Ure Museum Database

Accession_Number 47.6.2A-B
Shape Pyxis
Shape_description Powder pyxis (with slip-on lid); for another Sam Wide powder pyxis see London, British Museum E 814 (from Tanagra), showing Herakles at the fountain.T he lid is cylindrical with a plastic ring on the top. The body is conical and the base is a broad, disk-shaped, flat ring.
Material Terracotta
Fabric Corinthian
Munsell_color 7.5YR 8/6
Decoration Lid: Straight sides and a moulded rim at the top and bottom, both red. The plastic ring at the top of the lid black. The top is decorated with a depiction of a male figure, perhaps Dionysus (Ure) or Pan (Boardman) with horns springing from his head. He wears an animal skin (brownish dots) over his shoulders, with a hoof dangling. He seems to be stepping or sitting on another animal skin. In raised left hand he holds an indeterminate instrument (Ure: handleless fork; Boardman: syrinx) and he rests his right hand, brought before his body, on an oar-shaped object (trumpet; Ure: winnowing fan; Boardman: 'lagobolon'). To his left is the forepart of a pig (or dog?), and to his right, a basket with three corn stalks. There is also a red, thin line at the joining point of the plastic ring and the lid. The decoration of the side surface of the lid is a motif of vertical, hanging, wavy tongues, between reddish brown bands. There is also one inverted heart-shaped motif at some point between the tongues. Body: There is a red line at the rim and another one at half the way up the body, both on the inside and the outside. On the interior there are two, concentric, reddish-brown circles. Exterior: There is also a red line at the bottom of the body, while the disk-shaped ring is reddish-brown. Wide rim at base. Underside is reserved and central section flat.
Condition About two thirds of the top rim of the lid are missing, while one third of its side surface has been reconstructed. The rest of the lid has been repaired through the joining of three fragments; the figural scene has faded. The body is almost intact, only a small bit has been chipped off from the rim, three tiny bits have been pitted off and a small part of it has been reconstructed. The rim of the base also has some pitted off parts.
Technique/Style Outline technique
Period High Classical
Date 450-425
Artist Sam Wide Group: Sam Wide Painter; Herakles Painter
Attribution The name 'Herakles Painter', for the 'Sam Wide Painter', as suggested by A.N. Stillwell (see Corinth 15.3, 370 n. 1), has not yet been adopted.

Oblique view, from above, of a Corinthian 'Sam Wide' pyxis, showing the top of the lid, with a depiction of Pan (?).

Side view of Corinthian 'Sam Wide' vessels: a pyxis (47.6.2, left) and a cup (RM.87.35.11, right).

Corinthian 'Sam Wide' pyxis, opened, depicting Pan (?) on the lid.



Oblique view, from above, of a Corinthian 'Sam Wide' pyxis, showing the top of the lid, with a depiction of Pan (?).

Side view of a Corinthian 'Sam Wide' pyxis, with lid on.
Bibliography CVA Reading 1, pl. 16.4; A.D. Ure, JHS 69 (1949) 19 fig. 2a, 21 fig. 3; A.D. Ure, "The God with the Winnowing-fan," JHS 72 (1952) 121 (for the first correct identification of the Sam Wide Group as Corinthian) 121; CQ (1955); A.D. Ure, "A Corinthian Cup and a Euboean Lekythos," JHS 88 (1968) 140-41 n. 8; JHS 89(1969) 121; J. Boardman, "A Sam Wide Group Cup in Oxford," JHS 90 (1970) 194-95, pl. 2.3; Amyx 1988, 275.2; Corinth 15.3, 368.11; LIMC s.v. Pan (S) 60; Boardman 1998, 258-59, fig. 503.
Height 4.6
Diameters Lid 9.3 Rim (body) 7.8; plastic ring of base: 10.5
Other_dims. H. lid 3.7; H. pyxis 3.1
Location Greece
Edited_by Denise; Georgia; Karen; Joana Varela
Date_edited 09.06.2003; 05.04.2004; 19.04.2017
The Ure Museum is part of
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