge, to a slightly flaring stand, with splaying foot, slightly ridged on upper edge, bevelled on exterior, hollow on the interior. From the shoulder, on either side, rises an m-shaped handle (half of one chipped off) with short projections in the middle. Three holes (to enable air flow) are drilled into the upper part of the stand, just below the join.
Fragment of the rim, neck and body (preserved only on the right termination).
Fragment from a the rim (very little preserved), neck and body of a column krater.
Fragment (two parts, joined together) of the rim, neck and body.
Sack-like body with narrow mouth (missing, as is handle), broadening with slightly convex sides, and rounding gently to a flat base.
The rim is slightly flared and the neck is short; a strap vertical handle curves down from the rim to the shoulder; two smaller, round, horizontal handles protrude from the upper side of the rounded and pear shaped body; the foot is small and flaring; the base is convex
The rim is conical, strap small handle connecting the enck with the shoulder, is banded with an inflated back, shoulder curving slightly upwards, the body is ovaloid, tapering down to a torus foot, conical underneath.
Cf. Agora 12 part 2, no. 1117, pl. 38
Cf. "Sixth and Fifth Century Pottery", P.N.Ure (ed.), p43 shape class E, pl. 14 nos. 130.108 & 127.59
Trefoil lipped; high handle with ridge down middle curves up from the shoulder considerably higher than the rim; neck progresses smoothly to body, as body does to foot; foot is stepped with the side reserved; underneath is ruddled and concave with convex centre.
A large bell krater with a downturned, rounded rim, two recurved horizontal handles high on the body, the lower body sloping sharply to a thick stem, and a thick, molded, angled pedestal foot.
Small pseudo-panathenaic amphora with downturned rim (and skewed mouth), offset neck divided from the sloping shoulder by a ridge, vertical strap handles curving up from the bottom of the neck to the bottom of the shoulder, ovoid body tapering to a thick stem, and a curved pedestal foot that is highly concave on the interior.
A small mouth, with flaring lip, on a short concave stem, is joined smoothly to a ring aryballos, rectangular in section, approximating a sharp-edged donut, with beveled edges on the inside. A short strap handle rises slightly from the rim and curves smoothly to adhere to the exterior surface of the aryballos. Ure 57: 'Rectangular in section, as is normal in Boeotia'; cf. P.N. Ure, Hesperia 15 (1946) 45-50.
Small mouth and handle. Angular shape with side and edge flat
Wide cup mouth with a reserved, flat rim. Two tripartite strap handles rise up from the neck and join the body at the shoulders. Ovoid body tapers to a thick disk foot, beneath a short (restored) stem. Base is concave
Lid: slightly convex top with circular groove (1.9 cm diam.) at the centre, overhanging a cylindrical body, with straight sides, terminating in a rounded rim at bottom. Pyxis: high cylindrical body with straight sides and simple rounded rim sits atop a flanged element, with rounded edges, that slopes sharply to a foot ring with tapered interior edge and rounded resting surface.
Flaring lip with rounded rim, sharply joined to ovoid body; single round, curved vertical handle rises up from alongside the lip and rejoins at the shoulder; lower part of body sharply joins to a short, flaring foot, concave on the underside, with a pointed underside.
Bell mouth, flaring at the rim, with a convex upper surface, offset from a narrow neck, broadening and curving sharply into the ovoid body; strap handle rises from the top of the neck and joins the lower part of the shoulder; molded ring base, divded into two concave parts, divied by a ridge at the middle; convex underside.
Sessile kantharos, traditionally thought to be an imitation of the 'Saint-Valentin' class of ceramics (Beazley 1947, 219), although Robinson 1997 now says that it is derived from a metallic prototype. Quite standard among its class (Xenon Group kantharoi) in shape (and decoration). Rounded outturned rim, below which are attached two vertical strap handles, rejoined at a slight ledge between upper body and lower body; upper body near cylindrical, whereas lower body is a deep bowl; low flaring ring-foot, ridged on the exterior, with concave face on the interior continuously curving through the resting surface.
Cup mouth with slightly concave upper surface, tubular neck offset from mouth and shoulder; ridged vertical strap handle loops up from top of neck and descends directly to the shoulder; squat body; broad torus ring foot.
Wide mouth with flat, reserved rim. Two strap handles, one on each side, curve up from top of neck then down to shoulder. Body is inverted pear shape, tapering to very small foot with groove in middle.Ring on the junction of the body and the foot. Underside almost conical up to small, central, convex circle
Slightly convex, slanted, overhanging lip, rounded at the edge, on a slightly concave tapering rim, slightly offset from the lower bowl that curves sharply to a tall conical foot, rounded at the edge, with flat resting surface and a slightly convex underside. On either side of the rim is attached a horizontal, u-shaped ribbon handle, between a pair of lugs (handle and lugs broken off on one side).
Rounded rim; steep angled wall; slightly sloping floor continuously curving to the stemmed foot with a high trumpet-shaped base below moulding. Offset on interior at join of wall and floor. Base mostly flat but conical at the centre. Cf. Toronto, Royal Ontario Museum 918.3.72: Hayes 1984, 100 no. C67 (ill.)
Slightly convex, rounded, overhanging lip on a tall, tapering rim, a carination at the junction with the sharply sloping body or bowl of the lekanis, on a tall, sloping ring foot, with flat resting surface, angled walls on exterior and interior, and a nearly flat underside. On either side of the rim is attached a horizontal, u-shaped ribbon handle, between a pair of lugs.
Rounded outturned rim, narrowing to neck and broadening to baggy body, in a continuous curve down to the angled torus ring foot. Vertical ribbon handle, slightly grooved, loops from just below rim to the upper part of the body.
Rim is flat and the neck blends into shoulder. Body descends into a thin groove before a sloping foot.
Tall inslanting rim with plain round lip, sharply turning to a short shoulder that broadens to an ovoid body, which tapers to a tall moulded foot, comprised of a beveled top, two concave elements, a carination, below which a scotia above a torus. The resting surface is ridged and the underside consists of a pointed convex centre, within a tapering concave part. Two u-shaped handles, round in section, rise from the bottom of the shoulder to high above the rim. On either side of each handle is a pointed lug.
Rounded cup with sharply incurving rim and shallow bowl, on a short hollow stem which broadens to a disk foot with a grooved foot, and deeply concave underside.
The body is conical, widening towards the top. The rim has horizontal sides and a small lip at the top. The band handles are almost ellipsoid, with peaked terminations. Ribbon handles. The base is in the shape of an inverted echinus (a conical stand?).
Head and part of body with right arm and hand of Atthis figurine, holding pan-pipes. He wears a Phrygian cap with long ear-pieces, long-sleeved tunic, and cloak.
Lid: flat rim, domed interior, surmounted by cylindrical knob with two ridges and concave upper surface. Belongs to pyxis, 58.2.3A
Wide rim with bevelled lip. Long wide neck leading to a short and rounded body, base protrudes from body but has been damaged (during firing process ?). The handle attaches to the top of the body and then again at the join of the rim and the neck. There is a fork shaped spur which follows the curve of the handle and rim and then continues above the main body of the jug.
Round body somewhat pointed at the base. Cut-away neck spout (derived from Anatolian precursors). Handle attaches to the middle of the spout and then rejoins the jug on the shoulder.
Small metal figurine of South East Asian iconography. Figure sitting cross-legged with one hand touching the floor and the other resting on top of leg in a mudra gesture.
One fragment of mortar with red, orange and white glass mosaic tesserae said to be Roman
Two white stone (possibly steatite) scarabs in a small glass specimen jar with cork top. Both examples have incised beetle features including clypeus and legs. Undersides both engraved with hieroglyphs and have longitudinal holes for threading.
Everted, concave rim, with round lip, offset by a carination from a shallow bowl, tapering sharply to a short stem that broadens to a moulded foot, concave in profile, with a nearly flat resting surface, grooved just within the resting surface, hollowed and conical within; a slightly incurving d-shaped handle rises up, on either side, from the centre of the bowl to the height of the kylix.
Single but ornate handle that has pointed oval at bottom, two moulded lines towards top and a piece that curves up separate to the main handle in a 'cobra-like' strike pose. The main piece of the handle extends along rim of vessel in a leaf-like shape with notches in the edges. Mouth is wide and has small rim. Outside body is marked with 4 pairs of incised bands around its sides. Small curve at side of foot. Base is flat but has 6 incised concentric circles and a central sunken dot.
Pagenstecher lekythos: cf. a more elaborate example from Lipari, 'scavo XXXV': Bernabo Brea and Cavalier 1997, fig. 108 (middle)
Stemless cup with a plain rounded rim. Two horizontal round handles, oblong in shape, incurved and rising over the rim. Handles rise from half-way down the shallow bowl, which is divided from spreading, lipped torus ring foot by a broad groove.
Pyxis: inverted rim slightly hanging over bulbous body; small, ring torus foot above a slight groove; convex underside
Lid: Gently slopes up to stem and donut shaped knob.
Bell-shaped mouth with high outturned rim and broad, slightly convex lip;long neck widens to shoulder with smooth contour to ovoid body; vertical strap handle rising from top of neck and rejoining at bottom of shoulder; short ring foot.
Orange rectangular box with two small circular specimen pots one with blue enamel flakes and the other with orange enamel flakes and three fragments of building material.
Cup of Ionian type. Tall, slightly outturned rim; ridge between rim and deep body; two small, rounded handles emerge horizontally from the top of the body; conical footring; concave base.
Rim of the mouth is a little bit wonky, with a ridge on the flat top. Cylindrical short neck. Almost flat shoulder. A single rounded handle curves down to the shoulder from the rim, and two horizontal, horseshoe shaped handles emerge from the top of the body. Body tapers down to small torus foot
Lid: three tiered round knob with central, nearly conical well; short concave stem curving above and below into knob and lid; nearly flat lid tapering gently to a short vertical rim, rounded at both edges. The underside is slightly hollowed under the knob. Lekanis: shallow bowl with a short nearly vertical flange, rounded at the lip, straight but tapering walls, slightly carinated and narrowing, with convex lower portion, to a very short stem, on a rounded disk foot, with a flat resting surface, curved on the underside, with a rounded point at the centre. A wishbone handle rises from the top of the wall, on either side; a lug protrudes from either side of each handle.
Ure 1960, 216 notes that what remains of the one handle indicates that it was pointed (wish-bone shaped) at the centre as well as rounded in section.
Small bowl with a thick, uneven rim, concave sides, and small base.
Ovaloid jug with a small mouth, a long neck flaring to a large body, and tapering again to a small, plain base; fat, rounded handle.
Deep; rounded groove between body and broad foot
Everted lip with rounded rim, curving out to a short shoulder, then tapering to a conical, deep bowl, with short stem that broadens to a flat, disk foot, with tapering, slightly rounded exterior, gougedresting surface, slightly concave interior, and slightly convex underside. From either side, just below the rim, a u-shaped handle, round in section, rises up to just above the top of the rim.
Deep skyphos with thickened round rim, groove just below, straight walls of unusually deep body that narrows, with a sharp cuve at the bottom, to a short concave stem, and a thick disk foot, rounded on the exterior and angled on the interior, with a flat resting surface and a slightly concave underside. Two u-shaped handles, round in cross section, rise from the upper part of the body to the height of the rim.
Lid: Short button knob, with flat band, beveled interior edge, and slightly convex top, curving smoothly to a nearly flat underside that smoothly joins a short, slightly concave stem, that again smoothly joins a flat, tapering smoothly to a short vertical rim, rounded at both edges. The underside is hollowed under the knob. One-handler: shallow bowl with a short nearly vertical flange, rounded at the lip, straight but tapering walls curving into a convex lower portion then a very short stem, on a rounded disk foot, with a flat resting surface, beveled on the interior, and slightly convex on the underside. A single, recurved horizontal handle, round in section, rises above the rim.
Tall vertical rim, with plain round lip, that turns into a barrel-shaped body on a short, broad foot ring, with flat resting surface and underside, with exterior wall comprised of a slanting element above a rounded element, and interior wall slanted . Two u-shaped handles, round in section, rise from the bottom of the shoulder to high above the rim.
The mouth is conical, the handle is of ellipsoid cross-section and the foot is disk-shaped.
Cf. 'The Red and the Black: Studies in Greek pottery' by B. A. Sparks, 1996, p20 fig I:12 (see also 'Comments' field).
A plaster cast head of a Lapith from a metope (South 6) of the Parthenon.Broken off at the middle of the neck; the face bears a gouge on the left cheek and most of the nose is broken off.
Hollow, large opening in back and hole in base. Back of figurine is left unformed.
Short cylindrical knob, flat-topped and double-recessed in centre. The short concave stem connects the cylinder to the short domed lid, in a continuous curve. Beyond a gouge the outer 1.8 cm of the lid becomes slightly concave and after two ridges terminates in a slightly rounded edge.The underside is hollowed just below the knob, and has a short flange intended to sits inside the rim of the pyxis to which it would have belonged.
Foot-shaped aryballos; Dohan Morrow's Group II, 'network sandals' (Dohan Morrow 1985, 6-9) or Ducat's type B foot-shaped vases (Ducat 1966, 182-84).
Foot-shaped aryballos with a broad rim, short vertical strap handle, squared, offset neck; the body of the vase in the shape of a left foot, including ankle, with relief decoration that gives the effect of a sandal enclosing it, and a flat, reserved base.
Cf. "Sixth and Fifth Century Pottery", P.N.Ure (ed.), p51 shape class M (see also 'Comments') - although lip is slightly more protrusive than the type indicates as its norm.
Ian McPhee describes it as a Kotyle rather than Skyphos type c (?). Tapering ring base, rounded at the bottom, from which the body rises in a sharp diagonal, curving sharply approximately at the halfway point, from which it rises near vertically and eventually flares slightly to a plain, rounded rim, just below which are attached two horse-shoe shaped handles, almost round in cross section.
The rim is slightly incurving and the body is semi-spherical. The vessel is not very shallow.
Ornamental fibula (pin). Long straight pin with pointed end attached to semi-circular piece that thickens and flattens at the end. There is no hinge here but a curled piece joining the pin and the semi-circle acts as a hinge.
Long, thin strigil steeply curved. The handle is thicker at the front and thinner at the back where it bends over to form an oblong. The thinner piece is not attached to the body but curves back on itself and end is a flat circle.
Wide strigil curved in a tight arc. Handle is square and thinner on the back than the front as it bends over to make an oblong shape. The handle adjoins the strigil in a long triangular point with an incised line acting as a border.
Rectangular element with two protrusions to the side, from the lower part, and a molded satyr face in relief, which serves as a lug.
Tall knob, circular in section, flat at top except for a grooved section; knob which narrows then widens to a carination towards the bottom, and narrows again to the join with the concave lid. Flanged rim.
Fragment from pot with multiple sides of varying shapes. Square-like in appearance, there is a slight curve on the bottom right side, and the right side itself has a chunk chipped from it.
Rectangular pot fragment with one side being more curved in shape, and the other consisting more of a straight line. One end is longer than the other owing to the curved side making it so.
Part of the body and neck of a vase.
Seventeen fragments from the same Nikosthenic amphora. 1) Should be rejoined to 2. Part of the body. There is white plaster on both surfaces . 2) Should be rejoined to 1. Part of the body. There are traces of plaster on both sides and adhesives. 3) Part of the body. White plaster and adhesives on both sides. 4) Part of the body. White plaster on both sides and adhesives. 5) Should be rejoined to 6. Part of the body. Adhesives. 6) Should be rejoined to 5. Part of the body. Exterior: There are areas that have been chipped off and few bits that have been pitted off. Interior: There is a layer of white plaster. 7) Could be rejoined to 8? Part of the body. There are bits that have been pitted off on the exterior and the interior is covered with plaster and adhesives. 8) Could be rejoined to 7? Part of the body. White plaster and adhesives on the interior and traces of plaster on the exterior, where there are also bits that have been pitted off. 9) Should be rejoined to 10. Part of the body. White plaster on both surfaces. 10) Should be rejoined to 9. Part of the body. The interior is covered with white plaster and there are traces of it on the exterior. 11) Should be rejoined to 12. Part of the body. The interior is covered with plaster and adhesives, while there are traces of plaster on the exterior, too. 12) Should be rejoined to 11. Part of the body. The interior is covered with plaster and adhesives, while there are traces of plaster on the exterior, too. 13) Should be rejoined to 14. Part of the neck. There are traces of white plaster on the interior. Many bits have been pitted off from boith surfaces. 14) Should be rejoined to 13 and 15. Part of the neck. There are traces of plaster and adhesives on both sides, as well as many bits that have been pitted off. 15) Should be rejoined to 14. Part of the neck. There are traces of white plaster on both surfaces, as well as adhesives. There are few scratches on the exterior and several bits that have been pitted off, especially from the interior. 16) Part of the body. Adhesives and traces of white plaster. There are areas on the exterior, where the colour appears to have been peeled off and some pitting off. 17) Bit of white plaster-part of rim? and covered with adhesives.
Circular body, flat moulded shoulder, small concave discus with a small filling in the front right hand side of the discus. Short flat nozzle, rounded tip with a slightly irregular wick hole that cuts into the shoulder area. Vertical handle which reaches down towards the base and attaches around the shoulder, circular piercing through handle. Circular unmarked base, slightly concave.
Circular body, flat moulded shoulder, small concave discus with a small off center filling hole. Short flat nozzle, rounded tip with a slightly irregular wick hole that cuts into the shoulder area. Vertical handle which reaches down towards the base and attaches around the shoulder. Circular delineated base, slightly concave.
Shallow circular body with large concave discus, filling hole is small and off centre on the discus. Medium nozzle has concave sided with a rounded tip, wick hole is circular and central at the end of the nozzle. Base is flat and delineated
Circular body with a gradual concave discus with a filling hole in the centre. Flat medium nozzle with concave sides and a rounded tip with a large circular wick hole in the centre. Small circular, unmarked base, very slightly concave.
Circular shallow body , small shoulder, concave discus with a small filling hole in the centre. Medium flat nozzle with concave sides and a rounded tip with circular wick hole in the centre. Circular delineated base, very slightly concave.
Deep circular body with a rounded shoulder terminating in a large filling hole. Long rounded nozzle titling slightly upwards, irregular rounded tip and an oval wick hole. Large splayed foot. Small vertical lug on the right hand side.
'Cocked hat' lamp, Shallow bowl with one half of its rim folded in and pinched to form an open wick rest. Wide rim, base is uneven making lamp sit to left hand side.
'Cocked hat' lamp, shallow open lamp fashioned from a bowl with two sides folded in to provide a wick rest. The rim is thick and very pronounced leading on to a vertical sided shallow reservoir. the base is flat but there is no foot.
Shallow ovoid body, convex shoulder with a small depressed discus; three small holes in the discus. Nozzle is joined into the body shape and has a rounded tip with a medium oval wick hole. Small vertical handle opposite the nozzle. Base is unmarked but slightly concave.
Circular body, concave discus with a mall circular filling hole in the front, right portion of the discus. Long flat nozzle, rounded tip with small circular which hole. Base is defined by a single band and is slightly concave.
Shallow circular body , small convex shoulder, concave discus with a small filling hole in the centre. Flat nozzle with concave sides, rounded tip and circular wick hole. Circular delineated base, slightly concave.
Circular body, short flat spout with circular wick hole and rounded tip. Slightly sunken discus with filling hole on the same axis as the wick hole, but not in the centre of the discus. Demarcated base, slightly concave.
Shallow circular body (back deeper than the front), small convex shoulder, concave discus with a very small filling hole in the centre. Nozzle is flat with concave sides , a rounded tip and a circular wick hole that is just off centre. Base is demarcated and slightly concave.
Shallow circular body with slightly concave discus with small circular filling hole and a shallow circular base. Short flat nozzle with concave sides and a rounded tip, large circular wick hole.
Shallow circular body, small shoulder with concave discus with a small filling hole just off the centre of the discus. Medium nozzle, flat with concave sides, rounded tip and central circular wick hole. Base is unmarked, circular and slightly concave. Right hand stands slightly taller than the left.
Circular body, small convex shoulder with a slightly concave discus, two small holes on the discus, one on the central axis, the other just slightly off to the left. The nozzle is small and flat with a rounded tip and a circular wick hole, just off centre. Vertical handle extending towards the base at the back with a small hole though the centre. Demarcated base is flat except for a small depression.
Spreading circular body with long flat nozzle and large oval wick hole and rounded tip. Slight anomaly on the underside of the nozzle. Handle is missing. Flat base with no foot, wheel marks.
Circular shallow body, concave discus with a small circular filling hole in the center. Small demarcated base, slightly concave. Long nozzle with concave sides and a rounded tip with a circular wick hole in the center of the tip. Two lines run down either side of the nozzle at the termination of volutes.
large circular shape with a short rounded nozzle. Three bisected un-pierced lugs placed on the shoulder of the lamp equidistantly. The discus is sunken and there is a moulded rim to the discus which runs all the way around the wick hole in a continuous form. The wick hole and the filling hole are the same size and are in line with each other, there is also what appears to be an air hole in-between the channel of moulding. There is a ring base.
Mainly circular body, nozzle is moulded with body disturbing the circular edge back half of body is deeper than the front. Shoulders are convex, discus is concave with a small circular filling hole in the centre. Long deep nozzle, sides follow smoothly on from the body, elongating the circular shape, slightly concave top marked with a ridge on either side, rounded tip and slightly irregular circular wick hole. Remains of small vertical handle attached to the shoulder. Small circular base, slightly concave not lineated.
'Bird-head' lamp, shallow body with one hole nearly at the centre of the discus. nozzle is flat with a splayed tip and concave sides, the smoke hole is circular and almost in the centre of the nozzle. the handle is transverse and has a hole in the centre. The holes all appear to be of the smae size and are all just of centre to the left.
Rough oval shape, very flat body with a flat discus and filling hole in the centre. There is no nozzle, just an elongation of the discus with a small circular wick hole. Circular ring base.
Deep circular body with a large circular filling hole in the centre of the discus. Flat long nozzle with a small circular wick hole and a rounded tip. Circular raised foot, slightly concave with a ring in the middle. "Kick" on the inside at the bottom of the reservoir.
Circular deep body with slightly concave discus, large filling hole and a shoulder lug on the right hand side. Flat nozzle, small oval wick hole. Shallow circular foot, slightly concave with a smaller circle within the foot.
Small Circular body with a convex shoulder and a small flat discus with a large filling hole. Small lug on right hand side with dent in the top, this however does not reach through to the bottom. Flat long nozzle, slightly concave sides with a splayed tip and an oval wick hole. Small circular concave foot.
Circular body with convex shoulder and a concave discus with small filling hole. Small raised protruding foot with flat base. Large vertical handle with one incised line along the length of it and a second band laying across the handle at the highest point, also with an incision along it. Long spout with irregular splayed tip, large oval wick hole. joining lines of the handle and the nozzle are apparent.
Circular body with slightly convex shoulder and a slightly concave discus, two holes of differing size are in the discus. The nozzle is small and rounded with an oval wick hole just off center. Vertical handle which reaches to the base which is demarcated with two concentric circles.
Shallow circular body. Flat nozzle with concave sides, large round wick hole and a rounded tip. Concave discus and wide ring base. Small filling hole, just off centre probably due to decoration.
Small circular body with a convex shoulder and a small concave discus with an irregular filling hole at the centre. Nozzle is slightly arched and splayed at the tip with concave edges and an obtuse tip. Wick hole is oval. base is a concave small demarcated circle with a circle within.
Deep circular body, small concave shoulder leading to large filling hole. Flat long nozzle with concave sides, a splayed tip and an irregular oval shaped wick hole. Large circular straight sided foot with a concave base.
Large lekanis with a slightly convex, rounded, overhanging lip on a tall, tapering rim, a carination at the junction with the sharply sloping body or bowl of the lekanis, on a tall, sloping ring foot, with flat resting surface, angled walls on exterior and interior, and a nearly flat underside. On either side of the rim is attached a horizontal, u-shaped ribbon handle, between a pair of lugs.
Rounded, everted rim, long neck, piriform body, ring foot. Thick strap handle curves up from the middle of the thick neck and down to the shoulder.
Wide at the bottom and short. At the top left long peice of terracotta extends outwards to a narrower point. To the right is the same apart from it has been broken. On top another peice of terracotta extends but again is broken.
Horn shaped fragment, with smooth outside. Pointed one end and moderately flat on the other.
Horn shaped fragment, with smooth outside. Pointed one end and moderately flat on the other.
'Delicate class': for the same shape cf. also Reading 14.9.113 (from Gela?) and 83.9.12 (also from Al Mina).
Bowl with outturned rim: cf. Reading 47.2.8 (from Tamassos) and Reading 83.9.4 and 83.9.7 (both from Al Mina).
Bowl with outturned rim: cf. Reading 47.2.8 (from Tamassos) and Reading 83.9.3 and 83.9.7 (both from Al Mina).
Bowl with outturned rim: cf. Reading 47.2.8 (from Tamassos) and Reading 83.9.3 and 83.9.4 (both from Al Mina).
Tall bottle with wide flanged lip; very long and narrow neck; stout conical shaped body with flat resting surface and slightly concave base.
Ovaloid ball, pierced through left and right edges
Slate palette, flat and smooth in the shape of a birds head (?). More recognisable in the shape of a 'boomerang'. The palette thins towards the edges. Hole in the arc for suspension. Edges are not sharp but curved.
Fish shaped, handle is tail, mouth is detailed, possibly a detailed eye, and a hole at the top edge. used for grinding pigments for make up.
Tall pointed jar with flattened, narrow base. Wide mouth with narrow lip and wide neck. Lugs at either side, perforated with thread holes.
Tall jar with a wide mouth, long neck and small flat base.
Rounded base and pronounced lip
Pear shaped jar with a pronounced lip, short neck, and pointed base, widest point has a ridge which is uneven.
Squat jar with rounded everted lip, short neck, and rounded base.
Slightly everted lip, wide neck, bulbous body, and everted pedestal foot with concave base.
Everted lip attached to long straight neck, shallow but wide upper body. Lower body gently tapers to an everted foot with a concave base. Handle attaches to just below the top of the neck and rejoins the body at the widest point of the body.
Broad shouldered jar with thin lip, broad neck, and body that tapers down to a conoidic foot which is slightly raised from the rest of the body.
Everted lip, carinated body, and pointed foot.
Fragment which takes the shape of cylinder that flares to a flat base with inscription. It is thought that objects like this were part of the facade of 18th Dynasty Theban tomb chapels. Inscriptions on objects of this type normally include the name and title of owner, although the hieroglyphs on this piece are confused.
Squat, gourd-like in shape with handle. Neck is long, the handle attaches to the top of the shoulder, follows the handle upwards for a centimetre and the bends back to reattach on the upper body. The body is spherical in shape, tapering to a small disc base.
Seated figurine of Horus on a solid square base. Horus' two arms run parallel to the thighs and the feet; his plaited side lock over his right shoulder denotes childhood. The base has a short nodule attached to the back of it.
Three pieces unattached but found together. The panels are very thin and the ring does not meet beneath them but is attached either side.
Group of four red beads, unattached but found together. Two are long and thin, one is a shallow but complete circle and the fourth is an incomplete circle and thick.
Small tweezers with a loop on one end, originally loose in the hinge for hanging. Tweezers are made from three pieces, a central straight but shorter section and two longer but curved inwards sections which would have been the pieces that would have bent together to hold the hair or splinter.
Lightweight hair ring comprised of a circle that is incomplete, to allow hair to be put into the ring. The top and bottom slope into the central hole and the body widens so there is a ridge around centre.
A string of random beads placed together. The string consists of two Horus amulets, two lotus petal amulets, two scaraboid amulets, several single beads of circular shapes, one shell, one broken unidentifiable amulet and one cylindrical bead.
3 ivory beads and 7 carnelian beads of varying shapes, in a small pill box
small fragments of possibly malachite, turquoise or faience, with sand and organic material in a small pill box
64 beads and 1 small faience fragment in small pill box. 60 small carnelian beads; 3 faience and 1 clear possibly quartz beads
Circular body with small sunken discus with small filing hole, large raised sholder. Long flat nozzle with a splayed end and a curved tip and oval smoke hole. Small ring base.
Undulating pie-crust mouth (probably hand molded). The body is globular and the base is rounded, with a small part flattened. The base presents the finger marks of the potter. It seems to have been suspended by a string around the neck (attached).
Stone scarab. The beetle is sat on a flat base. The upper body is flat. The antenna and 'head' of the beetle are also detailed.
Hammer shaped handle with a slit where the mirror sat in the top. The top parts are curved over. The handle is rounded and wider at the end.
Oblong in shape and is almost flat except at the ends of the teeth which taper. Double edged with narrow teeth, close fitting at one end and wider teeth with larger gaps at the other. There are 42 narrow teeth and 10 wide teeth.
Long-necked vase, with fluted mouth and pronounced lip. Rounded body and base.
Small vase, with pronounced lip and neck. Shoulders are widest point tapering to a flat base.
Part of jug and basin set (basin missing). Flat base, wide shoulders, tall neck (ca. 6 cm), with striated lip and wide mouth.
Fine kohl pot with flat base, shoulders and wide, flat rim.
Three pieces. Lid is circular and flat with a central knob handle, also circular. Second piece is the ring which sits between lid and base and is circular with a central hole cut out and a rim on the underside so it sits in the base. Base is wide at shoulder and tapers to the bottom with smooth walls. At top is a slighlty raised rim to receive ring. Inside is a hollowed out cylinder, not to the contours of the outer wall.
Long and thin, with rounded ends and flat base.
Kohl pot with flat base, shoulder and very wide, flat rim.
Lid is oval with a central circular knob and traces of an incised band on top. (Lid is missing!) Body has a flat rim, same shape and size as lid so they sit together, but with a central circular opening. Thin neck leading to shoulders. Four oblong feet at each 'corner' and the base between is flat. Flat rim on top of body is reserved. The inside is a cylindrical well, not matching the contours or shape of the outside. Heavy object.
Flat and thin blade with a nail through to both sides, perhaps for attaching a wooden handle. The blade is pointed at one end then widens in a triangle then thins again but not to a point.
This could be part of a pot as the top of the fragment appears to form a lip and the fragment ins curved.
The fragment is wider at the top than the bottom and there is a cylindrical hole that goes right through the object.
Smooth pin, round and tapering to a point.
There is no neck and the body tapers to a flat base. The two handles are directly opposite one another on the mouth.
Deep sided bowl with curved sides and no significant base meaning bowl is slightly unsteady. There are two incised bands on the outer surface around the rim and a more significant ridge on the inside where bronze has been folded over to make a smooth and safe edge.
Rectangular in shape with a wide back tapering to teeth. Teeth are short and narrow and there are 22 plus two larger side pieces, one either end.
Fragment has four sides and shows the top right hand corner of the tablet.
Miniature papyrus sceptre worn as a pendant (suspension hole at top). Zig zags taper to the main body the top of which is decorated with four incised lines. The body swells and then tapers to a pointed base.
The god Horus seated, with plaited side lock and finger on his chin. The figure is completely naked. A uraeus adorns the head. The feet of the figure are attached to a solid, square copper base.
Faience beads in half an oval shaped shell. Approximately 150 circular beads and 7 long beads (of varying lengths).
Thin lip, narrow neck, curved shoulders and pointed base.
Wide necked jar with a large lip and a small neck.
The lip is narrow, no neck and a weak shoulder. The body flares to the widest point in the lower half of the jar just above the foot. The widest point tapers to the foot, which is approximately 1cm in height with a flat base.
Small blue figure of the god Ptah (Specifically Ptah-Sokar, a combination of the creator god Ptah and the falcon headed god of the dead Sokar). The ponytail of the figure is looped in such a way that it would enable threading. The figure is squat and is naked aside from some neck decoration and a loin cloth. The figure stands on a flat oval base.
Not perfectly round but still circular. Widest from side to side. Has a rectangular extension at base so that the object would have sat in the handle. Flat and thin with slightly sloped edges to avoid making them sharp.
Flat and thin. Not perfectly round but still circular. Small rectangular extension to allow mirror to sit in handle.
Almost circular, underside rounded, surface smooth and very slightly convex.
Statue of Aphrodite and Eros
Quite cylindrical handle, extending from the rim to the shoulder, slightly rising over the rim. Ridge between rim and neck. Cylindrical neck; torus rim (convex).
Central circular knob, with a round tip and a sort of carination in the edge, hollow in the underneath; rounded rim, hollow inside, connected to the knob by a quite sloping lid.
Round and circular
Almost complete, with handle and nozzle, only one shoulder missing.
Lamp fragment, with part of one shoulder and of the nozzle; filling-hole in central discus almost complete.
Front fragment of a lamp, with part of the central discus with filling-hole, part of the shoulders and nozzle. General shape rounded.
Lamp fragment, with a shoulder and one handle. Quite circular shape. The handle is narrower on the top, and it has a triangular section.
Fragment of one body and of central discus. On the edge of the body a hand-grip.
Lamp fragment, with one shoulder and part of the central discus, with filling-hole.
Fragment of shoulder and central discus.
Fragment of shoulder with a hand-grip, and of central discus.
Knob and the upper part of the lid. No stem, ridge in the upper part of the knob, flat tip. Hollow in the underneath.
Lid fragment, with a flat circular knob, a cylindrical stem, and steep lid.
Fragment of rim and one handle, evidence of the connection of the second handle. Vertical short handle with the right side more protruding, extended from the lower part of the rim to the shoulder. Short cylindrical neck, flaring in a quite horizontal shoulder.
Complete with nozzle, handle and two original holes for use
Miniature dimension. Round, outwards bulged ceramic disc, with very slightly everted, rounded rim and a moulded face at centre of the exterior. A small curved handle, running in a straight line, is attached to the rim and ends at the back side of the left forehead area and the right chin area.
Female dancer, slightly turned to her left in a likewise slight step position. Her right arm slopes down, her left arm is raised and she is looking to her left hand, which is bent backwards. A hole in mentioned hand gives rise to the suspicion that she is holding an (missing) object. There is another hole at her left heel.
Characteristic wedge-shaped lithic flake with one short and two long sides, linked with a rounded edge. Triangular elevated dorsal surface and flat ventral surface.
Characteristic slight triangular scraping tool, with two long sides and one serrated short side. Triangular elevated dorsal surface and flat ventral surface with bulbar scar.
Trapezoid axe shape, with two concave long sides and thin, slightly rounded serrated blade. Tetragonal dorsal surface and flat, slightly concave ventral surface.
Elongated microblade, serrated on one side and slightly rounded edge in section of bulbus. Triangular elevated dorsal surface and flat ventral surface.
Oblong microlith blade, rectangular, with one serrated long side. Flat ventral surface and two almost parallel grates on dorsal surface.
Microlith tool, with flat ventral surface and two dorsal-grates on surface, one rounded and one straight. The short sides are serrated, the long sides are slightly rounded cut off (one uneven and convex, the other concave).
Triangular and very coarsely worked artifact. Almost flat ventral surface and triangular elevated dorsal surface.
Ceramic figure of a camel, with raised head and straight posture. He is slightly craning his straightened head upwards, so that his broad neck is a little bent backwards. His eyes appear to be triangular but the iris is round. The mouth is slightly open. The saddle is just schematically depicted with a broad band surrounding the humps, both slightly tapering; the back hump is bent to the left, the front hump to the right. The tail leads down closed to his left leg. His legs are long and thin. There is a hole at the bottom of his rounded belly.
Small, relatively heavy metal horn; hollow inside. Moulded bulges line up along the curved body, probably to sketch the natural form, and lead to the rounded tip. Four holes surround the upper part of the horn (actually the end attached to the head). The horn ends with a flat rim.
Heavy Alabaster lid with slightly uneven rounded knob, which leads to a short stem. The stem curves into the diagonal lid with rounded rim and short, broad flange, slightly narrowing to its bottom. The underside is concave at centre.
Wide opened mouth with rounded everted lip. The broad, concave neck curves into an almost diagonal shoulder. The body is slightly angled at mid-section and leads directly to the ovoid base.
The distorted perspective and exaggerated forms of Stanford's carving overturn traditional archetypes of female beauty associated with Helen of Troy's face.
Stanford depicts Protesilaus, replete with geometric shield and baldric, gazing into the distance as swirling forms engulf his legs.
Memnon stands in the rigid posture of some Archaic Greek statues, with one leg slightly advanced.Stanford has depicted him arms missing, as if broken off. The small, square base on which he is positioned interrupts his legs just below the knee. Thus he evokes ancient sculpture as it so often reaches us: fractured, incomplete, and part buried. Yet he retains the lower half of his head, facing sideways. Part of his helmet is discernible, as are a stylised lock of hair and the inscrutable line of his mouth.
Carved stone sculpture of Memnon, naked, carved with the bottom half of the head, torso, and legs to the knees. Left arm absent from shoulder and right arm missing from just below the elbow. Legs on a plinth with MEMNON carved into it.
Broad projecting rim with flat upper surface, overhanging lip, and concave underside curving into a short narrow neck that broadens to an ovaloid body with rounded base; small round vertical handle is tucked in under the overhanging lip.
Chimney mouth (missing), offset slightly from a tall cylindrical neck, which broadens to a slightly diagonal shoulder. Small strap handle arches up from just below the mouth and rejoins at the bottom of the shoulder; below a carination at shoulder is a cylindrical body, tapering towards the base, and then sharply narrowing to a short stem, attached to a moulded pedestal foot, with a profile that is slightly convex; the slightly concave underside has a conical indentation at centre.
Cup mouth, cylindrical neck, to which inside of handle is attached and rises, rejoining at the shoulder; body with straight sides descending from carination at bottom of shoulder; lower body curves in to join molded pedestal foot, with slightly sloping upper surface, scotia above torus on vertical surface, and flat underside.
Small cup with rounded rim on a flaring lip that sharply joins a shallow bowl with bulging profile; two horizontal round handles, canted up, join at the broadest part of the bowl. The bowl has almost no stem but attaches directly to a raised ring base with diagonal profile, slightly convex resting surface, and slightly pointed underside.
Nearly conical shallow bowl, with a slightly incurving rounded rim, slightly convex side walls, and a thick, small foot, with straight sides on the exterior, tapered on the interior; pointed underside.
For shape cf. CVA France 6 (Ensenere) pl. 22 and Lamboglia (Atti di I congr. Intrem di Studi Liguri (1950) 39, forma 26.
Belly-handled jar. High outturned rim narrowing to a short neck; ovoid body, in the centre of which are attached two vertical round handles, canted; flat base, slightly concave. Cf. larger examples of this shape are in Toronto, Royal Ontario Museum 918.3.77 (Hayes 1984, 47, no. B29, ill.) and Orvieto, Querce inv. 398 (Camporeale 1970, 126 no. 136, fig. 59, pl. 32b).
Trefoil mouth at the back of which is attached an angular strap handle, that rises slightly and then descends sharply to join the lower shoulder; long neck that broadens gradually to a piriform body; short ring foot with rounded profile, flat resting surface, diagonal inside wall, and slightly convex underside.
Plain rim with flat lip, just below which is attached a horseshoe shaped horizontal handle, slightly canted and rising to just above the rim;.flattened hemispherical body attached to a ring foot, rounded on the outer surface, with a flat resting surface, and curved interior wall, offset from pointed underside.
Trefoil-lipped oinochoe with lid tricorn lid (RM.87.35.18B). Wide-bodied, with a tall curved handle, trefoil mouth, and tricorn lid. Body contracting to foot-ring. Cf. Payne NC fig. 10 A-H, esp G.
Trefoil lip oinochoe with lid; shallow sloping shoulder and wide body with wide base; curved handle.
Two handles, all black and one either side which start at base of body and curl up and over, higher than mouth with small spurs at the base. Mouth has wide rim.
Convex and large. The vessel has an incurving rim, very convex outside and well marked off from rest of bowl. The transition from bowl to and from stem to foot is an unbroken curve.
Rounded rim on everted, slightly overhanging lip that curves into a short, broad neck; two vertical strap handles rise up from the neck and rejoin at the shoulder; smooth join to barrel-shaped body; short ring foot, concave on the underside by convex at the centre.
Stemless. Two handles, one either side from well below the rim are bent up at the ends. Shallow body descending to a groove and then a rounded footring.
Mouth has flat rim and flares upwards.
Mouth has a rim that slopes downwards. Concave sides with two small lug handles, each placed ca. 1.5 cm below rim ; carination and further concave element near flat base.
Column krater. The handles have two bars of a cylindrical cross-section and adjoin in a square at the rim, having side-surfaces above the bars. The foot is in the shape of an inverted echinus, a cylindrical stand widening towards the bottom. There is also a plastic ring just below the lowest part of the body.
Rounded rim on tapered flange, below which the walls spread out to a thin element that would have supported the lid; just below this are attached two horizontal horseshoe-shaped strap handles, slightly canted upwards, to which spurs are attached on either side. The lower body is offset from the handle zone, rounded in the lower part where it sharply joins a moulded foot, with groove above a spreading upper part and a broader, rounded lower part, hollow on the interior, with a narrow resting surface, and a pointed, slightly offset underside.
Convex and large
Broad projecting rim with flat upper surface, overhanging lip, and concave underside curving into a short narrow neck that broadens to a globular body with rounded base; flat strap handle falls directly from the rim to the middle of the shoulder.
Type 8B oinochoe. Wide mouth with rounded, slightly overhanging rim flaring out from a broad neck, attached sharply to the top of the barrel-shaped body, with a moulded ring foot, with a vertical upper part and a grooved, slightly broadening lower part; narrow, flat resting surface; slightly concave underside. Two-piece handle, knotted at the top, splays at the attachment to the rim.
Rounded rim, slightly incurving, below which are attached two nearly triangular horizontal strap handles and ring base, canted slightly up; rounded body broadens slightly and then narrows to an angled ring foot, curved on the resting surface, and offset from the slightly convex underside. Body broader than standard Apulian shape, so that it can't fit easily into the sequence of Gnathian skyphoi.
Slim alabastron with narrow mouth, projecting rim, slightly convex on the upper surface, and beveled at the edge, flat on the underside; tall, slightly concave neck, offset from a tall ovoid body, with two small lug handles on the upper 1/4 of the body; molded pedestal foot is comprised of a tapering upper element broadening into a disk foot, with a diagonal outer surface, with three ridges, a flat resting surface, and a conical indentation on the underside.
Guttus type askos: swelling rounded body with bearing at the top a large relief medallion (frontal female mask with puffed cheeks and a lock of hair knotted over the forehead) offset and raised from the body; at a distance of ca. 0.5 cm are two incised lines beyond which the body is covered with fine vertical fluting down to its midpoint. A long diagonal spout with slightly concave sides rises obliquely from the shoulder below the medallion, and terminates in a three-stepped flanged mouth. A loop handle (semicircular in cross section) rises from the shoulder at a right angle to the spout. A tall thick foot, offset from the body, with a ridge at the halfway point broadens toward a ring base, slightly rounded on the exterior, with a concave underside offset from a concave element within the narrow resting surface.
The foot is particularly tall, and is ridged in the middle: otherwise in shape this askos corresponds to Morel's type 8141h 1 (Morel 1981, pl. 209).
Shallow ellipsoid bowl with rounded rim, underneath which are attached two horizontal round sections, curving up above the rim, rectangular in shape, and bent in at the tops. Deep angled ring foot, with a narrow, rounded resting surface, convex on the interior vertical surface, and flat on the underside.
Plain rounded rim, body nearly vertical at top and curving into a deep bowl, which narrows to a short stem attached to a disk foot with a rounded resting surface, small underside pointed at centre. Two horseshoe-shaped horizontal round handles, attached slightly below the rim.
Pyxis: Flanged rim widening to sharply curved shoulder, rounded below, and tapering to a flat base; round horizontal handles on either side pressed up against rim to form lugs. Lid: cylindrical knob attached to a disk.
Moulded knob, topped by a slightly rounded element with inset circle and conical indentation, on upper surface; lower part of knob curves into a nearly cylindrical stem offset from a diagonal lid, with a tapered lip, with a plain rim.
Broad rim, slightly convex on upper surface, ridged at the outside edge, with overhanging lip; neck, concave in profile, broadens to a nearly flat shoulder that curves sharply to an ovoid body, which narrows sharply at the bottom, where it is joined to a moulded pedestal foot with a splayed base and concave underside; upper part of foot has tapering straight sides; the profile of the base is decorated with two ridges. Two incurving horizontal handles, round in sectiona, are attached to the upper third of the body; a vertical handle, also round in section, emerges from the top of the neck and curves down to the lower part of the shoulder.
Flaring rounded rim with flat lip, narrowing to a funnel-shaped body that curves sharply in the lower part to a broad stem that flares into a molded pedestal base, with a slanted exterior, ridged on the upper part, and a concave underside, pointed at the centre; two incurving horizontal round handles are attached just above the centre of the body.
Trefoil mouth at the back of which is attached a nearly L-shaped strap handle, that begins above the height of the mouth and descends to join the lower shoulder; short neck broadening to a piriform body, ribbed below the shoulder under shortly above the foot; short ring foot with flat resting surface, diagonal inside wall, and slightly convex underside.
Central well, surrounded by a ridge, rising to broad rim with overhanging vertical lip, tapering slightly in; on the underside the plate curves to a short, thick stem that broadens to a moulded foot, concave and flaring on the exterior surface, hollowed on the interior, with a flat resting surface, pointed at centre of plate.
Cylindrical lid with inset flat top and raised edge, stepping down in three ridges, broader than the width of the walls; slightly tapering walls terminating in offset flanged rim.
Tall cylindrical neck offset from a squat body, with a curved shoulder, flange below the shoulder, concave side walls (offset at top and bottom), and a broader ring base, curved on the upper surface, with a broad resting surface, offset, slightly concave underside. From the front of the neck extends diagonally a tubular spout, squared at the end. From the back of the spout rises a high curving strap handle, rounded on the outside, which arches in a rectangular form, and descends sharply towards the lower part of the shoulder; which bends back on itself to attach to mouth and at the back to the lower part of the shoulder. Two moulded male heads, bearded, are found on either side of the upper handle attachment.
Broad rim with slightly convex, tapering upper surface, and overhanging concave lip; rim joins on either side with diagonal spurs at top of round columnar handles (two either side), which descend at a slight diagonal to the shoulder. Broad neck, slightly concave, attached sharply to short curving shoulder from which an ovoid body descends and tapers to the foot.
Flaring rim, curving continuously from the exterior, with an overhanging, convex lip, curving on the underside into a short, thick neck that broadens to a baggy body, sharply joined to a broad pedestal foot, flat on the upper surface, convex on the vertical surface, and hollowed slightly interior, with a cyma molding leading up to a flat underside.The triple-ridged strap handles rise up from the sides of the neck and rejoin at the shoulders.
According to Trendall and Cambitoglou, RFVA 1.278.149, this is a special lekythos shape. Cup mouth, slightly flaring at the top, with a broad rim, convex on the upper surface; the mouth is offset from a short cylindrical neck that broadens toward the bulbous squat body; short ring base, rounded in profile, with narrow, flat resting surface and recessed underside; strap handle rises from the upper part of the shoulder, along the side of the neck and curves to rejoins at the lowest part of the shoulder.
Moulded grooved rim, with a flat overhanging lip, atop a thin, nearly cylindrical neck, attached to an ovoid body, ridged at the top; raised base, with thin reseting surface and slightly pointed underside.
Flaring flat, broad lip with convex upper surface and and concave lower surface, curving into a cylindrical neck; vertical ribbon handle emerges from the rim and rejoins the bottom of the neck at a bulge, below which is a conical body, with a rounded base, and a slight conical indentation at the bottom.
Flaring broad lip with flat upper surface, tapering rim, and concave lower surface; pinched neck to which is attached a small lug handle, with a suspension hole; neck broadens to a baggy, ovoid body, with a rounded base.
Chimney mouth with everted lip, slightly concave on the upper surface, and ridged on the lower surface, offset from a tall cylindrical neck, which broadens to a flat shoulder. Small strap handle arches up from alongside the neck and rejoins at the bottom of the shoulder; below a carination at shoulder is a cylindrical body, tapering towards the base, and then sharply narrowing to a short stem.
Cup mouth, flaring at the top, with a broad rim, convex on the upper surface; the mouth is offset from a short cylindrical neck that broadens toward the squat, high shouldered body, from which it is offset; tall but narrow ring base with rounded resting surface and slightly convex underside; strap handle rises from the side of the neck and rejoins at the lowest part of the shoulder.
Large krater with everted mouth and downturned rim, two recurved horizontal round handles attached to the upper part of the cylindrical body, which narrows to ashort, broad stem that curves into a pedestal foot, with a recessed band above slightly tapering sides, hollowed within.
Overhanging everted lip with rounded rim curves sharply a near cylindrical body, narrowing to a tapering stem, which in turn is joined to a hollowed, moulded pedestal base;.the upper surface of the base is nearly flat, surrounded by a ridge and then a groove from which the nearly vertical sides descend; two incurving round horizontal handles are attached just above the middle of the body.
Type B, formerly known as 'glaux' variety. Slightly incurved rim, below which is attached a one side a round horseshoe-shaped handle, canted slightly up to the level of the rim, and on the other side a ridged strap handle that rejoins just above the middle of the body; convex side walls; torus ring foot with slightly convex underside.
Moulded female figurine with extended arms, wearing headdress. Flat, roughly worked back. Arm position suggests she may have been a singer, forming parts of a ring and is now broken from her base.
Male head, with oval eyes, large nose and faint smile.
Globular oinochoe of Archaic shape. Trefoil lip attached at the back to a broad strap handle, high swung and descending vertically to the middle of the shoulder; slight step at top of shoulder, below sharp join with cylindrical neck; squat body; broad, angled ring foot, with flat resting surface; slightly convex underside.
Trefoil lip attached at the the back to a broad, high curved strap handle that curves in slightly to the middle of the shoulder; short cylindrical neck joining stepped shoulder in a continuous curve; globular body curves into a short ring foot with diagonal resting surface and slightly concave underside.
Trefoil mouth at the back of which is attached a hook-shaped round handle that begins above the height of the mouth and turns back to join the shoulder, with a slight spur; short neck curving into a baggy body in a continuous curve; short ring foot with narrow, rounded resting surface, diagonal inside wall, and pointed underside. Handle attachment is indicative of the Dotted Spray Group
Rounded, slightly everted rim, below which are attached two horizontal handles, rounded on the outsides and slightly flattened on the insides, slightly canted and rising above the rim. Body bulges slightly below handles but otherwise tapers gradually to a thick raised base, which is slightly broader than the lowest part of the body. The underside is circumscribed with a lightly gouged band.
Globular body of Archaic shape, with trefoil lip, high swung, broad ribbon handle, moulded ring just below neck, and shallow flaring ring foot.
Beazley's shape 3 oinochoe (the commonest of black oinochoai) and Gill's shape 3. Cf. Agora P 10114: Agora 12, no. 115 (pl. 6)
Chimney mouth with everted lip, slightly concave on the upper surface, and ridged on the lower surface, offset from a tall cylindrical neck, which broadens to a flat shoulder. Small strap handle arches up from alongside the neck and rejoins at the bottom of the shoulder; below a carination at shoulder is a cylindrical body, slightly flaring at the shoulder, tapering towards the base, and then sharply narrowing to a short stem, attached to a moulded pedestal foot, comprised of a scotia above a torus; the flat base has a conical indentation at centre.
Chimney mouth (missing), offset from a tall cylindrical neck, which broadens to a flat shoulder. Small strap handle arches up from alongside the neck and rejoins at the bottom of the shoulder; below a carination at shoulder is a cylindrical body, tapering towards the base, and then sharply narrowing to a short stem, attached to a moulded pedestal foot, with a profile that is concave above convex; the flat base has a conical indentation at centre.
Cup mouth with flat lip, slightly offset from narrow neck, which broadens to a nearly flat shoulder; thin strap handle rises from under the cup mouth and rejoins at the lower part of the shoulder; below carination is a conical body, with concave side walls, tapering down, and straightening out towards the small disk foot, flaring on its upper edge, rounded on its vertical edge, and with a broad, flat resting surface; nipple at the centre of the underside.
Narrow cylindrical neck, broadens to a nearly flat shoulder; thin strap handle rises from the top of the neck and rejoins at the lower part of the shoulder; below carination is a conical body, tapering and then straightening out towards the small disk foot, flaring on its upper edge, rounded on its vertical edge, and with a broad, flat resting surface; nipple at the centre of the underside.
Narrow neck (mostly missing), broadens to a nearly flat shoulder; thin strap handle broadens and rejoins at the lower part of the shoulder; below carination is a conical body, tapering and then curving in to a short stem, attached to a small pedestal foot with a raised base; small nipple at the centre of the underside.
Narrow neck (mostly missing) broadens to a nearly flat shoulder; thin strap handle broadens and rejoins at the lower part of the shoulder; below carination is a conical body, tapering and then curving sharply into a short stem, attached to a small pedestal foot, tapering down, with a slightly raised base; small nipple at the centre of the underside.
Kalathos-shaped body, with a flaring rounded rim, to the top of which are attached the looped ends of a pair of strap handles, concave on their exterior surfaces; the tubular ends of the loops rejoin the middle of each handle, and below the bottom of each handle, attached at the bottom of the cup, is a spur. Below a carination, the bottom of the cup narrows to a nearly cylindrical stem, ridged at the center, below which it widens, and smoothly curves into the top of a moulded foot, with three ridges, of increasing diameter, on the exterior surface. Within the narrow resting surface is a concave underside, with a conical hollow at centre.
Central well, surrounded by a ridge and groove; walls rising to broad rim, just beyond a groove on the upper surface, with overhanging vertical lip, tapering slightly out; on the underside the plate is slightly convex and joins a short, thick, angled ring foot, with a tapering resting surface and a slightly convex, pointed underside.
Chimney mouth, bell-shaped, flaring at the top, with a broad rim, convex on the upper surface, and sloping in; the mouth is offset from a short neck that broadens toward the barrel-shaped body, from which it is also offset; thick disk foot, rounded in profile, with a thin resting surface, concave on the underside, pointed at centre; strap handle (missing) rose from the side of the neck and rejoined at the lowest part of the shoulder.
Flaring rim, with a flat lip on the upper surface, at the top of a tall neck with concave sides, alongside which is attached and rises a small strap handle (lopsided) that rejoins at the middle of the shoulder; sharply joins barrel-shaped body, above a broad ring base, convex in profile, with a thin resting surface and slightly concave underside.
Lekanis: slightly everted rim with diagonal flange, curves in to a shallow bowl; two flanged ribbon handles, attached horizontally just below rim; pronounced ring foot with vertical sides and raised underside. Lid: Moulded knob with deep circular depression; in centre of sloping lid, which steps down with three fasciae and then a convex lower part decorated with two incised bands; rounded rim.
Flanged rim and tapering body, to which are attached broad horizontal strap handles (rounded but almost oblong in shape), slightly canted upwards, with spurs on either side. The lower body is offset from the handle zone, rounded in the lower part where it attached to thick stem broadening to a moulded foot, with spreading upper part, slightly concave, and a broader, rounded lower part, broadening towards the base, with a conical depression on the interior, and a narrow resting surface
Plain rim, below which are attached two horizontal round handles; curved sides, nearly vertical at the top and tapering more sharply towards the angled ring foot. Shape corresponds to Corinth black-glazed skyphoi, group iii, although the pattern on this skyphos is quite different.
Rounded rim on tapered flange, below which the walls spread out to a thin element that would have supported the lid; just below this are attached two horizontal horseshoe-shaped strap handles, slightly canted upwards. The body is rounded in the lower part and sharply joins a moulded foot, with an angled upper part and a broader, rounded lower part, hollow on the interior, with a narrow resting surface.
Flanged rim and tapering body, to which are attached horizontal triangular strap handles, slightly canted upwards. The body narrows sharply to short stem, slightly offset from the top of a moulded foot, with a vertical exterior surface and a conical indentation on the underside, and a narrow resting surface.
Rounded rim, slightly incurved, on concave lip, below which are attached two horizontal round handles, oblong in shape, incurved and rising to the height of the rim; deep bowl joins a spreading, lipped torus ring foot.
Rounded rim, slightly incurved, on concave lip, below which are attached two horizontal round handles, oblong in shape, incurved and rising to the height of the rim; deep bowl joins a spreading, lipped torus ring foot.
Rounded everted rim on concave lip, below which are attached two horizontal round handles, oblong in shape, canted and slightly incurved, rising to just below the rim; deep bowl joins a spreading, lipped torus ring foot with a sloping resting surface.
Deep round mouth with concave lip, slightly overhanging, attached to a high swung vertical strap handle, which reattaches at the shoulder. Below the mouth is a short neck with a ridge, a globular body, slightly flattened, and a low, sharply angled ring foot. Corinth round-mouthed oinochoe, type A, group i: see Corinth 13, 131 fig. 14, 134.
Deep round mouth with concave lip, slightly overhanging attached to a high swung vertical ribbed handle, which reattaches at the shoulder. Below the mouth is a short neck with a ridge, a globular body, slightly flattened, and a low, sharply angled foot, with a flat base. Corinth round-mouthed oinochoe, type A, group i: see Corinth 13, 131 fig. 14, 134.
Upturned rim, slightly offset from the neck, which is cylindrical and nearly straight, joining an ovoid body, slightly baggy, supported by a broad ring base. Vertical strap handle, grooved, extends horizontally from the rim and curves back into the body, which it joins in the upper part.
Wide mouth with slightly concave lip, and a ridge from which descends a moulded, overhanging rim, which broadens. The rim is concave on the underside and curves into a broad neck that broadens to a piriform body. The vertical strap handle emerges from the rim and descends sharply to the bottom of the shoulder. The raised base is flat on the underside.
Wide-mouthed mug. Rounded outturned rim, narrowing at the neck and broadening to a baggy body, in a continuous curve down to the thick torus ring foot, with a thin resting surface, diagonal element, and offset underside; a vertical loop ribbon handle is tucked in just below the rim where it adjoins the upper half of the body.
Wide flaring mouth with rounded rim; short neck narrowing to sharp join to an ovoid body that tapers sharply at the bottom to a flat base; grooved just above the base. Two-piece strap handle splays at the attachment to the rim and rejoins the shoulder (for handle cf. RM.1950.25, which is, however, knotted).
Cup mouth with slighted everted, rounded rim, concave lip, narrows to neck, which flares to a top-heavy body; round vertical extends horizontally from the rim and descends in slight s-curve to the shoulder; slightly raised base with flat underside, worked with spiral pattern grooved in.
Deep round mouth with rounded rim, concave, slightly overhanging lip, attached to a high swung vertical strap handle, which reattaches at the shoulder. Below the mouth is a short neck with a ridge at the attachment to the globular body, slightly flattened, and a low, sharply angled foot with a flat base.Corinth round-mouthed oinochoe, type A, group i: see Corinth 13, 131 fig. 14, 134.
Moulded mouth, flares to tall rim, which narrows to a tall, cylindrical neck; neck curves gently into a sloping shoulder, grooved near the join to the body, which broadens slightly and then tapers, with slightly concave sides, to a slightly raised base, grooved on the resting surface, flat on the sunken underside.
Flaring broad lip with flat upper surface and a short rim curving into a cylindrical neck above a moulded ring, from which descends the conical body, narrowing slightly to a flat base, with a slightly bevelled edge.
Two thin vertical strap handles arch up from the top of a cylindrical neck, slightly offset at the bottom, and rejoin at the middle of a sloping shoulder; shoulder curves sharply into a conical body, slightly rounded at the bottom where it joins a short stem flaring to a disk foot, hollowed at the bottom.
Round uneven rim, lopsided diagonal walls, and a flat base; rough and bumpy on interior of bowl and base.
Round uneven rim, slightly incurving, lopsided tapering walls, convex at top and concave at bottom, and a flat base; rough and bumpy on upper part of interior walls.
Fragment. Head of woman. Hair centrally parted, waves and ringlets hanging over and below ears. Stephane and veil. Neck with Venus rings. Large eyes.
Corinthian type skyphos. Rounded incurved rim below which emerge two horizontal round handles, rising slightly; tall, thin-walled body bulges at top and tapers sharply to a flaring ring foot with a concave resting surface and raised underside.
Standing female figure, drapery knotted round hips, leaving one leg bare, and falling on left shoulder. Back plain, with hole for suspension. On right side, amphora with ridged neck.
Slightly flaring cup mouth, with a slightly convex upper surface; strap handle (lopsided) rises from the top of the neck and rejoins at the middle of the shoulder; cylindrical neck, broadening at the bottom, offset from the globular body, above a broad ring base, convex in profile, with a thin resting surface and slightly concave underside.
Cup mouth with flat rim, tall cylindrical neck, slightly widening at the top, curving into a diagonal shoulder, below which (from a carination) the body tapers slightly, and then curves sharply to join a tall moulded base, with straight sides, slightly concave on the underside, with a cylindrical depression; a vertical strap handle extends from the middle of the neck to the bottom of the shoulder, just above the carination.
Small bowl with inverted base and tiny rim. Tiny nub handle and five tiny points project from the rim.
Bowl with rounded body and no base. Wishbone handle and inward rim.
Jug with tall narrow tapering neck, beak spout, and bulbous body. Vertical strap handle joins the base of the neck near the spout and a thrid where the neck and body are joined.
Wide body that tapers at the bottom towards a slightly convex base. The rounded base forces the jug to lean to one side. The tall narrow neck has an everted rim. Single, wide flat strap handle joins the base of the rim and the shoulder.
Jug with ovoid body and everted rim and slightly concave circular foot. Single strap handle joins rim to centre of the body.
Cocked-hat lamp with a low body, wide rim, and slightly uneven base.
Slightly flaring body with a rounded base. Tall narrow neck and beak spout. Base is uneven and therefore the vessel leans to one side.
Spreading lip above long cylindrical neck, decorated with a moulded ring at the junction with the thin rounded vertical handle, which arches and rejoins at the broadest part of the biconical body; conical foot. Lopsided.
Continuously curving sides: flaring rim, rounded on the upper surface, broad cylindrical neck, nearly diagonal shoulders, ovoid body narrowing to a pinched stem, flaring base, flat (although rough and thus unstable) on the underside.
Cup mouth on cylindrical neck, slightly narrowing and then curving to a slightly diagonal shoulder; narrow strap handle extends from the middle of the neck to the bottom of the shoulder, just above a carination, from which descends the nearly straight side walls; body narrow sharply at the bottom to a short stem attached to a tall moulded base, which tapers down.
Horse and rider. Rider is comparatively smaller to horse and holding round the neck of the horse.
Circular deep body with small shallow nozzle which is slightly up turned at the tip. Large oval wick hole, filing hole is wide and circular, there is no discus. Ribbon handle around the back of the lamp, attaching to the shoulder in two places. Small, slightly uneven foot with a flat base slighitly carrinated.
Circular deep body with lower body wider than the upper. Flat , slightly concave rim to a large circular filling hole. nozzle is long and flat with small oval wick hole at the tip and a small depression at the end of the tip. Base is flat and circular, wheel or wire marks still exist on the base. Band handle is attached across the back of the lamp.
Circular body with small convex shoulder leading to a large circular filling hole. Nozzle is straight sided with a slightly dipped tip, level top and a oval wick hole. Handle was a horizontal band handle around the back. Base is circular, large and has a very slight depression.
Very small almost circular body, convex shoulder with large circular filling hole. Nozzle affects the circular shape of the body, almost forming a lip to the lamp, oval wick hole is pierced though lip and shoulder. Large circular foot, base is unturned and has wire cutting marks. Small kick in the base of the interior.
Small circular body, convex shoulder, concave rim leading to a large circular, central filling hole. Flat long nozzle with slightly down-turned oval wick hole and a rounded tip. Small circular strait sided foot with flat base.
Ovoid body with handle and nozzle included in the shape. Flat shoulder, raised rim of discus and slightly sunken discus with filling hole just off the central axis to the front right. Small straight sided nozzle, rounded tip with large, slightly oval wick hole. Small pinched vertical handle attaching from the discus down towards the base. Small unmarked circular base, slightly concave. joining marks still distinguishable.
Ovoid body, convex shoulder, medium rounded filling hole in the centre at the highest point. Nozzle is part of the body and is the most acute angle, elongated oval wick hole piercing the body. Irregular flat lateral pinched handle, base is a slightly raised ring mirroring the ovoid shape of the body.
Circular body with convex shoulder and small concave discus (filling hole is destroyed). Small deep nozzle rounded tip and sides, medium size circular wick hole. Small vertical handle with piercing, attached to the shoulder and to the body, extending towards the base. Single ring base.
Main body; circular with long nozzle, low girth, rim of large circular filling hole is stepped down from the shoulder. Nozzle is smooth and cylindrical with one side deeper than the other. Large circular, high vertical handle attached to the shoulder opposite the nozzle. Small slightly of centre foot is circular and has a concave base. Kick on the interior of the base.
Deep circular body, nearly straight convex shoulder and a deep concave discus with a small filling hole at the centre. Nozzle was flat and had a small round wick hole and probably a rounded tip. high vertical handle reaching down towards the base, circular piercing through the handle. Circular base is demarcated with a single line and is very slightly concave.
Circular deep body, convex shoulder, small circular concave discus with reasonably large central filling hole. Small rounded nozzle with a medium sized flat, circular wick hole, at base of nozzle there appears to be a small air hole. Flat vertical handle with circular piercing through it. Handle is high above the body and reaches down towards the base. Base is circular and flat, it is delineated by two moulded bands.
Ovoid body with handle and nozzle included in the shape. Flat shoulder, raised rim of discus and slightly sunken discus with filling hole just off the central axis to the front right. Small straight sided nozzle, rounded tip with large, slightly oval wick hole. Small pinched vertical handle attaching from the discus down towards the base. Small unmarked circular base, slightly concave. joining marks still distinguishable.
Main body; circular with long nozzle, low girth, rim of large circular filling hole is stepped down from the shoulder. Nozzle has concave sides, tip is splayed, large oval wick hole. Large circular, high vertical handle attached to the shoulder opposite the nozzle. Small foot is circular and has a concave base very small kick on the interior of the base.
Rough oval shape, straight sides, slightly upward sloping shoulder, raised rim that runs from the wick hole, around an almost circular discus area and then returns to the wick hole, this rim forms a slight rim for the wick hole too. In the centre of the discus area is small filing hole, the nozzle is deep and in the same form as the body with a large wick hole. Small circular ring base with slight depression. Lamp leans towards the left on the base.
Wide mouth with moulded, slightly concave lip, and slightly everted rim, below which the short vertical strap handle emerges, bends, and descends to the shoulder. Globular body attached to an angled ring foot. Shape similar to Corinthian round-mouthed oinochoe, type B (cf. Corinth 13, fig. 14), but with a slightly concave lip, and more globular than Corinth T1712: Corinth 13, 228 no. 296-2, pl. 41.
Short, baggy oinochoe with pinched, flaring trefoil lip from the back of which rose a (high swung) vertical strap handle, broad neck and a globular body, slightly elongated at the back where the handle reattaches; rounded base.
Trefoil mouth attached at the back to a high-swung vertical handle (missing) that reattached at the bottom of the diagonal shoulder; below carination, body bulges and then tapers to a flat base, slightly concave on the underside. For tall trefoil oinochoai see Corinth 13, 131 fig. 14, 133, e.g. Corinth T1298-99: Corinth 13, 312 nos. D 49-f-g, pl. 57.
Very small kotyle, with rounded rim, convex sides tapering to a short disk foot, with a flat underside; two triangular round handles attached vertically, just below the rim and rising slightly, just above the height of the body.
Very thin walls, with rounded rim, just below which are attached horizontal handles. Walls slightly concave, divided from a spreading, lipped torus ring foot, with a pointed resting surface, by a pair of grooves. This example corresponds to Ure's Class II.C skyphos, particularly (ii) which includes reddish-purple bands just below the level of the handles, perhaps a band at the bottom of the body where it joins the ring foot, and concentric purple bands on the underside (or plain black or reserved undersides). See Ure 1927, 24.
Deep skyphos. Thin rim, slightly averted, below which u-shaped round horizontal handles are attached, and rise slightly to just above the height of the walls. The sides, tapering down, are slightly convex at the top and concave below, terminating in a groove, just above the short raised base with a flat underside, grooved on the outside.
Large trefoil oinochoe. High swung strap handle emerges from below the trefoil mouth and reattaches at the middle of the shoulder; slightly concave neck with a step at the top of th the slightly sloping shoulder that curves continuously to a squat, rounded body; broad angled foot with slightly raised base.
Projecting rim, with rounded lip and with slightly concave mouth, from which emerges a narrow cylindrical neck, grooved at the base; sloping shoulder; narrow strap handle that curves down to the middle of the shoulder; globular body with a flat bottom.
Everted rounded rim with flat upper surface, tapering to a narrow neck that broadens to a piriform body, conical in the lower part, on a tall, slightly flaring foot, with a flat resting surface and conical depression with a nipple at the center.
Unguent Jar. Miniature amphora with an everted rim, long and narrow neck, and foot with a concave base. Handles on either side and completely attached to the upper body.
Rounded everted and very uneven rim; sides comprise two concave parts, the upper one larger; flat base with comb or wire marks.
Fragment of handle and adjacent part of rim.
Fat body that tapers gradually and then sharply towards the foot. Very heavy, dense material. Body is widest at shoulder and thinnest at base.
Everted rounded rim which tapers to a short neck and then broadens to a body with nearly vertical sides, slightly tapering to a flat base; round vertical handle, twisted, extends from the rim to the shoulder.
Everted thickened and rounded rim, from the back of which extends a round vertical handle that joins the body at the middle of the biconical body with a flat, rough base.
Bulbous vase, with rounded outturned rim, a tall cylindrical neck tapering down and then broadening to a baggy body with a narrow, flat base. Striations on the exterior indicate where the vase was scraped by the pottery during creation.
Round mouth with slightly flaring lip from which rises a vertical strap handle that reattaches at the bottom of the shoulder; mouth curves into a short, thin neck, which curves out sharply to sloping shoulders on top of a squat, rounded body; broad, slightly angled foot, with slightly concave base and wire marks.
Squat rounded body that tapers towards a ring base. Single strap handle joins the long narrow and leaning neck near the thick rim and shoulder.
Squat wide body that tapers towards a ring base. The body is flat and angled in places. Single-reliefed handle joins the long tapering neck near the thick rim and shoulder.
Palmette. Rounded rim on a concave lip, above shallow bowl; just below lip are attached two round horizontal handles, rectangular in shape, canted and slightly incurved, rising to just below the height of the rim. A short stem, slightly concave, attaches the bowl to a thick disk foot, with a groove at the outer edge of the vertical surface; broad, convex resting surface; hollowed through the middle of the stem.
Plain rounded rim; tapering walls, slightly concave, broaden slightly at the bottom of the bowl, which is moulded with two carinations; diagonal profile to bottom of bowl; tall cylindrical stem, slightly bulging at the middle, curves out to a flat disk foot, with rounded sides, but an indeterminate bottom. Two vertical strap handles swing up from the rim and rejoin the vase at the lower carination, where they comprise a smooth curve with the bottom of the bowl.
Skyphos or Kantharos? The rim is torus-shaped and sloping and the handle is vertical with a central rib.
The handles are riddled, of ellipsoid cross-section and upcurving
Roughly five sided, although actually seven sided, and looks roughly like an arrow.
(a) Part of a triple handle and part of the area of the body where it was joined. (b) Part of lower body area and ring-shaped base with a concave area, whose central, inflated part is pointed.
Two-handled skyphos. The double, riddled handle is of ellipsoid cross-section and curves upwards (higher than the body).
Two-handled skyphos. The handles are of ellipsoid cross-section, riddled and curving upwards (higher than the body). a) Part of the rim and body. c) Part of the body. d) One handle and part of the body. e) Part of the other handle. f) Tiny bit of the handle. g) Part of the handle and body.
Skyphos with ring-shaped foot and one or two handles, missing. a, b, d, and e) Parts of the rim and body. c)Part of the rim and body and the spring of one handle (completely missing). f) The largest part of the foot, base and lowest part of the body. g) Part of the lower body.
Round shape with triangular handles parallel to each other and a small circular base.
Body and base uniform in widths with a flat op/opening of same width. Small indentations at neck and between body and base of vase.
Neck and top section of the body. Top appears to have squared area; perhaps where a handle was connected.
Round but flattened body with a short, wide neck and flat, rounded base. Potentially once had a handle.
Rounded, flattened body with a short and wide neck. One side of the neck protrudes out further, indicating a handle?
Fragment of a mouth and neck
belly jar: ovoid body with a short neck and protunding edge, with a rounded base.
course jug with fat body, thick rim. The single handle reaches from the neck beneath the rim to the shoulder of the jug. The neck beneath the rim to the shoulder of the jug. The neck is as wide as the mouth, protunding edge; the base is smaller than the body and it is flat.
it is a oinochoe (a jar used for cooking or for the storage of water or foods). Body rounded, domed to 1/3 of the height, short neck, the rim is circular and made to pour the liquid, small handle.
the shape is similar to an askos (a jar used to pour wine or olive oil but askoi generally have a pouring spout wider and parallel to the handle, and they are very often zoomorphic), this is a cruet for daily use. Rounded body jar with flat base, a pouring spout and a bigger filling aperture; a single handle from the middle of the neck to the upper part of the body.
oinochoe with rounded body, circular mouth and flat base. Single handle from the mouth to the half-belly: small groove at the end of the neck.
belly jar, ovoid body with a short neck and protunding rime with a rounded base
Apulian/ Messapian ceramic jug, course jug with fat body, thick rim. The single handle reaches from the neck beneath the rim to the shoulder of the jug. The neck is as wide as the mouth; protunding rim; base is smaller than the body and it is flat
it is a oinochoe (a jar used for cooking or for the storage of liquid or food). Body rounded, domed to 1/3 of the height, short neck, the rim is circular and made to pour the liquids; flat base and one small handle
narrow-necked ampoule, without handle, the neck is long and thin, rounded body and flat base.
the shape is similar to an askos (a jar used to pour wine or olive oil but askoi generally have a pouring spout wider and parallel to the handle, and they are very often zoomorphic), this is a cruet for daily use. Rounded body jar with flat base, rounded neck to insert the oil, a pouring spout in the upper body to pour the olive oil; solid handle from the middle of the neck to the upper part of the body.
terracotta jug with rounded body, flat base and large neck; the handle is from the upper part of the neck to the upper part of the body, between the neck and the body there is a groove. There are seven fragment of the neck inside the jar.
amphora with rounded body, wider in the upper part; flat base, two symmetrical handles, the neck is smaller than the body and is partially broken; there is a groove between the neck and the body
wine jug with rounded body, wider at the middle of the body, with flat base and one handle from the upper part of the neck to the upper part of the body; there is a groove which divides the body from the neck; the rim of the neck is circular and made to pour the liquid
small spherical jug with flat base, small neck and one handle